2021-05-20 16:07:33 +02:00

699 lines
20 KiB

import * as assert from "assert";
import * as fs from "fs/promises";
import * as G from "glob";
import * as path from "path";
const verbose = process.argv.includes("--verbose");
const moduleCommentRe =
new RegExp(String.raw`\/\*\*\n` // start of doc comment
+ String.raw`((?: \*(?:\n| .+\n))+?)` // #1: doc comment
+ String.raw` \*\/\n` // end of doc comment
+ String.raw`declare module \"(.+?)\"`, // #2: module name
const docCommentRe =
new RegExp(String.raw`^( *)` // #1: indentation
+ String.raw`\/\*\*\n` // start of doc comment
+ String.raw`((?:\1 \*(?:\n| .+\n))+?)` // #2: doc comment
+ String.raw`\1 \*\/\n` // end of doc comment
+ String.raw`\1export (?:async )?function (\w+)` // #3: function name
+ String.raw`\((.*|\n[\s\S]+?^\1)\)` // #4: parameters
+ String.raw`(?:: )?(.+)[;{]$` // #5: return type (optional)
+ "|" // or
+ String.raw`^ *export namespace (\w+) {\n` // #6: namespace (alternative)
+ String.raw`^( +)`, // #7: namespace indentation
function countNewLines(text: string) {
let count = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
if (text.charCodeAt(i) === 10 /* \n */) {
return count;
const keyMapping: Record<string, keyof Builder.AdditionalCommand> = {
Command: "commands",
Commands: "commands",
Identifier: "identifier",
Identifiers: "identifier",
Keys: "keys",
Keybinding: "keys",
Keybindings: "keys",
Title: "title",
const valueConverter: Record<keyof Builder.AdditionalCommand, (x: string) => string> = {
commands(commands) {
return commands
.replace(/^`+|`+$/g, "")
.replace(/MAX_INT/g, `${2 ** 31 - 1}`); // Max integer supported in JSON.
identifier(identifier) {
return identifier.replace(/^`+|`+$/g, "");
keys(keys) {
return keys;
title(title) {
return title;
qualifiedIdentifier(qualifiedIdentifier) {
return qualifiedIdentifier;
line() {
throw new Error("this should not be called");
function parseAdditional(qualificationPrefix: string, text: string, textStartLine: number) {
const lines = text.split("\n"),
additional: Builder.AdditionalCommand[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
const line = lines[i];
if (line.length > 2 && line.startsWith("| ") && line.endsWith(" |")) {
const keys = line
.slice(2, line.length - 2) // Remove start and end |.
.split(" | ") // Split into keys.
.map((k) => keyMapping[k.trim()]); // Normalize keys.
if (/^\|[-| ]+\|$/.test(lines[i])) {
while (i < lines.length) {
const line = lines[i];
if (!line.startsWith("| ") || !line.endsWith(" |")) {
const obj: Builder.AdditionalCommand = { line: textStartLine + i },
values = line.slice(2, line.length - 2).split(" | ");
for (let j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
const key = keys[j],
value = valueConverter[key](values[j].trim());
(obj as Record<string, any>)[key] = value;
if ("identifier" in obj) {
obj.qualifiedIdentifier = qualificationPrefix + obj.identifier;
return additional;
* Parses all the doc comments of functions in the given string of TypeScript
* code. Examples will be parsed using the given function.
function parseDocComments(code: string, modulePath: string) {
let moduleDoc: string,
moduleDocStartLine: number,
moduleName: string;
const moduleHeaderMatch = moduleCommentRe.exec(code);
if (moduleHeaderMatch !== null) {
moduleDoc = moduleHeaderMatch[1].split("\n").map((line) => line.slice(3)).join("\n");
moduleDocStartLine = code.slice(0, moduleHeaderMatch.index).split("\n").length + 2;
moduleName = moduleHeaderMatch[2].replace(/^\.\//, "");
} else {
moduleDoc = "";
moduleDocStartLine = 0;
moduleName = path.basename(modulePath, ".ts");
if (verbose) {
console.log("Parsing doc comments in module", moduleName);
const modulePrefix = moduleName === "misc" ? "" : moduleName + ".";
const functions: Builder.ParsedFunction[] = [],
namespaces: string[] = [];
let previousIndentation = 0;
for (let match = docCommentRe.exec(code); match !== null; match = docCommentRe.exec(code)) {
const indentationString = match[1],
docCommentString = match[2],
functionName = match[3],
parametersString = match[4],
returnTypeString = match[5],
enteredNamespace = match[6],
enteredNamespaceIndentation = match[7],
startLine = countNewLines(code.slice(0, match.index)),
endLine = startLine + countNewLines(match[0]);
if (enteredNamespace !== undefined) {
previousIndentation = enteredNamespaceIndentation.length;
const indentation = indentationString.length,
namespace = namespaces.length === 0 ? undefined : namespaces.join("."),
returnType = returnTypeString.trim(),
parameters = parametersString
.map((p) => p.trim())
.filter((p) => p.length > 0)
.map((p) => {
let match: RegExpExecArray | null;
if (match = /^(\w+\??|.+[}\]]): *(.+)$/.exec(p)) {
return match.slice(1) as [string, string];
if (match = /^(\w+) *= *(\d+|true|false)$/.exec(p)) {
const type = match[2] === "true" || match[2] === "false"
? "Argument<boolean>"
: "number";
return [match[1], `${type} = ${match[2]}`] as [string, string];
if (match = /^(\w+) *= *(\w+)\.([\w.]+)$/.exec(p)) {
return [match[1], `${match[2]} = ${match[2]}.${match[3]}`] as [string, string];
if (match = /^(\.\.\.\w+): *(.+)$/.exec(p)) {
return [match[1], match[2]] as [string, string];
throw new Error(`unrecognized parameter pattern ${p}`);
docComment = docCommentString
.map((line) => line.slice(indentation).replace(/^ \* ?/g, ""))
if (previousIndentation > indentation) {
previousIndentation = indentation;
for (const parameter of parameters) {
if (parameter[0].endsWith("?")) {
// Optional parameters.
parameter[0] = parameter[0].slice(0, parameter[0].length - 1);
parameter[1] += " | undefined";
} else {
const match = /^(.+?)\s+=\s+(.+)$/.exec(parameter[1]);
if (match !== null) {
// Optional parameters with default values.
parameter[1] = match[1] + " | undefined";
const splitDocComment = docComment.split(/\n### Example\n/gm),
properties: Record<string, string> = {},
doc = splitDocComment[0].replace(/^@(param \w+|\w+)(?:\n| ((?:.+\n)(?: {2}.+\n)*))/gm,
(_, k: string, v: string) => {
properties[k] = v?.replace(/\n {2}/g, " ").trim();
return "";
summary = /((?:.+(?:\n|$))+)/.exec(doc)![0].trim().replace(/\.$/, ""),
examplesStrings = splitDocComment.slice(1),
nameWithDot = functionName.replace(/_/g, ".");
let qualifiedName = modulePrefix;
if (namespace !== undefined) {
qualifiedName += namespace + ".";
if (nameWithDot === moduleName) {
qualifiedName = qualifiedName.replace(/\.$/, "");
} else {
qualifiedName += nameWithDot;
name: functionName,
examples: examplesStrings,
additional: parseAdditional(modulePrefix, splitDocComment[0], startLine),
returnType: returnType.length === 0 ? undefined : returnType,
docCommentRe.lastIndex = 0;
return {
path: path.relative(path.dirname(__dirname), modulePath).replace(/\\/g, "/"),
name: moduleName,
doc: moduleDoc,
additional: parseAdditional(modulePrefix, moduleDoc, moduleDocStartLine),
functionNames: [ Set( =>],
get commands() {
return getCommands(this);
get keybindings() {
return getKeybindings(this);
} as Builder.ParsedModule;
* Mapping from character to corresponding VS Code keybinding.
export const specialCharacterMapping = {
"~": "s-`",
"!": "s-1",
"@": "s-2",
"#": "s-3",
"$": "s-4",
"%": "s-5",
"^": "s-6",
"&": "s-7",
"*": "s-8",
"(": "s-9",
")": "s-0",
"_": "s--",
"+": "s-=",
"{": "s-[",
"}": "s-]",
"|": "s-\\",
":": "s-;",
'"': "s-'",
"<": "s-,",
">": "s-.",
"?": "s-/",
* RegExp for keys of `specialCharacterMapping`.
export const specialCharacterRegExp = /[~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?]/g;
* Async wrapper around the `glob` package.
export function glob(pattern: string, ignore?: string) {
return new Promise<string[]>((resolve, reject) => {
G(pattern, { ignore }, (err, matches) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(matches));
* A class used in .build.ts files.
export class Builder {
private _apiModules?: Builder.ParsedModule[];
private _commandModules?: Builder.ParsedModule[];
* Returns all modules for API files.
public async getApiModules() {
if (this._apiModules !== undefined) {
return this._apiModules;
const apiFiles = await glob(`${__dirname}/src/api/**/*.ts`, /* ignore= */ "**/*.build.ts"),
apiModules = await Promise.all( =>
fs.readFile(filepath, "utf-8").then((code) => parseDocComments(code, filepath))));
return this._apiModules = apiModules.sort((a, b) =>;
* Returns all modules for command files.
public async getCommandModules() {
if (this._commandModules !== undefined) {
return this._commandModules;
const commandsGlob = `${__dirname}/src/commands/**/*.ts`,
commandFiles = await glob(commandsGlob, /* ignore= */ "**/*.build.ts"),
allCommandModules = await Promise.all( =>
fs.readFile(filepath, "utf-8").then((code) => parseDocComments(code, filepath)))),
commandModules = allCommandModules.filter((m) => m.doc.length > 0);
return this._commandModules = commandModules.sort((a, b) =>;
export namespace Builder {
export interface ParsedFunction {
readonly namespace?: string;
readonly name: string;
readonly nameWithDot: string;
readonly qualifiedName: string;
readonly startLine: number;
readonly endLine: number;
readonly doc: string;
readonly properties: Record<string, string>;
readonly summary: string;
readonly examples: string[];
readonly additional: AdditionalCommand[];
readonly parameters: readonly [name: string, type: string][];
readonly returnType: string | undefined;
export interface AdditionalCommand {
title?: string;
identifier?: string;
qualifiedIdentifier?: string;
keys?: string;
commands?: string;
line: number;
export interface ParsedModule {
readonly path: string;
readonly name: string;
readonly doc: string;
readonly additional: readonly AdditionalCommand[];
readonly functions: readonly ParsedFunction[];
readonly functionNames: readonly string[];
readonly commands: {
readonly id: string;
readonly title: string;
readonly when?: string;
readonly keybindings: {
readonly title?: string;
readonly key: string;
readonly when: string;
readonly command: string;
readonly args?: any;
* Parses the short "`s-a-b` (mode)"-like syntax for defining keybindings into
* a format compatible with VS Code keybindings.
export function parseKeys(keys: string) {
if (keys.length === 0) {
return [];
return keys.split(/ *, (?=`)/g).map((keyString) => {
const match = /^(`+)(.+?)\1 \((.+?)\)$/.exec(keyString)!,
keybinding = match[2].trim().replace(
specialCharacterRegExp, (m) => (specialCharacterMapping as Record<string, string>)[m]);
// Reorder to match Ctrl+Shift+Alt+_
let key = "";
if (keybinding.includes("c-")) {
key += "Ctrl+";
if (keybinding.includes("s-")) {
key += "Shift+";
if (keybinding.includes("a-")) {
key += "Alt+";
const remainingKeybinding = keybinding.replace(/[csa]-/g, ""),
whenClauses = ["editorTextFocus"];
for (const tag of match[3].split(", ")) {
switch (tag) {
case "normal":
case "insert":
case "input":
whenClauses.push(`dance.mode == '${tag}'`);
case "recording":
throw new Error("unknown keybinding tag " + tag);
key += remainingKeybinding[0].toUpperCase() + remainingKeybinding.slice(1);
return {
when: whenClauses.join(" && "),
* Returns all defined commands in the given module.
function getCommands(module: Omit<Builder.ParsedModule, "commands">) {
// TODO: improve conditions
return [ => ({
id: `dance.${f.qualifiedName}`,
title: f.summary,
when: "dance.mode == 'normal'",
.concat(...module.functions.flatMap((f) => f.additional))
.filter((a) => a.identifier !== undefined && a.title !== undefined)
.map((a) => ({
id: `dance.${a.qualifiedIdentifier}`,
title: a.title!,
when: "dance.mode == 'normal'",
].sort((a, b) =>;
* Returns all defined keybindings in the given module.
function getKeybindings(module: Omit<Builder.ParsedModule, "keybindings">) {
return [
...module.functions.flatMap((f) => parseKeys( ?? "").map((key) => ({
title: f.summary,
command: `dance.${f.qualifiedName}`,
.concat(...module.functions.flatMap((f) => f.additional))
.flatMap(({ title, keys, commands, qualifiedIdentifier }) => {
const parsedKeys = parseKeys(keys ?? "");
if (qualifiedIdentifier !== undefined) {
return => ({
command: `dance.${qualifiedIdentifier}`,
const parsedCommands =
JSON.parse("[" + commands!.replace(/(\w+):/g, "\"$1\":") + "]") as any[];
if (parsedCommands.length === 1) {
let [command]: [string] = parsedCommands[0];
if (command[0] === ".") {
command = "dance" + command;
return => ({
args: parsedCommands[0][1],
return => ({
command: "",
args: {
commands: parsedCommands,
].sort((a, b) => a.command.localeCompare(b.command));
* Given a multiline string, returns the same string with all lines starting
* with an indentation `>= by` reduced by `by` spaces.
export function unindent(by: number, string: string) {
return string.replace(new RegExp(`^ {${by}}`, "gm"), "").replace(/^ +$/gm, "");
* Updates a .build.ts file.
async function buildFile(fileName: string, builder: Builder) {
const relativeName = path.relative(__dirname, fileName),
relativeNameWithoutBuild = relativeName.replace(/build\.ts$/, ""),
modulePath = `./${relativeNameWithoutBuild}build`;
// Clear module cache if any.
delete require.cache[require.resolve(modulePath)];
const module: { build(builder: Builder): Promise<string> } = require(modulePath),
generatedContent = await;
if (typeof generatedContent === "string") {
// Write result of `build` to the first file we find that has the same name
// as the build.ts file, but with any extension.
const prefix = path.basename(relativeNameWithoutBuild),
outputName = (await fs.readdir(path.dirname(fileName)))
.find((path) => path.startsWith(prefix) && !path.endsWith(".build.ts"))!,
outputPath = path.join(path.dirname(fileName), outputName),
outputContent = await fs.readFile(outputPath, "utf-8"),
outputContentHeader =
/^[\s\S]+?\n.+Content below this line was auto-generated.+\n/m.exec(outputContent)![0];
await fs.writeFile(outputPath, outputContentHeader + generatedContent, "utf-8");
* The main entry point of the script.
async function main() {
let success = true;
const ensureUpToDate = process.argv.includes("--ensure-up-to-date"),
check = process.argv.includes("--check"),
buildIndex = process.argv.indexOf("--build"),
build = buildIndex === -1 ? "**/*.build.ts" : process.argv[buildIndex + 1];
const contentsBefore: string[] = [],
fileNames = [
if (ensureUpToDate) {
contentsBefore.push(...await Promise.all( => fs.readFile(name, "utf-8"))));
const builder = new Builder(),
filesToBuild = await glob(__dirname + "/" + build),
buildErrors: unknown[] = [];
await Promise.all( => buildFile(path, builder).catch((e) => buildErrors.push(e))));
if (buildErrors.length > 0) {
if (ensureUpToDate) {
const contentsAfter = await Promise.all( => fs.readFile(name, "utf-8")));
for (let i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++) {
if (verbose) {
console.log("Checking file", fileNames[i], "for diffs...");
// The built-in "assert" module displays a multiline diff if the strings
// are different, so we use it instead of comparing manually.
assert.strictEqual(contentsBefore[i], contentsAfter[i]);
if (check) {
const filesToCheck = await glob(
`${__dirname}/src/commands/**/*.ts`, /* ignore= */ "**/*.build.ts"),
contentsToCheck = await Promise.all( => fs.readFile(f, "utf-8")));
for (let i = 0; i < filesToCheck.length; i++) {
const fileToCheck = filesToCheck[i],
contentToCheck = contentsToCheck[i];
if (contentToCheck.includes("editor.selections")) {
console.error("File", fileToCheck, "includes forbidden access to editor.selections.");
success = false;
return success;
if (require.main === module) {
main().then((success) => {
if (!process.argv.includes("--watch")) {
process.exit(success ? 0 : 1);
import("chokidar").then((chokidar) => {
const watcher =[
], {
ignored: "src/commands/load-all.ts",
let isGenerating = false;
watcher.on("change", async (path) => {
if (isGenerating) {
console.log("Change detected at " + path + ", updating generated files...");
isGenerating = true;
try {
await main();
} finally {
isGenerating = false;