2020-08-20 19:28:27 +02:00
suite Fix some lints. 2020-08-20 19:28:27 +02:00 Add tests; refactor. 2020-04-15 00:51:48 +02:00
run.ts Fix imports and ESLint. 2020-04-16 22:20:39 +02:00

Writing command tests

Command tests are plain text files that are separated in several sections.


Each section has a name, which is any string that has no whitespace.

Except for the first section (implicitly named 0 or root), each section is associated with some transition that consists of several Dance commands to run.

For instance, let's look at the following code:


//== 0 > 1

//== 1 > 2

//== 1 > 3

It defines three sections:

  • 1, which is reached after executing from section 0.
  • 2, which is reached after executing from section 1.
  • 3, which is reached after executing and then from section 1.

As you can see, several sections can depend on the same parent section. Do note that sections must be defined in order; that is, a section a cannot depend on a section b if section b is defined after a.

Section content

Each section has content (the ... in the example above). That content is plain text to which one or more selections must be added using a {...} / |{...} syntax, where ... is a number.

{0} represents the anchor of the 1st selection, and |{2} represents the active position of the 3rd selection.

Selections can be given in any order, but must be complete; that is, if a selection 3 is given, then the selections 0, 1, and 2 must be defined at some point too. The anchor can be omitted, and will default to the active position.

Tests generation

For each transition, a test will be generated making sure that executing the corresponding commands will lead to some document with selections at some locations.

Let's look at the following code:


//== 0 > 1
//= dance.right

//== 1 > 2
//= dance.delete.yank

The first generated test asserts that calling dance.right in the document foo where f is the main selection leads to a document foo with the first o selected.

The second generated test asserts that calling dance.delete.yank in the document foo where the first o is the main selection leads to a document fo with o selected.