@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
name: Deploy Docs Deployment
branches: [ "main" ]
- 'docs/**'
environment: production
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install Vercel CLI
run: npm install --global vercel@latest
- name: Pull Vercel Environment Information
run: vercel pull --yes --environment=production --token=${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }}
- name: Build Project Artifacts
run: vercel build --prod --token=${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }}
- name: Deploy Project Artifacts to Vercel
run: vercel deploy --prebuilt --prod --token=${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }}
# name: Deploy Docs Deployment
# env:
# VERCEL_ORG_ID: ${{ secrets.VERCEL_ORG_ID }}
# on:
# push:
# branches: [ "main" ]
# paths:
# - 'docs/**'
# jobs:
# Deploy-Preview:
# environment: production
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Install Vercel CLI
# run: npm install --global vercel@latest
# - name: Pull Vercel Environment Information
# run: vercel pull --yes --environment=production --token=${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }}
# - name: Build Project Artifacts
# run: vercel build --prod --token=${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }}
# - name: Deploy Project Artifacts to Vercel
# run: vercel deploy --prebuilt --prod --token=${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
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"python.linting.flake8Enabled": true,
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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
Quivr, your second brain, utilizes the power of GenerativeAI to be your personal assistant ! Think of it as Obsidian, but turbocharged with AI capabilities.
[Roadmap here](https://brain.quivr.app/docs/roadmap)
[Roadmap here](https://docs.quivr.app/docs/roadmap)
## Key Features 🎯
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ https://github.com/StanGirard/quivr/assets/19614572/a6463b73-76c7-4bc0-978d-7056
Follow these instructions to get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
You can find everything on the [documentation](https://brain.quivr.app/).
You can find everything on the [documentation](https://docs.quivr.app/).
### Prerequisites 📋
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Did you get a pull request? Open it, and we'll review it as soon as possible. Ch
- [Good First Issues](https://github.com/StanGirard/quivr/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22)
- [Frontend Issues](https://github.com/StanGirard/quivr/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Afrontend)
- [Backend Issues](https://github.com/StanGirard/quivr/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Abackend)
- [Translate](https://brain.quivr.app/docs/Developers/contribution/guidelines#translations)
- [Translate](https://docs.quivr.app/docs/Developers/contribution/guidelines#translations)
## Partners ❤️
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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Users can create multiple chat sessions, each with its own set of chat messages.
- Description: This endpoint allows adding a new question to a chat. It generates an answer for the question using different models based on the provided model type.
Models like gpt-4-0613 and gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 use a custom OpenAI function-based answer generator.
![Function based answer generator](../../../static/img/answer_schema.png)
![Function based answer generator](/img/answer_schema.png)
6. **Get the chat history:**
- HTTP method: GET
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
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"position": 3,
"link": {
"type": "generated-index",
"description": "How to use Quivr as a Dev ?"
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"label": "Chat to Quivr with ...",
"position": 3,
"link": {
"type": "generated-index",
"description": "Connect Quivr to anything"
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"label": "Contributor Onboarding",
"position": 1,
"link": {
"type": "generated-index",
"description": "Want to contribute to Quivr? Here's how to get started."
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"label": "Chains",
"position": 5,
"link": {
"type": "generated-index",
"description": "What are chains?"
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
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"type": "generated-index"
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# Introduction
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"label": "LLM",
"position": 6,
"link": {
"type": "generated-index",
"description": "How does the LLM (Large Language Model Work)?"
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"label": "Self host Quivr",
"position": 3,
"link": {
"type": "generated-index",
"description": "How to use Quivr as a Dev ?"
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"label": "Use Quivr Backend",
"position": 2,
"link": {
"type": "generated-index",
"description": "Quivr is 100% API driven, so you can use it with any frontend framework or language."
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"label": "Brain",
"position": 3,
"link": {
"type": "generated-index",
"description": "A brain groups all your knowledge in a single place. You can create as many brains as you want, and each brain can have its own set of knowledge."
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"label": "📚 User Guide",
"position": 2,
"link": {
"type": "generated-index",
"description": "How to start using Quivr"
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title: 🚀 Welcome to Quivr
description: Quivr is your Second Brain that can acts as your personal assistant.
Normal file
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"group": "How to use Quivr",
"pages": [
"group": "Contribute",
"pages": [
"group": "Chains",
"pages": [
"group": "LLM",
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"group": "Self Hosting",
"pages": [
"group": "Integrating",
"pages": [
"group": "Brains",
"pages": [
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* Creating a sidebar enables you to:
- create an ordered group of docs
- render a sidebar for each doc of that group
- provide next/previous navigation
The sidebars can be generated from the filesystem, or explicitly defined here.
Create as many sidebars as you want.
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tutorialSidebar: [{type: 'autogenerated', dirName: '.'}],
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tutorialSidebar: [
type: 'category',
label: 'Tutorial',
items: ['tutorial-basics/create-a-document'],
module.exports = sidebars;
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
import clsx from 'clsx';
import React from 'react';
import styles from './styles.module.css';
const FeatureList = [
title: 'Universal Data Acceptance',
description: (
Quivr can handle almost any type of data you throw at it. Text, images,
code snippets, we've got you covered.
title: 'Generative AI',
description: (
Quivr employs advanced AI to assist you in generating and retrieving information.
title: 'Fast and Efficient',
description: (
Designed with speed and efficiency at its core. Quivr ensures rapid access to your data.
title: 'Secure',
description: (
Your data, your control. Always.
title: 'File Compatibility',
description: (
Quivr is compatible with Text, Markdown, PDF, Powerpoint, Excel, Word, Audio, and Video files.
title: 'Open Source',
description: (
Freedom is beautiful, so is Quivr. Open source and free to use.
function Feature({ title, description}) {
return (
<div className={clsx('col col--4')}>
<div className="text--center">
<div className="text--center padding-horiz--md">
export default function HomepageFeatures() {
return (
<section className={styles.features}>
<div className="container">
<div className="row">
{FeatureList.map((props, idx) => (
<Feature key={idx} {...props} />
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
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padding: 2rem 0;
width: 100%;
.featureSvg {
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
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* bundles Infima by default. Infima is a CSS framework designed to
* work well for content-centric websites.
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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
import { Redirect } from "@docusaurus/router";
import React from "react";
export default function Home() {
return <Redirect to="docs/intro.html" />;
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
* CSS files with the .module.css suffix will be treated as CSS modules
* and scoped locally.
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padding: 4rem 0;
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overflow: hidden;
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@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
title: Markdown page example
# Markdown page example
You don't need React to write simple standalone pages.
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@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
"api_brain": {
"addRow": "Add row",
"description": "Description",
"name": "Name",
"required": "Required",
"type": "Type",
"value": "Value"
"brain_library_button_label": "Explore",
"brain_management_button_label": "Brains management",
"brain_params": "Brain params",
"brain_status_label": "Access",
"brain_type": "Type of brain",
"brainCreated": "Brain created successfully",
"brainDescription": "Description",
"brainDescriptionPlaceholder": "My new brain is about...",
"brainName": "Brain name",
"brainNamePlaceholder": "E.g. History notes",
"brainUndefined": "Brain is undefined",
"cancel_set_brain_status_to_private": "No, keep it public",
"cancel_set_brain_status_to_public": "No, keep it private",
"composite_brain_composition_invitation": "Connect your new brain to other existing brains from your library by selecting them.",
"confirm_set_brain_status_to_private": "Yes, set as private",
"confirm_set_brain_status_to_public": "Yes, set as public",
"copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
"defaultBrain": "Default Brain",
"empty_brain_description": "No description",
"errorCreatingBrain": "Error occurred while creating a brain",
"errorFetchingBrainUsers": "An error occurred while fetching brain users",
"errorSendingInvitation": "An error occurred while sending invitations",
"explore_brains": "Explore Quivr community brains",
"inviteUsers": "Add new users",
"knowledge_source_api": "App (Through API)",
"knowledge_source_composite_brain": "Agent",
"knowledge_source_doc": "Documents",
"knowledge_source_label": "Knowledge source",
"manage_brain": "Manage brain",
"myBrains": "My Brains",
"newBrain": "Add New Brain",
"newBrainSubtitle": "Create a new space for your data",
"newBrainTitle": "Add New Brain",
"noBrainUsers": "No brainUsers",
"private_brain_description": "Accessible for you and the people you share it with",
"private_brain_label": "Private",
"public_brain_already_subscribed_button_label": "Subscribed",
"public_brain_description": "The brain will be shared with the Quivr community",
"public_brain_label": "Public",
"public_brain_last_update_label": "Last update",
"public_brain_subscribe_button_label": "Subscribe",
"public_brain_subscription_success_message": "You have successfully subscribed to the brain",
"public_brains_search_bar_placeholder": "Search public brains",
"resources": "Ressource",
"searchBrain": "Search for a brain",
"secrets_update_error": "Error while updating secrets",
"secrets_updated": "Secrets updated",
"set_brain_status_to_private_modal_description": "Every Quivr users won't be able to use this brain anymore and they won't see it in the brain library.",
"set_brain_status_to_private_modal_title": "Are you sure you want to set this as <span class='text-primary'>Private</span>?<br/><br/>",
"set_brain_status_to_public_modal_description": "Every Quivr user will be able to:<br/>- Subscribe to your brain in the 'brains library'.<br/>- Use this brain and check the prompt and model configurations.<br/><br/>They won't have access to your uploaded files and people section.",
"set_brain_status_to_public_modal_title": "Are you sure you want to set this as <span class='text-primary'>Public</span>?<br/><br/>",
"setDefaultBrain": "Set as default brain",
"shareBrain": "Share brain {{name}}",
"shareBrainLink": "Click to copy link to share your brain",
"shareBrainUsers": "Users with access",
"update_secrets_button": "Update secrets",
"update_secrets_message": "Enter your secret. This information is required to identify you when calling the API",
"userRemoved": "Removed {{email}} from brain",
"userRemoveFailed": "Failed to remove {{email}} from brain",
"userRoleUpdated": "Updated {{email}} to {{newRole}}",
"userRoleUpdateFailed": "Failed updating {{email}} to {{newRole}} ",
"usersInvited": "Users successfully invited",
"usersWithAccess": "Users with access"
"api_brain": {
"addRow": "Add row",
"description": "Description",
"name": "Name",
"required": "Required",
"type": "Type",
"value": "Value"
"brain_library_button_label": "Explore",
"brain_management_button_label": "Brains management",
"brain_params": "Brain params",
"brain_status_label": "Access",
"brain_type": "Type of brain",
"brainCreated": "Brain created successfully",
"brainDescription": "Description",
"brainDescriptionPlaceholder": "My new brain is about...",
"brainName": "Brain name",
"brainNamePlaceholder": "E.g. History notes",
"brainUndefined": "Brain is undefined",
"cancel_set_brain_status_to_private": "No, keep it public",
"cancel_set_brain_status_to_public": "No, keep it private",
"composite_brain_composition_invitation": "Connect your new brain to other existing brains from your library by selecting them.",
"confirm_set_brain_status_to_private": "Yes, set as private",
"confirm_set_brain_status_to_public": "Yes, set as public",
"copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
"defaultBrain": "Default Brain",
"empty_brain_description": "No description",
"errorCreatingBrain": "Error occurred while creating a brain",
"errorFetchingBrainUsers": "An error occurred while fetching brain users",
"errorSendingInvitation": "An error occurred while sending invitations",
"explore_brains": "Explore Quivr community brains",
"inviteUsers": "Add new users",
"knowledge_source_api": "App (Through API)",
"knowledge_source_composite_brain": "Agent",
"knowledge_source_doc": "Documents",
"knowledge_source_label": "Knowledge source",
"manage_brain": "Manage brain",
"myBrains": "My Brains",
"newBrain": "Add New Brain",
"newBrainSubtitle": "Create a new space for your data",
"newBrainTitle": "Add New Brain",
"noBrainUsers": "No brainUsers",
"private_brain_description": "Accessible for you and the people you share it with",
"private_brain_label": "Private",
"public_brain_already_subscribed_button_label": "Subscribed",
"public_brain_description": "The brain will be shared with the Quivr community",
"public_brain_label": "Public",
"public_brain_last_update_label": "Last update",
"public_brain_subscribe_button_label": "Subscribe",
"public_brain_subscription_success_message": "You have successfully subscribed to the brain",
"public_brains_search_bar_placeholder": "Search public brains",
"resources": "Ressource",
"searchBrain": "Search for a brain",
"secrets_update_error": "Error while updating secrets",
"secrets_updated": "Secrets updated",
"set_brain_status_to_private_modal_description": "Every Quivr users won't be able to use this brain anymore and they won't see it in the brain library.",
"set_brain_status_to_private_modal_title": "Are you sure you want to set this as <span class='text-primary'>Private</span>?<br/><br/>",
"set_brain_status_to_public_modal_description": "Every Quivr user will be able to:<br/>- Subscribe to your brain in the 'brains library'.<br/>- Use this brain and check the prompt and model configurations.<br/><br/>They won't have access to your uploaded files and people section.",
"set_brain_status_to_public_modal_title": "Are you sure you want to set this as <span class='text-primary'>Public</span>?<br/><br/>",
"setDefaultBrain": "Set as default brain",
"shareBrain": "Share brain {{name}}",
"shareBrainLink": "Click to copy link to share your brain",
"shareBrainUsers": "Users with access",
"update_secrets_button": "Update secrets",
"update_secrets_message": "Enter your secret. This information is required to identify you when calling the API",
"userRemoved": "Removed {{email}} from brain",
"userRemoveFailed": "Failed to remove {{email}} from brain",
"userRoleUpdated": "Updated {{email}} to {{newRole}}",
"userRoleUpdateFailed": "Failed updating {{email}} to {{newRole}} ",
"usersInvited": "Users successfully invited",
"usersWithAccess": "Users with access"
@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
"actions_bar_placeholder": "Ask a question to a @brain and choose your #prompt",
"add_document": "Add document",
"ask": "Ask a question, or describe a task.",
"back_to_chat": "Back to chat",
"brain": "brain",
"brains": "brains",
"change_brain": "Change brain",
"chat": "Chat",
"chatDeleted": "Chat successfully deleted. Id: {{id}}",
"chatNameUpdated": "Chat name updated",
"error_occurred": "Error occurred while getting answer",
"errorCallingAPI": "Error calling the API",
"errorDeleting": "Error deleting chat: {{error}}",
"errorFetching": "Error occurred while fetching your chats",
"errorParsingData": "Error parsing data",
"feed_brain_placeholder": "Choose which @brain you want to feed with these files",
"feedingBrain": "Your newly added knowledge is being processed, you can keep chatting in the meantime !",
"history": "History",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts",
"last30Days": "Previous 30 days",
"last7Days": "Previous 7 days",
"limit_reached": "You have reached the limit of requests, please try again later",
"menu": "Menu",
"missing_brain": "Please select a brain to chat with",
"new_discussion": "New discussion",
"new_prompt": "Create new prompt",
"noCurrentBrain": "No current brain",
"onboarding": {
"answer": {
"how_to_use_quivr": "Check the documentation https://brain.quivr.app/docs/intro.html",
"what_is_brain": "A brain is a virtual folder for organizing information on a specific topic. It can store documents and connect to external apps or APIs. For instance, a 'Medical Science' brain could contain health-related data, and a 'Legal' brain could have legal information. Brains can be made public for others to use without revealing the contents, promoting knowledge sharing.",
"what_is_quivr": "Quivr is a helpful assistant. You can easily drag and drop files into the chat or the knowledge section to interact with them. It's not just a chat tool; you can also communicate with apps using APIs.\nTo keep your work organized, you can create brains, essentially virtual folders, and subscribe to others' brains in the explore section for seamless collaboration and information sharing."
"actions_bar_placeholder": "Ask a question to a @brain and choose your #prompt",
"add_document": "Add document",
"ask": "Ask a question, or describe a task.",
"back_to_chat": "Back to chat",
"brain": "brain",
"brains": "brains",
"change_brain": "Change brain",
"chat": "Chat",
"chatDeleted": "Chat successfully deleted. Id: {{id}}",
"chatNameUpdated": "Chat name updated",
"error_occurred": "Error occurred while getting answer",
"errorCallingAPI": "Error calling the API",
"errorDeleting": "Error deleting chat: {{error}}",
"errorFetching": "Error occurred while fetching your chats",
"errorParsingData": "Error parsing data",
"feed_brain_placeholder": "Choose which @brain you want to feed with these files",
"feedingBrain": "Your newly added knowledge is being processed, you can keep chatting in the meantime !",
"history": "History",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts",
"last30Days": "Previous 30 days",
"last7Days": "Previous 7 days",
"limit_reached": "You have reached the limit of requests, please try again later",
"menu": "Menu",
"missing_brain": "Please select a brain to chat with",
"new_discussion": "New discussion",
"new_prompt": "Create new prompt",
"noCurrentBrain": "No current brain",
"onboarding": {
"answer": {
"how_to_use_quivr": "Check the documentation https://brain.quivr.app/docs/intro.html",
"what_is_brain": "A brain is a virtual folder for organizing information on a specific topic. It can store documents and connect to external apps or APIs. For instance, a 'Medical Science' brain could contain health-related data, and a 'Legal' brain could have legal information. Brains can be made public for others to use without revealing the contents, promoting knowledge sharing.",
"what_is_quivr": "Quivr is a helpful assistant. You can easily drag and drop files into the chat or the knowledge section to interact with them. It's not just a chat tool; you can also communicate with apps using APIs.\nTo keep your work organized, you can create brains, essentially virtual folders, and subscribe to others' brains in the explore section for seamless collaboration and information sharing."
"how_to_use_quivr": "How to use Quivr ?",
"step_1_1": "1. Drag and drop file on the chat or in the 📎.",
"step_1_2": "Don't have a file ? Download 'Quivr documentation'",
"step_2": "2. Start chatting with your file",
"step_3": "3. Enjoy !",
"title": "Hi 👋🏻 Want to discover Quivr ? 😇",
"what_is_brain": "What is a brain ?",
"what_is_quivr": "What is Quivr ?"
"how_to_use_quivr": "How to use Quivr ?",
"step_1_1": "1. Drag and drop file on the chat or in the 📎.",
"step_1_2": "Don't have a file ? Download 'Quivr documentation'",
"step_2": "2. Start chatting with your file",
"step_3": "3. Enjoy !",
"title": "Hi 👋🏻 Want to discover Quivr ? 😇",
"what_is_brain": "What is a brain ?",
"what_is_quivr": "What is Quivr ?"
"parameters": "Parameters",
"receivedResponse": "Received response. Starting to handle stream...",
"resposeBodyNull": "Response body is null",
"shortcut_choose_prompt": "#: Choose a specific prompt",
"shortcut_create_brain": "@+: Create a new brain",
"shortcut_create_prompt": "#+: Create a new custom prompt",
"shortcut_feed_brain": "/+: Feed a brain with knowledge",
"shortcut_go_to_shortcuts": "CMDK: Go to shortcuts",
"shortcut_go_to_user_page": "CMDU: Go to user page",
"shortcut_manage_brains": "CMDB: Manage your brains",
"shortcut_select_brain": "@: Select a brain",
"shortcut_select_file": "/: Select a file to talk to",
"subtitle": "Talk to a language model about your uploaded data",
"thinking": "Thinking...",
"title": "Chat with {{brain}}",
"today": "Today",
"tooManyRequests": "You have exceeded the number of requests per day. To continue chatting, please enter an OpenAI API key in your profile or in used brain.",
"welcome": "Welcome",
"yesterday": "Yesterday"
"parameters": "Parameters",
"receivedResponse": "Received response. Starting to handle stream...",
"resposeBodyNull": "Response body is null",
"shortcut_choose_prompt": "#: Choose a specific prompt",
"shortcut_create_brain": "@+: Create a new brain",
"shortcut_create_prompt": "#+: Create a new custom prompt",
"shortcut_feed_brain": "/+: Feed a brain with knowledge",
"shortcut_go_to_shortcuts": "CMDK: Go to shortcuts",
"shortcut_go_to_user_page": "CMDU: Go to user page",
"shortcut_manage_brains": "CMDB: Manage your brains",
"shortcut_select_brain": "@: Select a brain",
"shortcut_select_file": "/: Select a file to talk to",
"subtitle": "Talk to a language model about your uploaded data",
"thinking": "Thinking...",
"title": "Chat with {{brain}}",
"today": "Today",
"tooManyRequests": "You have exceeded the number of requests per day. To continue chatting, please enter an OpenAI API key in your profile or in used brain.",
"welcome": "Welcome",
"yesterday": "Yesterday"
@ -12,8 +12,10 @@
"customPromptSection": "Custom prompt",
"defaultBrainSet": "Brain set as default successfully",
"descriptionRequired": "Description is required",
"error.copy": "Failed to copy",
"error.createApiKey": "Error creating API Key",
"error": {
"copy": "Failed to copy",
"createApiKey": "Error creating API Key"
"errorRemovingPrompt": "Error while removing prompt",
"incorrectApiKey": "Incorrect API Key",
"invalidApiKeyError": "Invalid API Key",
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"speak_to": "Speak to our",
"sales_team": "Sales team",
"form": {
"email": "Work Email",
"question": "Question",
"submit": "Contact",
"placeholder_question": "How can we help you?",
"thank_you": "Thank you!",
"thank_you_text": "We will get back to you as soon as possible.",
"sending_mail_error": "There was an error sending your message. Please try again later."
"speak_to": "Speak to our",
"sales_team": "Sales team",
"form": {
"email": "Work Email",
"question": "Question",
"submit": "Contact",
"placeholder_question": "How can we help you?",
"thank_you": "Thank you!",
"thank_you_text": "We will get back to you as soon as possible.",
"sending_mail_error": "There was an error sending your message. Please try again later."
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
"title": "Explore uploaded data",
"subtitle": "View, download or delete knowledge used by your brain",
"empty": "Oh No, Your Brain is empty.",
"noBrain": "Brain id not found",
"sessionNotFound": "User session not found",
"deleted": "{{fileName}} deleted from brain {{brain}}",
"errorDeleting": "Error deleting {{fileName}}",
"view": "View",
"chunkNumber": "No. of chunks: {{quantity}}",
"notAvailable": "Not Available",
"deleteConfirmTitle": "Confirm",
"deleteConfirmText": "Do you really want to delete?",
"feed_brain_instructions": "To add knowledge to a brain, go to chat page then click on plus button on the left of the chat input"
"title": "Explore uploaded data",
"subtitle": "View, download or delete knowledge used by your brain",
"empty": "Oh No, Your Brain is empty.",
"noBrain": "Brain id not found",
"sessionNotFound": "User session not found",
"deleted": "{{fileName}} deleted from brain {{brain}}",
"errorDeleting": "Error deleting {{fileName}}",
"view": "View",
"chunkNumber": "No. of chunks: {{quantity}}",
"notAvailable": "Not Available",
"deleteConfirmTitle": "Confirm",
"deleteConfirmText": "Do you really want to delete?",
"feed_brain_instructions": "To add knowledge to a brain, go to chat page then click on plus button on the left of the chat input"
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
"method_label": "Method",
"url_placeholder": "URL",
"searchParams": "Search Params",
"headers": "Headers",
"params": "Params",
"key": "Key",
"type": "Type (string or number)",
"description": "Description",
"secrets": "Secrets",
"paramsTabDescription": "These values are sent as the request body.",
"searchParamsTabDescription": "These values are sent as the query string.",
"secretsTabDescription": "These values are sent as header keys"
"method_label": "Method",
"url_placeholder": "URL",
"searchParams": "Search Params",
"headers": "Headers",
"params": "Params",
"key": "Key",
"type": "Type (string or number)",
"description": "Description",
"secrets": "Secrets",
"paramsTabDescription": "These values are sent as the request body.",
"searchParamsTabDescription": "These values are sent as the query string.",
"secretsTabDescription": "These values are sent as header keys"
@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
"sign_in": "Sign in",
"sign_up": "Sign up",
"star_us": "Star us on Github",
"blog": "Blog",
"sponsored_by": "Sponsored by",
"useCases": {
"title": "Experience it now.",
"subtitle": "Check our example on using Quivr"
"intro": {
"title": "Get a Second Brain with",
"subtitle": "Your productivity assistant connected to your files & favorite applications",
"try_demo": "Try free demo",
"contact_sales": "Contact sales team"
"demo": {
"title": "Demo video",
"start_now": "Start now"
"security": {
"cta": "Get started today "
"footer": {
"title": "Get started today",
"description_1": "Your personal assistant that acts as your Second Brain.",
"description_2": "Simply upload your files and ask questions to it.",
"start_using": "Start using Quivr",
"contact_sales": "Contact sales team"
"testimonials": {
"title": "What people say about"
"sign_in": "Sign in",
"sign_up": "Sign up",
"star_us": "Star us on Github",
"blog": "Blog",
"sponsored_by": "Sponsored by",
"useCases": {
"title": "Experience it now.",
"subtitle": "Check our example on using Quivr"
"intro": {
"title": "Get a Second Brain with",
"subtitle": "Your productivity assistant connected to your files & favorite applications",
"try_demo": "Try free demo",
"contact_sales": "Contact sales team"
"demo": {
"title": "Demo video",
"start_now": "Start now"
"security": {
"cta": "Get started today "
"footer": {
"title": "Get started today",
"description_1": "Your personal assistant that acts as your Second Brain.",
"description_2": "Simply upload your files and ask questions to it.",
"start_using": "Start using Quivr",
"contact_sales": "Contact sales team"
"testimonials": {
"title": "What people say about"
@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
"errorMailMissed": "Please enter your email address",
"talk_to": "Talk to",
"restriction_message": "Unpaid users have access to a free and limited demo of Quivr",
"email":"Email address",
"cant_find":"Can't find it ?",
"try_again":"Try again",
"part1":"We just sent you a ",
"magic_link":"Magic link",
"part2":", check your emails and follow the steps."
"email": "Email address",
"cant_find": "Can't find it ?",
"try_again": "Try again",
"check_your_email": {
"part1": "We just sent you a ",
"magic_link": "Magic link",
"part2": ", check your emails and follow the steps."
"login": "Login"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"upgrade": "Upgrade to plus",
"new": "New",
"manage_plan": "Manage my plan"
"upgrade": "Upgrade to plus",
"new": "New",
"manage_plan": "Manage my plan"
@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
"all": "All",
"and": "and",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"Chat": "Chat",
"chatButton": "Chat",
"comingSoon": "Coming soon",
"crawlButton": "Crawl",
"createButton": "Create",
"deleteButton": "Delete",
"deleteForeverButton": "Delete forever",
"description": "Quivr is your second brain in the cloud, designed to easily store and retrieve unstructured information.",
"doneButton": "Done",
"Editor": "Editor",
"email": "Email",
"Explore": "Explore",
"invalidUrl": "Invalid URL",
"lang": "en-US",
"languageSelect": "Preferred language",
"loading": "Loading...",
"logoutButton": "Logout",
"newChatButton": "New Chat",
"next": "Next",
"or": "or",
"Owner": "Owner",
"previous": "Previous",
"resetButton": "Reset",
"saveButton": "Save",
"shareButton": "Share",
"themeSelect": "Interface theme",
"title": "Quivr - Get a Second Brain with Generative AI",
"toastDismiss": "dismiss",
"updateButton": "Update",
"Upload": "Upload",
"uploadButton": "Upload",
"uploadingButton": "Uploading...",
"Viewer": "Viewer"
"all": "All",
"and": "and",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"Chat": "Chat",
"chatButton": "Chat",
"comingSoon": "Coming soon",
"crawlButton": "Crawl",
"createButton": "Create",
"deleteButton": "Delete",
"deleteForeverButton": "Delete forever",
"description": "Quivr is your second brain in the cloud, designed to easily store and retrieve unstructured information.",
"doneButton": "Done",
"Editor": "Editor",
"email": "Email",
"Explore": "Explore",
"invalidUrl": "Invalid URL",
"lang": "en-US",
"languageSelect": "Preferred language",
"loading": "Loading...",
"logoutButton": "Logout",
"newChatButton": "New Chat",
"next": "Next",
"or": "or",
"Owner": "Owner",
"previous": "Previous",
"resetButton": "Reset",
"saveButton": "Save",
"shareButton": "Share",
"themeSelect": "Interface theme",
"title": "Quivr - Get a Second Brain with Generative AI",
"toastDismiss": "dismiss",
"updateButton": "Update",
"Upload": "Upload",
"uploadButton": "Upload",
"uploadingButton": "Uploading...",
"Viewer": "Viewer"
@ -15,6 +15,6 @@
"selectBrainFirst": "You need to select a brain first. 🧠💡🥲",
"missingNecessaryRole": "You don't have the necessary role to upload content to the selected brain. 🧠💡🥲",
"invalidFileType": "Invalid file type",
"feed_form_submit_button":"Send to my brain",
"selected_brain_select_label":"Select a brain"
"feed_form_submit_button": "Send to my brain",
"selected_brain_select_label": "Select a brain"
@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
"api_brain": {
"addRow": "Agregar fila",
"description": "Descripción",
"name": "Nombre",
"required": "Requerido",
"type": "Tipo",
"value": "Valor"
"brain_library_button_label": "Biblioteca de cerebros",
"brain_management_button_label": "Gestionar cerebro",
"brain_params": "Parámetros del cerebro",
"brain_status_label": "Estado",
"brain_type": "Tipo de cerebro",
"brainCreated": "Cerebro creado correctamente",
"brainDescription": "Descripción",
"brainDescriptionPlaceholder": "Mi nuevo cerebro es acerca de...",
"brainName": "Nombre del cerebro",
"brainNamePlaceholder": "Ejemplo: Anotaciones de historia",
"brainUndefined": "Cerebro no definido",
"cancel_set_brain_status_to_private": "No, mantenerlo público",
"cancel_set_brain_status_to_public": "No, mantenerlo privado",
"composite_brain_composition_invitation": "Conecta tu nuevo cerebro a otros cerebros existentes de tu biblioteca seleccionándolos.",
"confirm_set_brain_status_to_private": "Sí, establecer como privado",
"confirm_set_brain_status_to_public": "Sí, establecer como público",
"copiedToClipboard": "Copiado al portapeles",
"defaultBrain": "Cerebro por defecto",
"empty_brain_description": "Sin descripción",
"errorCreatingBrain": "Error al crear cerebro",
"errorFetchingBrainUsers": "Error al obtener usuarios del cerebro",
"errorSendingInvitation": "Un error ocurrió al enviar invitaciones",
"explore_brains": "Explorar cerebros de la comunidad Quivr",
"inviteUsers": "Agrega nuevos usuarios",
"knowledge_source_api": "API",
"knowledge_source_composite_brain": "Agente",
"knowledge_source_doc": "Documentos",
"knowledge_source_label": "Fuente de conocimiento",
"manage_brain": "Gestionar cerebro",
"myBrains": "Mis cerebros",
"newBrain": "Agregar nuevo cerebro",
"newBrainSubtitle": "Crea un nuevo espacio para tus datos",
"newBrainTitle": "Agregar nuevo cerebro",
"noBrainUsers": "Sin usuarios del cerebro",
"private_brain_description": "Accesible para ti y las personas con las que lo compartas",
"private_brain_label": "Privado",
"public_brain_already_subscribed_button_label": "Ya suscrito",
"public_brain_description": "El cerebro se compartirá con la comunidad de Quivr",
"public_brain_label": "Público",
"public_brain_last_update_label": "Última actualización",
"public_brain_subscribe_button_label": "Suscribirse",
"public_brain_subscription_success_message": "Te has suscrito con éxito al cerebro",
"public_brains_search_bar_placeholder": "Buscar cerebros públicos",
"resources": "Recursos",
"searchBrain": "Buscar un cerebro",
"secrets_update_error": "Error al actualizar secretos",
"secrets_updated": "Secretos actualizados",
"set_brain_status_to_private_modal_description": "Los usuarios de Quivr ya no podrán utilizar este cerebro y no lo verán en la biblioteca de cerebros.",
"set_brain_status_to_private_modal_title": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres establecer esto como <span class='text-primary'>Privado</span>?<br/><br/>",
"set_brain_status_to_public_modal_description": "Cada usuario de Quivr podrá:<br/>- Suscribirse a tu cerebro en la 'biblioteca de cerebros'.<br/>- Usar este cerebro y comprobar las configuraciones de las indicaciones y el modelo.<br/><br/>No tendrán acceso a tus archivos cargados ni a la sección de personas.",
"set_brain_status_to_public_modal_title": "¿Estás seguro de querer establecer esto como <span class='text-primary'>Público</span>?<br/><br/>",
"setDefaultBrain": "Asignar cerebro por defecto",
"shareBrain": "Compartir cerebro {{name}}",
"shareBrainLink": "Click para copiar y compartir tu cerebro",
"shareBrainUsers": "Usuarios con acceso",
"update_secrets_button": "Actualizar secretos",
"update_secrets_message": "Ingrese su contraseña. Esta información es necesaria para identificarlo al llamar a la API",
"userRemoved": "Eliminado {{email}} del cerebro",
"userRemoveFailed": "Error al eliminar {{email}} del cerebro",
"userRoleUpdated": "Actualizado {{email}} a {{newRole}}",
"userRoleUpdateFailed": "Error actualizado {{email}} a {{newRole}} ",
"usersInvited": "Usuarios invitados correctamente",
"usersWithAccess": "Usuarios con acceso"
"api_brain": {
"addRow": "Agregar fila",
"description": "Descripción",
"name": "Nombre",
"required": "Requerido",
"type": "Tipo",
"value": "Valor"
"brain_library_button_label": "Biblioteca de cerebros",
"brain_management_button_label": "Gestionar cerebro",
"brain_params": "Parámetros del cerebro",
"brain_status_label": "Estado",
"brain_type": "Tipo de cerebro",
"brainCreated": "Cerebro creado correctamente",
"brainDescription": "Descripción",
"brainDescriptionPlaceholder": "Mi nuevo cerebro es acerca de...",
"brainName": "Nombre del cerebro",
"brainNamePlaceholder": "Ejemplo: Anotaciones de historia",
"brainUndefined": "Cerebro no definido",
"cancel_set_brain_status_to_private": "No, mantenerlo público",
"cancel_set_brain_status_to_public": "No, mantenerlo privado",
"composite_brain_composition_invitation": "Conecta tu nuevo cerebro a otros cerebros existentes de tu biblioteca seleccionándolos.",
"confirm_set_brain_status_to_private": "Sí, establecer como privado",
"confirm_set_brain_status_to_public": "Sí, establecer como público",
"copiedToClipboard": "Copiado al portapeles",
"defaultBrain": "Cerebro por defecto",
"empty_brain_description": "Sin descripción",
"errorCreatingBrain": "Error al crear cerebro",
"errorFetchingBrainUsers": "Error al obtener usuarios del cerebro",
"errorSendingInvitation": "Un error ocurrió al enviar invitaciones",
"explore_brains": "Explorar cerebros de la comunidad Quivr",
"inviteUsers": "Agrega nuevos usuarios",
"knowledge_source_api": "API",
"knowledge_source_composite_brain": "Agente",
"knowledge_source_doc": "Documentos",
"knowledge_source_label": "Fuente de conocimiento",
"manage_brain": "Gestionar cerebro",
"myBrains": "Mis cerebros",
"newBrain": "Agregar nuevo cerebro",
"newBrainSubtitle": "Crea un nuevo espacio para tus datos",
"newBrainTitle": "Agregar nuevo cerebro",
"noBrainUsers": "Sin usuarios del cerebro",
"private_brain_description": "Accesible para ti y las personas con las que lo compartas",
"private_brain_label": "Privado",
"public_brain_already_subscribed_button_label": "Ya suscrito",
"public_brain_description": "El cerebro se compartirá con la comunidad de Quivr",
"public_brain_label": "Público",
"public_brain_last_update_label": "Última actualización",
"public_brain_subscribe_button_label": "Suscribirse",
"public_brain_subscription_success_message": "Te has suscrito con éxito al cerebro",
"public_brains_search_bar_placeholder": "Buscar cerebros públicos",
"resources": "Recursos",
"searchBrain": "Buscar un cerebro",
"secrets_update_error": "Error al actualizar secretos",
"secrets_updated": "Secretos actualizados",
"set_brain_status_to_private_modal_description": "Los usuarios de Quivr ya no podrán utilizar este cerebro y no lo verán en la biblioteca de cerebros.",
"set_brain_status_to_private_modal_title": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres establecer esto como <span class='text-primary'>Privado</span>?<br/><br/>",
"set_brain_status_to_public_modal_description": "Cada usuario de Quivr podrá:<br/>- Suscribirse a tu cerebro en la 'biblioteca de cerebros'.<br/>- Usar este cerebro y comprobar las configuraciones de las indicaciones y el modelo.<br/><br/>No tendrán acceso a tus archivos cargados ni a la sección de personas.",
"set_brain_status_to_public_modal_title": "¿Estás seguro de querer establecer esto como <span class='text-primary'>Público</span>?<br/><br/>",
"setDefaultBrain": "Asignar cerebro por defecto",
"shareBrain": "Compartir cerebro {{name}}",
"shareBrainLink": "Click para copiar y compartir tu cerebro",
"shareBrainUsers": "Usuarios con acceso",
"update_secrets_button": "Actualizar secretos",
"update_secrets_message": "Ingrese su contraseña. Esta información es necesaria para identificarlo al llamar a la API",
"userRemoved": "Eliminado {{email}} del cerebro",
"userRemoveFailed": "Error al eliminar {{email}} del cerebro",
"userRoleUpdated": "Actualizado {{email}} a {{newRole}}",
"userRoleUpdateFailed": "Error actualizado {{email}} a {{newRole}} ",
"usersInvited": "Usuarios invitados correctamente",
"usersWithAccess": "Usuarios con acceso"
@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
"actions_bar_placeholder": "Haz una pregunta a un @cerebro y elige tu #prompt",
"add_document": "Agregar documento",
"ask": "Has una pregunta o describe un tarea.",
"back_to_chat": "Volver al chat",
"brain": "cerebro",
"brains": "cerebros",
"change_brain": "Cambiar cerebro",
"chat": "Conversar",
"chatDeleted": "Chat borrado correstamente. Id: {{id}}",
"chatNameUpdated": "Nombre de chat actualizado",
"error_occurred": "Error al obtener respuesta",
"errorCallingAPI": "Error al llamar a la API",
"errorDeleting": "Error al borrar chat: {{error}}",
"errorFetching": "Error al obtener tus chats",
"errorParsingData": "Error al transformar datos",
"feed_brain_placeholder": "Elige cuál @cerebro quieres alimentar con estos archivos",
"feedingBrain": "Su conocimiento recién agregado se está procesando, ¡puede seguir chateando mientras tanto!",
"history": "Historia",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Atajos de teclado",
"last30Days": "Últimos 30 días",
"last7Days": "Últimos 7 días",
"limit_reached": "Has alcanzado el límite de peticiones, intente de nuevo más tarde",
"menu": "Menú",
"missing_brain": "No hay cerebro seleccionado",
"new_discussion": "Nueva discusión",
"new_prompt": "Crear nueva instrucción",
"noCurrentBrain": "Sin cerebro seleccionado",
"onboarding": {
"answer": {
"how_to_use_quivr": "Consulta la documentación en https://brain.quivr.app/docs/intro.html",
"what_is_brain": "Un cerebro es una carpeta virtual para organizar información sobre un tema específico. Puede almacenar documentos y conectarse a aplicaciones externas o APIs. Por ejemplo, un cerebro de 'Ciencias Médicas' podría contener datos relacionados con la salud, y un cerebro de 'Legal' podría tener información legal. Los cerebros pueden hacerse públicos para que otros los utilicen sin revelar el contenido, fomentando el intercambio de conocimientos.",
"what_is_quivr": "Quivr es un asistente útil. Puedes arrastrar y soltar archivos en el chat o en la sección de conocimientos para interactuar con ellos. No es solo una herramienta de chat; también puedes comunicarte con aplicaciones utilizando APIs.\nPara mantener tu trabajo organizado, puedes crear cerebros, que son básicamente carpetas virtuales, y suscribirte a los cerebros de otros en la sección de exploración para una colaboración y compartición de información fluida."
"actions_bar_placeholder": "Haz una pregunta a un @cerebro y elige tu #prompt",
"add_document": "Agregar documento",
"ask": "Has una pregunta o describe un tarea.",
"back_to_chat": "Volver al chat",
"brain": "cerebro",
"brains": "cerebros",
"change_brain": "Cambiar cerebro",
"chat": "Conversar",
"chatDeleted": "Chat borrado correstamente. Id: {{id}}",
"chatNameUpdated": "Nombre de chat actualizado",
"error_occurred": "Error al obtener respuesta",
"errorCallingAPI": "Error al llamar a la API",
"errorDeleting": "Error al borrar chat: {{error}}",
"errorFetching": "Error al obtener tus chats",
"errorParsingData": "Error al transformar datos",
"feed_brain_placeholder": "Elige cuál @cerebro quieres alimentar con estos archivos",
"feedingBrain": "Su conocimiento recién agregado se está procesando, ¡puede seguir chateando mientras tanto!",
"history": "Historia",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Atajos de teclado",
"last30Days": "Últimos 30 días",
"last7Days": "Últimos 7 días",
"limit_reached": "Has alcanzado el límite de peticiones, intente de nuevo más tarde",
"menu": "Menú",
"missing_brain": "No hay cerebro seleccionado",
"new_discussion": "Nueva discusión",
"new_prompt": "Crear nueva instrucción",
"noCurrentBrain": "Sin cerebro seleccionado",
"onboarding": {
"answer": {
"how_to_use_quivr": "Consulta la documentación en https://brain.quivr.app/docs/intro.html",
"what_is_brain": "Un cerebro es una carpeta virtual para organizar información sobre un tema específico. Puede almacenar documentos y conectarse a aplicaciones externas o APIs. Por ejemplo, un cerebro de 'Ciencias Médicas' podría contener datos relacionados con la salud, y un cerebro de 'Legal' podría tener información legal. Los cerebros pueden hacerse públicos para que otros los utilicen sin revelar el contenido, fomentando el intercambio de conocimientos.",
"what_is_quivr": "Quivr es un asistente útil. Puedes arrastrar y soltar archivos en el chat o en la sección de conocimientos para interactuar con ellos. No es solo una herramienta de chat; también puedes comunicarte con aplicaciones utilizando APIs.\nPara mantener tu trabajo organizado, puedes crear cerebros, que son básicamente carpetas virtuales, y suscribirte a los cerebros de otros en la sección de exploración para una colaboración y compartición de información fluida."
"how_to_use_quivr": "¿Cómo usar Quivr?",
"step_1_1": "1. Arrastra y suelta el archivo en el chat o en el 📎.",
"step_1_2": "¿No tienes un archivo? Descarga 'Documentación de Quivr'",
"step_2": "2. Comienza a chatear con tu archivo",
"step_3": "3. ¡Disfruta!",
"title": "¡Hola 👋🏻 ¿Quieres descubrir Quivr? 😇",
"what_is_brain": "¿Qué es un cerebro?",
"what_is_quivr": "¿Qué es Quivr?"
"how_to_use_quivr": "¿Cómo usar Quivr?",
"step_1_1": "1. Arrastra y suelta el archivo en el chat o en el 📎.",
"step_1_2": "¿No tienes un archivo? Descarga 'Documentación de Quivr'",
"step_2": "2. Comienza a chatear con tu archivo",
"step_3": "3. ¡Disfruta!",
"title": "¡Hola 👋🏻 ¿Quieres descubrir Quivr? 😇",
"what_is_brain": "¿Qué es un cerebro?",
"what_is_quivr": "¿Qué es Quivr?"
"parameters": "Parámetros",
"receivedResponse": "Respuesta recibida. Iniciando gestión de stream...",
"resposeBodyNull": "Cuerpo de respuesta vacío",
"shortcut_choose_prompt": "#: Elegir una instrucción específica",
"shortcut_create_brain": "@+: Crear un nuevo cerebro",
"shortcut_create_prompt": "#+: Crear una nueva instrucción personalizada",
"shortcut_feed_brain": "/+: Alimentar un cerebro con conocimiento",
"shortcut_go_to_shortcuts": "CMDK: Ir a los atajos",
"shortcut_go_to_user_page": "CMDU: Ir a la página de usuario",
"shortcut_manage_brains": "CMDB: Administrar tus cerebros",
"shortcut_select_brain": "@: Seleccionar un cerebro",
"shortcut_select_file": "/: Seleccionar un archivo para hablar",
"subtitle": "Habla con un modelo de lenguaje acerca de tus datos subidos",
"thinking": "Pensando...",
"title": "Conversa con {{brain}}",
"today": "Hoy",
"tooManyRequests": "Has excedido el número de solicitudes por día. Para continuar chateando, por favor ingresa una clave de API de OpenAI en tu perfil o en el cerebro utilizado.",
"welcome": "Bienvenido",
"yesterday": "Ayer"
"parameters": "Parámetros",
"receivedResponse": "Respuesta recibida. Iniciando gestión de stream...",
"resposeBodyNull": "Cuerpo de respuesta vacío",
"shortcut_choose_prompt": "#: Elegir una instrucción específica",
"shortcut_create_brain": "@+: Crear un nuevo cerebro",
"shortcut_create_prompt": "#+: Crear una nueva instrucción personalizada",
"shortcut_feed_brain": "/+: Alimentar un cerebro con conocimiento",
"shortcut_go_to_shortcuts": "CMDK: Ir a los atajos",
"shortcut_go_to_user_page": "CMDU: Ir a la página de usuario",
"shortcut_manage_brains": "CMDB: Administrar tus cerebros",
"shortcut_select_brain": "@: Seleccionar un cerebro",
"shortcut_select_file": "/: Seleccionar un archivo para hablar",
"subtitle": "Habla con un modelo de lenguaje acerca de tus datos subidos",
"thinking": "Pensando...",
"title": "Conversa con {{brain}}",
"today": "Hoy",
"tooManyRequests": "Has excedido el número de solicitudes por día. Para continuar chateando, por favor ingresa una clave de API de OpenAI en tu perfil o en el cerebro utilizado.",
"welcome": "Bienvenido",
"yesterday": "Ayer"
@ -1,54 +1,56 @@
"accountSection": "Tu Cuenta",
"anthropicKeyLabel": "Clave de la API de Anthropic",
"anthropicKeyPlaceholder": "Clave de la API de Anthropic",
"backendSection": "Configuración de Backend",
"backendUrlLabel": "URL del Backend",
"backendUrlPlaceHolder": "URL del Backend",
"brainUpdated": "Cerebro actualizado correctamente",
"configReset": "Configuración restaurada",
"configSaved": "Configuración guardada",
"customPromptSection": "Indicadores personalizados",
"defaultBrainSet": "Cerebro asignado como predeterminado",
"error.copy": "No se pudo copiar",
"error.createApiKey": "No se pudo crear la clave API",
"errorRemovingPrompt": "Error eliminando indicador",
"invalidOpenAiKey": "Clave de OpenAI inválida",
"keepInLocal": "Mantener localmente",
"knowledge": "Conocimiento",
"maxTokens": "Tokens máximo",
"modelLabel": "Modelo",
"modelSection": "Configuración de Modelo",
"nameRequired": "El nombre es necesario",
"descriptionRequired": "La descripción es necesaria",
"newAPIKey": "Crea una nueva clave",
"noUser": "Sin usuarios",
"ohno": "¡Oh no!",
"openAiKeyLabel": "Clave de Open AI",
"openAiKeyPlaceholder": "sk-xxx",
"people": "Personas",
"promptContent": "Contenido del indicador",
"promptContentPlaceholder": "Como una IA, tu...",
"promptFieldsRequired": "Título y contenido de indicador son necesarios",
"promptName": "Título del indicador",
"promptNamePlaceholder": "El nombre de mi súper indicador",
"promptRemoved": "Indicador eliminado correctamente",
"publicPrompts": "Selecciona un indicador público",
"removePrompt": "Quitar indicador",
"requireAccess": "Por favor, solicita acceso al dueño",
"roleRequired": "No tienen el rol necesario para acceder a esta pestaña 🧠💡🥲.",
"selectQuivrPersonalityBtn": "Selecciona una Personalidad Quivr",
"settings": "Configuración",
"signedInAs": "Sesión iniciada como",
"subtitle": "Gestiona tu cerebro",
"supabaseKeyLabel": "Clave de Supabase",
"supabaseKeyPlaceHolder": "Clave de Supabase",
"supabaseURLLabel": "URL de Supabase",
"supabaseURLPlaceHolder": "URL de Supabase",
"temperature": "Temperatura",
"title": "Configuración",
"updatingBrainSettings": "Actualizando configuración del cerebro...",
"incorrectApiKey": "Clave de API incorrecta",
"invalidApiKeyError": "Clave de API inválida",
"apiKey": "Clave de API"
"accountSection": "Tu Cuenta",
"anthropicKeyLabel": "Clave de la API de Anthropic",
"anthropicKeyPlaceholder": "Clave de la API de Anthropic",
"apiKey": "Clave de API",
"backendSection": "Configuración de Backend",
"backendUrlLabel": "URL del Backend",
"backendUrlPlaceHolder": "URL del Backend",
"brainUpdated": "Cerebro actualizado correctamente",
"configReset": "Configuración restaurada",
"configSaved": "Configuración guardada",
"customPromptSection": "Indicadores personalizados",
"defaultBrainSet": "Cerebro asignado como predeterminado",
"descriptionRequired": "La descripción es necesaria",
"error": {
"copy": "No se pudo copiar",
"createApiKey": "No se pudo crear la clave API"
"errorRemovingPrompt": "Error eliminando indicador",
"incorrectApiKey": "Clave de API incorrecta",
"invalidApiKeyError": "Clave de API inválida",
"invalidOpenAiKey": "Clave de OpenAI inválida",
"keepInLocal": "Mantener localmente",
"knowledge": "Conocimiento",
"maxTokens": "Tokens máximo",
"modelLabel": "Modelo",
"modelSection": "Configuración de Modelo",
"nameRequired": "El nombre es necesario",
"newAPIKey": "Crea una nueva clave",
"noUser": "Sin usuarios",
"ohno": "¡Oh no!",
"openAiKeyLabel": "Clave de Open AI",
"openAiKeyPlaceholder": "sk-xxx",
"people": "Personas",
"promptContent": "Contenido del indicador",
"promptContentPlaceholder": "Como una IA, tu...",
"promptFieldsRequired": "Título y contenido de indicador son necesarios",
"promptName": "Título del indicador",
"promptNamePlaceholder": "El nombre de mi súper indicador",
"promptRemoved": "Indicador eliminado correctamente",
"publicPrompts": "Selecciona un indicador público",
"removePrompt": "Quitar indicador",
"requireAccess": "Por favor, solicita acceso al dueño",
"roleRequired": "No tienen el rol necesario para acceder a esta pestaña 🧠💡🥲.",
"selectQuivrPersonalityBtn": "Selecciona una Personalidad Quivr",
"settings": "Configuración",
"signedInAs": "Sesión iniciada como",
"subtitle": "Gestiona tu cerebro",
"supabaseKeyLabel": "Clave de Supabase",
"supabaseKeyPlaceHolder": "Clave de Supabase",
"supabaseURLLabel": "URL de Supabase",
"supabaseURLPlaceHolder": "URL de Supabase",
"temperature": "Temperatura",
"title": "Configuración",
"updatingBrainSettings": "Actualizando configuración del cerebro..."
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"speak_to": "Hable con nuestro",
"sales_team": "equipo de ventas",
"form": {
"email": "Correo electrónico de trabajo",
"question": "Pregunta",
"submit": "Contactar",
"placeholder_question": "¿Cómo podemos ayudarte?",
"thank_you": "¡Gracias!",
"thank_you_text": "Nos pondremos en contacto contigo lo antes posible.",
"sending_mail_error": "Se produjo un error al enviar tu mensaje. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
"speak_to": "Hable con nuestro",
"sales_team": "equipo de ventas",
"form": {
"email": "Correo electrónico de trabajo",
"question": "Pregunta",
"submit": "Contactar",
"placeholder_question": "¿Cómo podemos ayudarte?",
"thank_you": "¡Gracias!",
"thank_you_text": "Nos pondremos en contacto contigo lo antes posible.",
"sending_mail_error": "Se produjo un error al enviar tu mensaje. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
"chunkNumber": "No. de partes: {{quantity}}",
"deleteConfirmText": "¿Realmente quieres eliminar?",
"deleteConfirmTitle": "Confirmar",
"deleted": "{{fileName}} borrado del cerebro {{brain}}",
"empty": "¡Oh No!, Tu Cerebro está vacío",
"errorDeleting": "Error borrando {{fileName}}",
"noBrain": "Id de Cerebro no encontrado",
"notAvailable": "No disponible",
"sessionNotFound": "Sesión no encontrada",
"subtitle": "Visualiza, descarga o elimina el conocimiento utilizado por tu cerebro",
"title": "Explora datos subidos",
"view": "Ver",
"feed_brain_instructions": "Para agregar conocimiento a un cerebro, ve a la página de chat y haz clic en el botón de más a la izquierda del campo de chat."
"title": "Explora datos subidos",
"subtitle": "Visualiza, descarga o elimina el conocimiento utilizado por tu cerebro",
"empty": "¡Oh No!, Tu Cerebro está vacío",
"noBrain": "Id de Cerebro no encontrado",
"sessionNotFound": "Sesión no encontrada",
"deleted": "{{fileName}} borrado del cerebro {{brain}}",
"errorDeleting": "Error borrando {{fileName}}",
"view": "Ver",
"chunkNumber": "No. de partes: {{quantity}}",
"notAvailable": "No disponible",
"deleteConfirmTitle": "Confirmar",
"deleteConfirmText": "¿Realmente quieres eliminar?",
"feed_brain_instructions": "Para agregar conocimiento a un cerebro, ve a la página de chat y haz clic en el botón de más a la izquierda del campo de chat."
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
"method_label": "Method",
"url_placeholder": "URL",
"searchParams": "Search Params",
"headers": "Headers",
"params": "Params",
"key": "Key",
"type": "Type (string or number)",
"description": "Description",
"secrets": "Secretos",
"paramsTabDescription": "Estos valores se envían como cuerpo de la solicitud.",
"searchParamsTabDescription": "Estos valores se envían como cadena de consulta.",
"secretsTabDescription": "Estos valores se envían como claves de encabezado."
"method_label": "Method",
"url_placeholder": "URL",
"searchParams": "Search Params",
"headers": "Headers",
"params": "Params",
"key": "Key",
"type": "Type (string or number)",
"description": "Description",
"secrets": "Secretos",
"paramsTabDescription": "Estos valores se envían como cuerpo de la solicitud.",
"searchParamsTabDescription": "Estos valores se envían como cadena de consulta.",
"secretsTabDescription": "Estos valores se envían como claves de encabezado."
@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
"sign_in": "Iniciar sesión",
"sign_up": "Registrarse",
"star_us": "Danos una estrella en Github",
"blog": "Blog",
"sponsored_by": "Patrocinado por",
"useCases": {
"title": "Experiméntalo ahora.",
"subtitle": "Comprueba nuestro ejemplo de uso de Quivr."
"intro": {
"title": "Obtén un segundo cerebro con",
"subtitle": "Sube todos tus archivos y comienza a hablar con ellos.",
"try_demo": "Prueba la demostración gratuita",
"contact_sales": "Contacta al equipo de ventas"
"demo": {
"title": "Video de demostración",
"start_now": "Comenzar ahora"
"security": {
"cta": "Comienza hoy"
"footer": {
"title": "Comienza hoy",
"description_1": "Tu asistente personal que actúa como tu Segundo Cerebro.",
"description_2": "Simplemente carga tus archivos y hazle preguntas.",
"start_using": "Comienza a usar Quivr",
"contact_sales": "Contacta al equipo de ventas"
"title": "Lo que la gente dice sobre"
"sign_in": "Iniciar sesión",
"sign_up": "Registrarse",
"star_us": "Danos una estrella en Github",
"blog": "Blog",
"sponsored_by": "Patrocinado por",
"useCases": {
"title": "Experiméntalo ahora.",
"subtitle": "Comprueba nuestro ejemplo de uso de Quivr."
"intro": {
"title": "Obtén un segundo cerebro con",
"subtitle": "Sube todos tus archivos y comienza a hablar con ellos.",
"try_demo": "Prueba la demostración gratuita",
"contact_sales": "Contacta al equipo de ventas"
"demo": {
"title": "Video de demostración",
"start_now": "Comenzar ahora"
"security": {
"cta": "Comienza hoy"
"footer": {
"title": "Comienza hoy",
"description_1": "Tu asistente personal que actúa como tu Segundo Cerebro.",
"description_2": "Simplemente carga tus archivos y hazle preguntas.",
"start_using": "Comienza a usar Quivr",
"contact_sales": "Contacta al equipo de ventas"
"testimonials": {
"title": "Lo que la gente dice sobre"
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"accept": "¡Sí, cuenta conmigo!",
"accepted": "Invitación aceptada",
"declined": "Invitación rechazada",
"errorAccepting": "Ocurrió un error aceptando la invitación",
"errorCheckingInvitation": "Ocurrió un error durante la comprobación de la invitación",
"errorDeclining": "Ocurrió un error rechazando la invitación",
"wellcome": "Bienvenido/a a {{brain}}!",
"invitationMessage": "Te han invitado a unirte a este cerebro como un {{role}} y empezar a explorar. ¿Aceptas este entusiasmante viaje?",
"invitationNotFound": "Esta invitación no es válida",
"processingRequest": "Procesando tu pedido...",
"accept": "¡Sí, cuenta conmigo!",
"reject": "No, gracias",
"wellcome": "Bienvenido/a a {{brain}}!"
"invitationNotFound": "Esta invitación no es válida",
"errorCheckingInvitation": "Ocurrió un error durante la comprobación de la invitación",
"accepted": "Invitación aceptada",
"errorAccepting": "Ocurrió un error aceptando la invitación",
"declined": "Invitación rechazada",
"errorDeclining": "Ocurrió un error rechazando la invitación"
@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
"password": "Contraseña",
"googleLogin": "Continuar con Google",
"errorPasswordMissed": "Por favor ingrese su contraseña",
"magicLink": "Continuar con correo electrónico",
"errorMailMissed": "Por favor ingrese su dirección de correo electrónico",
"talk_to": "Hablar con",
"restriction_message": "Los usuarios no pagos tienen acceso a una demostración gratuita y limitada de Quivr",
"email":"Dirección de correo electrónico",
"cant_find":"¿No puedes encontrarlo?",
"try_again":"Inténtalo de nuevo" ,
"check_your_email": {
"part1":"Acabamos de enviarte un ",
"magic_link":"enlace mágico",
"part2":". Revisa tus correos electrónicos y sigue los pasos."
"password": "Contraseña",
"googleLogin": "Continuar con Google",
"errorPasswordMissed": "Por favor ingrese su contraseña",
"magicLink": "Continuar con correo electrónico",
"errorMailMissed": "Por favor ingrese su dirección de correo electrónico",
"talk_to": "Hablar con",
"restriction_message": "Los usuarios no pagos tienen acceso a una demostración gratuita y limitada de Quivr",
"email": "Dirección de correo electrónico",
"cant_find": "¿No puedes encontrarlo?",
"try_again": "Inténtalo de nuevo",
"check_your_email": {
"part1": "Acabamos de enviarte un ",
"magic_link": "enlace mágico",
"part2": ". Revisa tus correos electrónicos y sigue los pasos."
"login": "Iniciar sesión"
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"title": "Cerrar sesión",
"subtitle": "Hasta pronto",
"areYouSure": "¿Seguro que quieres cerrar la sesión?",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"error": "Error al cerrar sesión {{errorMessage}}",
"loggedOut": "Sesión finalizada",
"subtitle": "Hasta pronto",
"title": "Cerrar sesión"
"loggedOut": "Sesión finalizada"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"upgrade": "Actualizar a plus",
"new": "Nuevo",
"manage_plan": "Gestionar mi plan"
"upgrade": "Actualizar a plus",
"new": "Nuevo",
"manage_plan": "Gestionar mi plan"
@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
"all": "Todos",
"and": "y",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"Chat": "Conversar",
"chatButton": "Conversar",
"comingSoon": "Próximamente",
"crawlButton": "Rastrear",
"createButton": "Crear",
"deleteButton": "Borrar",
"deleteForeverButton": "Borrar para siempre",
"description": "Quivr es tu segundo cerebro en la nube, diseñado para facilitar el almacenamiento y obtención de información inestructurada.",
"doneButton": "Listo",
"Editor": "Editor",
"email": "Correo electrónico",
"Explore": "Explorar",
"invalidUrl": "URL inválida",
"lang": "es-ES",
"languageSelect": "Idioma preferido",
"loading": "Cargando...",
"logoutButton": "Cerrar sesión",
"newChatButton": "Nueva conversación",
"next": "Siguiente",
"or": "o",
"Owner": "Propietario",
"previous": "Anterior",
"resetButton": "Restaurar",
"saveButton": "Guardar",
"shareButton": "Compartir",
"themeSelect": "Tema de interfaz",
"title": "Quivr - Tu segundo cerebro con IA generativa",
"toastDismiss": "cerrar",
"updateButton": "Actualizar",
"Upload": "Subir",
"uploadButton": "Subir",
"uploadingButton": "Subiendo...",
"Viewer": "Espectador"
"all": "Todos",
"and": "y",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"Chat": "Conversar",
"chatButton": "Conversar",
"comingSoon": "Próximamente",
"crawlButton": "Rastrear",
"createButton": "Crear",
"deleteButton": "Borrar",
"deleteForeverButton": "Borrar para siempre",
"description": "Quivr es tu segundo cerebro en la nube, diseñado para facilitar el almacenamiento y obtención de información inestructurada.",
"doneButton": "Listo",
"Editor": "Editor",
"email": "Correo electrónico",
"Explore": "Explorar",
"invalidUrl": "URL inválida",
"lang": "es-ES",
"languageSelect": "Idioma preferido",
"loading": "Cargando...",
"logoutButton": "Cerrar sesión",
"newChatButton": "Nueva conversación",
"next": "Siguiente",
"or": "o",
"Owner": "Propietario",
"previous": "Anterior",
"resetButton": "Restaurar",
"saveButton": "Guardar",
"shareButton": "Compartir",
"themeSelect": "Tema de interfaz",
"title": "Quivr - Tu segundo cerebro con IA generativa",
"toastDismiss": "cerrar",
"updateButton": "Actualizar",
"Upload": "Subir",
"uploadButton": "Subir",
"uploadingButton": "Subiendo...",
"Viewer": "Espectador"
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
"addFiles": "Por favor, agregar archivos a subir",
"alreadyAdded": "Ya se agregó {{fileName}} pero no se envió a tu cerebro.",
"crawlFailed": "Error al rastrear sitio web: {{message}}",
"drop": "Suelte los archivos aquí...",
"uploadFailed": "Error al subir archivo: {{message}}",
"invalidUrl": "URL inválido",
"maxSizeError": "Tamaño de archivo excedido",
"missingNecessaryRole": "No tienes el rol necesario para cargar contenido en el cerebro seleccionado. 🧠💡🥲",
"ohNo": "¡Oh no!",
"selectBrain": "Por favor, seleccione o cree un cerebro antes de subir un archivo",
"selectBrainFirst": "Primero debes seleccionar un cerebro. 🧠💡🥲",
"subtitle": "Texto, documento, hojas de cálculo, presentación, audio, video y URLs admitidos",
"success": "Archivo subido correctamente",
"title": "Subir conocimiento",
"subtitle": "Texto, documento, hojas de cálculo, presentación, audio, video y URLs admitidos",
"drop": "Suelte los archivos aquí...",
"webSite": "Ingrese la URL del sitio web",
"success": "Archivo subido correctamente",
"uploadFailed": "Error al subir archivo: {{message}}",
"maxSizeError": "Tamaño de archivo excedido",
"alreadyAdded": "Ya se agregó {{fileName}} pero no se envió a tu cerebro.",
"addFiles": "Por favor, agregar archivos a subir",
"selectBrain": "Por favor, seleccione o cree un cerebro antes de subir un archivo",
"invalidUrl": "URL inválido",
"crawlFailed": "Error al rastrear sitio web: {{message}}",
"ohNo": "¡Oh no!",
"selectBrainFirst": "Primero debes seleccionar un cerebro. 🧠💡🥲",
"missingNecessaryRole": "No tienes el rol necesario para cargar contenido en el cerebro seleccionado. 🧠💡🥲",
"invalidFileType": "Tipo de archivo no permitido",
"feed_form_submit_button": "Enviar a mi cerebro",
"selected_brain_select_label": "Seleccionar un cerebro"
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"brainSize": "Espacio sobrante en cerebro",
"empty": "Vacío",
"title": "Uso del cerebro de {{user}}",
"fetching": "Obteniendo tus datos...",
"requestsCount": "Peticiones de hoy: {{count}}",
"title": "Uso del cerebro de {{user}}",
"Unused": "Sin usar",
"brainSize": "Espacio sobrante en cerebro",
"empty": "Vacío",
"Used": "Usado",
"Unused": "Sin usar",
"brainUsage": "Uso del cerebro"
@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
"api_brain": {
"addRow": "Ajouter une ligne",
"description": "Description",
"name": "Nom",
"required": "Requis",
"type": "Type",
"value": "Valeur"
"brain_library_button_label": "Explore",
"brain_management_button_label": "Gestion des cerveaux",
"brain_params": "Paramètres du cerveau",
"brain_status_label": "Statut",
"brain_type": "Type de cerveau",
"brainCreated": "Cerveau créé avec succès",
"brainDescription": "Description",
"brainDescriptionPlaceholder": "Mon nouveau cerveau concerne...",
"brainName": "Nom du cerveau",
"brainNamePlaceholder": "Ex. Notes d'histoire",
"brainUndefined": "Cerveau non défini",
"cancel_set_brain_status_to_private": "Non, le laisser public",
"cancel_set_brain_status_to_public": "Non, le garder privé",
"composite_brain_composition_invitation": "Connectez votre nouveau cerveau à d'autres cerveaux existants de votre librairie en les sélectionnant.",
"confirm_set_brain_status_to_private": "Oui, définir comme privé",
"confirm_set_brain_status_to_public": "Oui, définir comme public",
"copiedToClipboard": "Copié dans le presse-papier",
"defaultBrain": "Cerveau par défaut",
"empty_brain_description": "Pas de description",
"errorCreatingBrain": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la création d'un cerveau",
"errorFetchingBrainUsers": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la récupération des utilisateurs du cerveau",
"errorSendingInvitation": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'envoi des invitations",
"explore_brains": "Explorer les cerveaux de la communauté Quivr",
"inviteUsers": "Ajouter de nouveaux utilisateurs",
"knowledge_source_api": "API",
"knowledge_source_composite_brain": "Agent",
"knowledge_source_doc": "Documents",
"knowledge_source_label": "Source de connaissance",
"manage_brain": "Gérer le cerveau",
"myBrains": "Mes cerveaux",
"newBrain": "Ajouter un nouveau cerveau",
"newBrainSubtitle": "Créez un nouvel espace pour vos données",
"newBrainTitle": "Ajouter un nouveau cerveau",
"noBrainUsers": "Pas de brainUsers",
"private_brain_description": "Accessible pour vous et les personnes avec qui vous le partagez",
"private_brain_label": "Privé",
"public_brain_already_subscribed_button_label": "Abonné",
"public_brain_description": "Le cerveau sera partagé avec la communauté Quivr",
"public_brain_label": "Public",
"public_brain_last_update_label": "Dernière mise à jour",
"public_brain_subscribe_button_label": "S'abonner",
"public_brain_subscription_success_message": "Vous vous êtes abonné avec succès au cerveau",
"public_brains_search_bar_placeholder": "Rechercher des cerveaux publics",
"resources": "Ressources",
"searchBrain": "Rechercher un cerveau",
"secrets_update_error": "Erreur lors de la mise à jour des secrets",
"secrets_updated": "Secrets mis à jour",
"set_brain_status_to_private_modal_description": "Les utilisateurs de Quivr ne pourront plus utiliser ce cerveau et ne le verront plus dans la bibliothèque des cerveaux.",
"set_brain_status_to_private_modal_title": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir définir ceci comme <span class='text-primary'>Privé</span>?<br/><br/>",
"set_brain_status_to_public_modal_description": "Chaque utilisateur de Quivr pourra :<br/>- S'abonner à votre cerveau dans la 'bibliothèque des cerveaux'.<br/>- Utiliser ce cerveau et vérifier les configurations de prompts et de modèles.<br/><br/>Ils n'auront pas accès à vos fichiers téléchargés et à la section des personnes.",
"set_brain_status_to_public_modal_title": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir définir ceci comme <span class='text-primary'>Public</span>?<br/><br/>",
"setDefaultBrain": "Définir comme cerveau par défaut",
"shareBrain": "Partager le cerveau {{name}}",
"shareBrainLink": "Cliquez pour copier le lien pour partager votre cerveau",
"shareBrainUsers": "Utilisateurs ayant accès",
"update_secrets_button": "Mettre à jour les secrets",
"update_secrets_message": "Entrez votre mot de passe. Ces informations sont nécessaires pour vous identifier lors de l'appel de l'API",
"userRemoved": "Retiré {{email}} du cerveau",
"userRemoveFailed": "Échec du retrait de {{email}} du cerveau",
"userRoleUpdated": "Mis à jour {{email}} en {{newRole}}",
"userRoleUpdateFailed": "Échec de la mise à jour de {{email}} en {{newRole}}",
"usersInvited": "Utilisateurs invités avec succès",
"usersWithAccess": "Utilisateurs ayant accès"
"api_brain": {
"addRow": "Ajouter une ligne",
"description": "Description",
"name": "Nom",
"required": "Requis",
"type": "Type",
"value": "Valeur"
"brain_library_button_label": "Explore",
"brain_management_button_label": "Gestion des cerveaux",
"brain_params": "Paramètres du cerveau",
"brain_status_label": "Statut",
"brain_type": "Type de cerveau",
"brainCreated": "Cerveau créé avec succès",
"brainDescription": "Description",
"brainDescriptionPlaceholder": "Mon nouveau cerveau concerne...",
"brainName": "Nom du cerveau",
"brainNamePlaceholder": "Ex. Notes d'histoire",
"brainUndefined": "Cerveau non défini",
"cancel_set_brain_status_to_private": "Non, le laisser public",
"cancel_set_brain_status_to_public": "Non, le garder privé",
"composite_brain_composition_invitation": "Connectez votre nouveau cerveau à d'autres cerveaux existants de votre librairie en les sélectionnant.",
"confirm_set_brain_status_to_private": "Oui, définir comme privé",
"confirm_set_brain_status_to_public": "Oui, définir comme public",
"copiedToClipboard": "Copié dans le presse-papier",
"defaultBrain": "Cerveau par défaut",
"empty_brain_description": "Pas de description",
"errorCreatingBrain": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la création d'un cerveau",
"errorFetchingBrainUsers": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la récupération des utilisateurs du cerveau",
"errorSendingInvitation": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'envoi des invitations",
"explore_brains": "Explorer les cerveaux de la communauté Quivr",
"inviteUsers": "Ajouter de nouveaux utilisateurs",
"knowledge_source_api": "API",
"knowledge_source_composite_brain": "Agent",
"knowledge_source_doc": "Documents",
"knowledge_source_label": "Source de connaissance",
"manage_brain": "Gérer le cerveau",
"myBrains": "Mes cerveaux",
"newBrain": "Ajouter un nouveau cerveau",
"newBrainSubtitle": "Créez un nouvel espace pour vos données",
"newBrainTitle": "Ajouter un nouveau cerveau",
"noBrainUsers": "Pas de brainUsers",
"private_brain_description": "Accessible pour vous et les personnes avec qui vous le partagez",
"private_brain_label": "Privé",
"public_brain_already_subscribed_button_label": "Abonné",
"public_brain_description": "Le cerveau sera partagé avec la communauté Quivr",
"public_brain_label": "Public",
"public_brain_last_update_label": "Dernière mise à jour",
"public_brain_subscribe_button_label": "S'abonner",
"public_brain_subscription_success_message": "Vous vous êtes abonné avec succès au cerveau",
"public_brains_search_bar_placeholder": "Rechercher des cerveaux publics",
"resources": "Ressources",
"searchBrain": "Rechercher un cerveau",
"secrets_update_error": "Erreur lors de la mise à jour des secrets",
"secrets_updated": "Secrets mis à jour",
"set_brain_status_to_private_modal_description": "Les utilisateurs de Quivr ne pourront plus utiliser ce cerveau et ne le verront plus dans la bibliothèque des cerveaux.",
"set_brain_status_to_private_modal_title": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir définir ceci comme <span class='text-primary'>Privé</span>?<br/><br/>",
"set_brain_status_to_public_modal_description": "Chaque utilisateur de Quivr pourra :<br/>- S'abonner à votre cerveau dans la 'bibliothèque des cerveaux'.<br/>- Utiliser ce cerveau et vérifier les configurations de prompts et de modèles.<br/><br/>Ils n'auront pas accès à vos fichiers téléchargés et à la section des personnes.",
"set_brain_status_to_public_modal_title": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir définir ceci comme <span class='text-primary'>Public</span>?<br/><br/>",
"setDefaultBrain": "Définir comme cerveau par défaut",
"shareBrain": "Partager le cerveau {{name}}",
"shareBrainLink": "Cliquez pour copier le lien pour partager votre cerveau",
"shareBrainUsers": "Utilisateurs ayant accès",
"update_secrets_button": "Mettre à jour les secrets",
"update_secrets_message": "Entrez votre mot de passe. Ces informations sont nécessaires pour vous identifier lors de l'appel de l'API",
"userRemoved": "Retiré {{email}} du cerveau",
"userRemoveFailed": "Échec du retrait de {{email}} du cerveau",
"userRoleUpdated": "Mis à jour {{email}} en {{newRole}}",
"userRoleUpdateFailed": "Échec de la mise à jour de {{email}} en {{newRole}}",
"usersInvited": "Utilisateurs invités avec succès",
"usersWithAccess": "Utilisateurs ayant accès"
@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
"actions_bar_placeholder": "Posez une question à un @cerveau et sélectionnez un #prompt ",
"add_document": "Ajouter un document",
"ask": "Posez une question ou décrivez une tâche.",
"back_to_chat": "Retour au chat",
"brain": "cerveau",
"brains": "cerveaux",
"change_brain": "Changer de cerveau",
"chat": "Chat",
"chatDeleted": "Chat supprimé avec succès. Id : {{id}}",
"chatNameUpdated": "Nom du chat mis à jour",
"error_occurred": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'obtention de la réponse",
"errorCallingAPI": "Erreur lors de l'appel à l'API",
"errorDeleting": "Erreur lors de la suppression du chat : {{error}}",
"errorFetching": "Erreur lors de la récupération de vos chats",
"errorParsingData": "Erreur lors de l'analyse des données",
"feed_brain_placeholder": "Choisissez le @cerveau que vous souhaitez nourrir avec ces fichiers",
"feedingBrain": "Vos nouvelles connaissances sont en cours de traitement. Vous pouvez continuer à discuter en attendant !",
"history": "Histoire",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Raccourcis clavier",
"last30Days": "30 derniers jours",
"last7Days": "7 derniers jours",
"limit_reached": "Vous avez atteint la limite de requêtes, veuillez réessayer plus tard",
"menu": "Menu",
"missing_brain": "Veuillez selectionner un cerveau pour discuter",
"new_discussion": "Nouvelle discussion",
"new_prompt": "Créer un nouveau prompt",
"noCurrentBrain": "Pas de cerveau actuel",
"onboarding": {
"answer": {
"how_to_use_quivr": "Consultez la documentation sur https://brain.quivr.app/docs/intro.html",
"what_is_brain": "Un cerveau est un dossier virtuel permettant d'organiser des informations sur un sujet spécifique. Il peut stocker des documents et se connecter à des applications externes ou des APIs. Par exemple, un cerveau 'Sciences Médicales' pourrait contenir des données liées à la santé, et un cerveau 'Juridique' pourrait contenir des informations juridiques. Les cerveaux peuvent être rendus publics pour que d'autres puissent les utiliser sans révéler le contenu, favorisant ainsi le partage des connaissances.",
"what_is_quivr": "Quivr est un assistant utile. Vous pouvez facilement glisser-déposer des fichiers dans le chat ou la section des connaissances pour interagir avec eux. Ce n'est pas seulement un outil de chat ; vous pouvez également communiquer avec des applications en utilisant des APIs.\nPour organiser votre travail, vous pouvez créer des cerveaux, essentiellement des dossiers virtuels, et vous abonner aux cerveaux des autres dans la section Explorer pour une collaboration et un partage d'informations transparents."
"actions_bar_placeholder": "Posez une question à un @cerveau et sélectionnez un #prompt ",
"add_document": "Ajouter un document",
"ask": "Posez une question ou décrivez une tâche.",
"back_to_chat": "Retour au chat",
"brain": "cerveau",
"brains": "cerveaux",
"change_brain": "Changer de cerveau",
"chat": "Chat",
"chatDeleted": "Chat supprimé avec succès. Id : {{id}}",
"chatNameUpdated": "Nom du chat mis à jour",
"error_occurred": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'obtention de la réponse",
"errorCallingAPI": "Erreur lors de l'appel à l'API",
"errorDeleting": "Erreur lors de la suppression du chat : {{error}}",
"errorFetching": "Erreur lors de la récupération de vos chats",
"errorParsingData": "Erreur lors de l'analyse des données",
"feed_brain_placeholder": "Choisissez le @cerveau que vous souhaitez nourrir avec ces fichiers",
"feedingBrain": "Vos nouvelles connaissances sont en cours de traitement. Vous pouvez continuer à discuter en attendant !",
"history": "Histoire",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Raccourcis clavier",
"last30Days": "30 derniers jours",
"last7Days": "7 derniers jours",
"limit_reached": "Vous avez atteint la limite de requêtes, veuillez réessayer plus tard",
"menu": "Menu",
"missing_brain": "Veuillez selectionner un cerveau pour discuter",
"new_discussion": "Nouvelle discussion",
"new_prompt": "Créer un nouveau prompt",
"noCurrentBrain": "Pas de cerveau actuel",
"onboarding": {
"answer": {
"how_to_use_quivr": "Consultez la documentation sur https://brain.quivr.app/docs/intro.html",
"what_is_brain": "Un cerveau est un dossier virtuel permettant d'organiser des informations sur un sujet spécifique. Il peut stocker des documents et se connecter à des applications externes ou des APIs. Par exemple, un cerveau 'Sciences Médicales' pourrait contenir des données liées à la santé, et un cerveau 'Juridique' pourrait contenir des informations juridiques. Les cerveaux peuvent être rendus publics pour que d'autres puissent les utiliser sans révéler le contenu, favorisant ainsi le partage des connaissances.",
"what_is_quivr": "Quivr est un assistant utile. Vous pouvez facilement glisser-déposer des fichiers dans le chat ou la section des connaissances pour interagir avec eux. Ce n'est pas seulement un outil de chat ; vous pouvez également communiquer avec des applications en utilisant des APIs.\nPour organiser votre travail, vous pouvez créer des cerveaux, essentiellement des dossiers virtuels, et vous abonner aux cerveaux des autres dans la section Explorer pour une collaboration et un partage d'informations transparents."
"how_to_use_quivr": "Comment utiliser Quivr ?",
"step_1_1": "1. Glissez-déposez un fichier dans le chat ou dans la 📎.",
"step_1_2": "Pas de fichier ? Téléchargez 'Documentation Quivr'",
"step_2": "2. Commencez à discuter avec votre fichier",
"step_3": "3. Profitez !",
"title": "Salut 👋🏻 Envie de découvrir Quivr ? 😇",
"what_is_brain": "Qu'est-ce qu'un cerveau ?",
"what_is_quivr": "Qu'est-ce que Quivr ?"
"how_to_use_quivr": "Comment utiliser Quivr ?",
"step_1_1": "1. Glissez-déposez un fichier dans le chat ou dans la 📎.",
"step_1_2": "Pas de fichier ? Téléchargez 'Documentation Quivr'",
"step_2": "2. Commencez à discuter avec votre fichier",
"step_3": "3. Profitez !",
"title": "Salut 👋🏻 Envie de découvrir Quivr ? 😇",
"what_is_brain": "Qu'est-ce qu'un cerveau ?",
"what_is_quivr": "Qu'est-ce que Quivr ?"
"parameters": "Paramètres",
"receivedResponse": "Réponse reçue. Commence à gérer le flux...",
"resposeBodyNull": "Le corps de la réponse est nul",
"shortcut_choose_prompt": "#: Choisir une directive spécifique",
"shortcut_create_brain": "@+: Créer un nouveau cerveau",
"shortcut_create_prompt": "#+: Créer une nouvelle directive personnalisée",
"shortcut_feed_brain": "/+: Alimenter un cerveau avec des connaissances",
"shortcut_go_to_shortcuts": "CMDK: Accéder aux raccourcis",
"shortcut_go_to_user_page": "CMDU: Accéder à la page utilisateur",
"shortcut_manage_brains": "CMDB: Gérer vos cerveaux",
"shortcut_select_brain": "@: Sélectionnez un cerveau",
"shortcut_select_file": "/: Sélectionner un fichier pour discuter",
"subtitle": "Parlez à un modèle linguistique de vos données téléchargées",
"thinking": "Réflexion...",
"title": "Discuter avec {{brain}}",
"today": "Aujourd'hui",
"tooManyRequests": "Vous avez dépassé le nombre de requêtes par jour. Pour continuer à discuter, veuillez entrer une clé d'API OpenAI dans votre profil ou dans le cerveau utilisé.",
"welcome": "Bienvenue",
"yesterday": "Hier"
"parameters": "Paramètres",
"receivedResponse": "Réponse reçue. Commence à gérer le flux...",
"resposeBodyNull": "Le corps de la réponse est nul",
"shortcut_choose_prompt": "#: Choisir une directive spécifique",
"shortcut_create_brain": "@+: Créer un nouveau cerveau",
"shortcut_create_prompt": "#+: Créer une nouvelle directive personnalisée",
"shortcut_feed_brain": "/+: Alimenter un cerveau avec des connaissances",
"shortcut_go_to_shortcuts": "CMDK: Accéder aux raccourcis",
"shortcut_go_to_user_page": "CMDU: Accéder à la page utilisateur",
"shortcut_manage_brains": "CMDB: Gérer vos cerveaux",
"shortcut_select_brain": "@: Sélectionnez un cerveau",
"shortcut_select_file": "/: Sélectionner un fichier pour discuter",
"subtitle": "Parlez à un modèle linguistique de vos données téléchargées",
"thinking": "Réflexion...",
"title": "Discuter avec {{brain}}",
"today": "Aujourd'hui",
"tooManyRequests": "Vous avez dépassé le nombre de requêtes par jour. Pour continuer à discuter, veuillez entrer une clé d'API OpenAI dans votre profil ou dans le cerveau utilisé.",
"welcome": "Bienvenue",
"yesterday": "Hier"