create sequence "public"."documents_id_seq"; drop function if exists "public"."get_premium_user"(input_email text); drop function if exists "public"."update_max_brains"(); drop function if exists "public"."update_user_settings"(); drop function if exists "public"."match_summaries"(query_embedding vector, match_count integer, match_threshold double precision); alter table "public"."vectors" drop constraint "vectors_pkey1"; drop index if exists "public"."vectors_pkey1"; create table "public"."documents" ( "id" bigint not null default nextval('documents_id_seq'::regclass), "content" text, "metadata" jsonb, "embedding" vector(1536) ); alter table "public"."brains" drop column "retrieval_algorithm"; alter table "public"."brains" add column "openai_api_key" text; alter table "public"."brains" alter column "status" set default 'private'::text; alter table "public"."brains_users" alter column "default_brain" set default false; alter table "public"."brains_vectors" drop column "rights"; alter table "public"."user_settings" alter column "max_brain_size" set default 50000000; alter table "public"."vectors" alter column "id" drop default; alter sequence "public"."documents_id_seq" owned by "public"."documents"."id"; CREATE INDEX brains_vectors_brain_id_idx ON public.brains_vectors USING btree (brain_id); CREATE INDEX brains_vectors_vector_id_idx ON public.brains_vectors USING btree (vector_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX documents_pkey ON public.documents USING btree (id); CREATE INDEX idx_brains_vectors_vector_id ON public.brains_vectors USING btree (vector_id); CREATE INDEX idx_vectors_id ON public.vectors USING btree (id); CREATE INDEX vectors_file_sha1_idx ON public.vectors USING btree (file_sha1); CREATE INDEX vectors_id_idx ON public.vectors USING btree (id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX vectors_new_pkey ON public.vectors USING btree (id); alter table "public"."documents" add constraint "documents_pkey" PRIMARY KEY using index "documents_pkey"; alter table "public"."vectors" add constraint "vectors_new_pkey" PRIMARY KEY using index "vectors_new_pkey"; alter table "public"."api_keys" add constraint "api_keys_user_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES auth.users(id) not valid; alter table "public"."api_keys" validate constraint "api_keys_user_id_fkey"; alter table "public"."brains_vectors" add constraint "brains_vectors_vector_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (vector_id) REFERENCES vectors(id) not valid; alter table "public"."brains_vectors" validate constraint "brains_vectors_vector_id_fkey"; alter table "public"."knowledge_vectors" add constraint "knowledge_vectors_vector_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (vector_id) REFERENCES vectors(id) not valid; alter table "public"."knowledge_vectors" validate constraint "knowledge_vectors_vector_id_fkey"; alter table "public"."summaries" add constraint "summaries_document_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (document_id) REFERENCES vectors(id) not valid; alter table "public"."summaries" validate constraint "summaries_document_id_fkey"; set check_function_bodies = off; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.match_documents(query_embedding vector, match_count integer) RETURNS TABLE(id bigint, content text, metadata jsonb, similarity double precision) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ #variable_conflict use_column begin return query select id, content, metadata, 1 - (documents.embedding <=> query_embedding) as similarity from documents order by documents.embedding <=> query_embedding limit match_count; end; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.match_summaries(query_embedding vector, match_count integer, match_threshold double precision) RETURNS TABLE(id bigint, document_id bigint, content text, metadata jsonb, embedding vector, similarity double precision) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ # variable_conflict use_column BEGIN RETURN query SELECT id, document_id, content, metadata, embedding, 1 -(summaries.embedding <=> query_embedding) AS similarity FROM summaries WHERE 1 - (summaries.embedding <=> query_embedding) > match_threshold ORDER BY summaries.embedding <=> query_embedding LIMIT match_count; END; $function$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.update_max_brains_theodo() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $function$ DECLARE userEmail TEXT; allowedDomains TEXT[] := ARRAY['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']; BEGIN SELECT email INTO userEmail FROM auth.users WHERE id = NEW.user_id; IF userEmail LIKE ANY(allowedDomains) THEN -- Ensure the models column is initialized as an array if null IF NEW.models IS NULL THEN NEW.models := '[]'::jsonb; END IF; -- Add gpt-4 if not present IF NOT NEW.models ? 'gpt-4' THEN NEW.models := NEW.models || '["gpt-4"]'::jsonb; END IF; -- Add gpt-3.5-turbo if not present IF NOT NEW.models ? 'gpt-3.5-turbo-1106' THEN NEW.models := NEW.models || '["gpt-3.5-turbo"]'::jsonb; END IF; UPDATE user_settings SET max_brains = 30, max_brain_size = 100000000, daily_chat_credit = 200, models = NEW.models WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id; END IF; RETURN NULL; -- for AFTER triggers, the return value is ignored END; $function$ ; grant delete on table "public"."documents" to "anon"; grant insert on table "public"."documents" to "anon"; grant references on table "public"."documents" to "anon"; grant select on table "public"."documents" to "anon"; grant trigger on table "public"."documents" to "anon"; grant truncate on table "public"."documents" to "anon"; grant update on table "public"."documents" to "anon"; grant delete on table "public"."documents" to "authenticated"; grant insert on table "public"."documents" to "authenticated"; grant references on table "public"."documents" to "authenticated"; grant select on table "public"."documents" to "authenticated"; grant trigger on table "public"."documents" to "authenticated"; grant truncate on table "public"."documents" to "authenticated"; grant update on table "public"."documents" to "authenticated"; grant delete on table "public"."documents" to "service_role"; grant insert on table "public"."documents" to "service_role"; grant references on table "public"."documents" to "service_role"; grant select on table "public"."documents" to "service_role"; grant trigger on table "public"."documents" to "service_role"; grant truncate on table "public"."documents" to "service_role"; grant update on table "public"."documents" to "service_role"; CREATE TRIGGER update_max_brains_theodo_trigger AFTER INSERT ON public.user_settings FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION update_max_brains_theodo();