alter table "public"."brains" alter column "brain_type" drop default; alter type "public"."brain_type_enum" rename to "brain_type_enum__old_version_to_be_dropped"; create type "public"."brain_type_enum" as enum ('doc', 'api', 'composite', 'integration'); create table "public"."integrations" ( "created_at" timestamp with time zone not null default now(), "integration_name" text not null, "integration_logo_url" text, "connection_settings" jsonb, "id" uuid not null default gen_random_uuid() ); alter table "public"."integrations" enable row level security; create table "public"."integrations_user" ( "id" bigint generated by default as identity not null, "created_at" timestamp with time zone not null default now(), "user_id" uuid not null, "brain_id" uuid, "integration_id" uuid, "settings" jsonb, "credentials" jsonb ); alter table "public"."integrations_user" enable row level security; alter table "public"."brains" alter column brain_type type "public"."brain_type_enum" using brain_type::text::"public"."brain_type_enum"; alter table "public"."brains" alter column "brain_type" set default 'doc'::brain_type_enum; drop type "public"."brain_type_enum__old_version_to_be_dropped"; alter table "public"."brains" alter column "model" set default 'gpt-3.5-turbo-1106'::text; alter table "public"."brains_vectors" add column "id" uuid not null default gen_random_uuid(); alter table "public"."brains_vectors" alter column "vector_id" set not null; alter table "public"."knowledge" add column "integration" text; alter table "public"."knowledge" add column "integration_link" text; alter table "public"."user_settings" alter column "models" set default '["gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"]'::jsonb; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX brains_vectors_pkey ON public.brains_vectors USING btree (id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX integrations_id_key ON public.integrations USING btree (id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX integrations_integration_name_key ON public.integrations USING btree (integration_name); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX integrations_pkey ON public.integrations USING btree (id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX integrations_user_pkey ON public.integrations_user USING btree (id); alter table "public"."brains_vectors" add constraint "brains_vectors_pkey" PRIMARY KEY using index "brains_vectors_pkey"; alter table "public"."integrations" add constraint "integrations_pkey" PRIMARY KEY using index "integrations_pkey"; alter table "public"."integrations_user" add constraint "integrations_user_pkey" PRIMARY KEY using index "integrations_user_pkey"; alter table "public"."integrations" add constraint "integrations_id_key" UNIQUE using index "integrations_id_key"; alter table "public"."integrations" add constraint "integrations_integration_name_key" UNIQUE using index "integrations_integration_name_key"; alter table "public"."integrations_user" add constraint "integrations_user_brain_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (brain_id) REFERENCES brains(brain_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE not valid; alter table "public"."integrations_user" validate constraint "integrations_user_brain_id_fkey"; alter table "public"."integrations_user" add constraint "integrations_user_integration_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (integration_id) REFERENCES integrations(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE not valid; alter table "public"."integrations_user" validate constraint "integrations_user_integration_id_fkey"; alter table "public"."integrations_user" add constraint "integrations_user_user_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE not valid; alter table "public"."integrations_user" validate constraint "integrations_user_user_id_fkey"; grant delete on table "public"."integrations" to "anon"; grant insert on table "public"."integrations" to "anon"; grant references on table "public"."integrations" to "anon"; grant select on table "public"."integrations" to "anon"; grant trigger on table "public"."integrations" to "anon"; grant truncate on table "public"."integrations" to "anon"; grant update on table "public"."integrations" to "anon"; grant delete on table "public"."integrations" to "authenticated"; grant insert on table "public"."integrations" to "authenticated"; grant references on table "public"."integrations" to "authenticated"; grant select on table "public"."integrations" to "authenticated"; grant trigger on table "public"."integrations" to "authenticated"; grant truncate on table "public"."integrations" to "authenticated"; grant update on table "public"."integrations" to "authenticated"; grant delete on table "public"."integrations" to "service_role"; grant insert on table "public"."integrations" to "service_role"; grant references on table "public"."integrations" to "service_role"; grant select on table "public"."integrations" to "service_role"; grant trigger on table "public"."integrations" to "service_role"; grant truncate on table "public"."integrations" to "service_role"; grant update on table "public"."integrations" to "service_role"; grant delete on table "public"."integrations_user" to "anon"; grant insert on table "public"."integrations_user" to "anon"; grant references on table "public"."integrations_user" to "anon"; grant select on table "public"."integrations_user" to "anon"; grant trigger on table "public"."integrations_user" to "anon"; grant truncate on table "public"."integrations_user" to "anon"; grant update on table "public"."integrations_user" to "anon"; grant delete on table "public"."integrations_user" to "authenticated"; grant insert on table "public"."integrations_user" to "authenticated"; grant references on table "public"."integrations_user" to "authenticated"; grant select on table "public"."integrations_user" to "authenticated"; grant trigger on table "public"."integrations_user" to "authenticated"; grant truncate on table "public"."integrations_user" to "authenticated"; grant update on table "public"."integrations_user" to "authenticated"; grant delete on table "public"."integrations_user" to "service_role"; grant insert on table "public"."integrations_user" to "service_role"; grant references on table "public"."integrations_user" to "service_role"; grant select on table "public"."integrations_user" to "service_role"; grant trigger on table "public"."integrations_user" to "service_role"; grant truncate on table "public"."integrations_user" to "service_role"; grant update on table "public"."integrations_user" to "service_role";