import { createHash } from "crypto"; import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { useSupabase } from "@/lib/context/SupabaseProvider"; // Gravatar images may be requested just like a normal image, using an IMG tag. To get an image specific to a user, you must first calculate their email hash. // The most basic image request URL looks like this: // const computeGravatarUrl = (email?: string) => { const hash = createHash("md5") .update(typeof email === "string" ? email.trim().toLowerCase() : "") .digest("hex"); return `${hash}?d=mp`; }; export const useGravatar = (): { gravatarUrl: string } => { const { session } = useSupabase(); const [gravatarUrl, setGravatarUrl] = useState(computeGravatarUrl()); const email = session?; useEffect(() => { const computedUrl = computeGravatarUrl(email); setGravatarUrl(computedUrl); }, [email]); return { gravatarUrl }; };