import { createContext, PropsWithChildren } from "react"; import { BrainContextType } from "../types"; export const BrainContextMock = createContext( undefined ); export const BrainProviderMock = ({ children, }: PropsWithChildren): JSX.Element => { return ( void 0, //@ts-ignore we are not using the functions in tests deleteBrain: () => void 0, //@ts-ignore we are not using the functions in tests currentBrainId: undefined, //@ts-ignore we are not using the functions in tests fetchAllBrains: () => void 0, //@ts-ignore we are not using the functions in tests getBrainWithId: () => void 0, //@ts-ignore we are not using the functions in tests setActiveBrain: () => void 0, //@ts-ignore we are not using the functions in tests setDefaultBrain: () => void 0, }} > {children} ); };