create table "public"."product_to_features" ( "id" bigint generated by default as identity not null, "models" jsonb default '["gpt-3.5-turbo-1106"]'::jsonb, "daily_chat_credit" integer not null default 20, "max_brains" integer not null, "max_brain_size" bigint not null default '50000000'::bigint, "api_access" boolean not null default false, "stripe_product_id" text ); alter table "public"."user_settings" drop column "API_ACCESS"; alter table "public"."user_settings" add column "api_access" boolean not null default false; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX product_to_features_pkey ON public.product_to_features USING btree (id); alter table "public"."product_to_features" add constraint "product_to_features_pkey" PRIMARY KEY using index "product_to_features_pkey"; alter table "public"."product_to_features" add constraint "product_to_features_max_brains_check" CHECK ((max_brains > 0)) not valid; alter table "public"."product_to_features" validate constraint "product_to_features_max_brains_check"; grant delete on table "public"."product_to_features" to "anon"; grant insert on table "public"."product_to_features" to "anon"; grant references on table "public"."product_to_features" to "anon"; grant select on table "public"."product_to_features" to "anon"; grant trigger on table "public"."product_to_features" to "anon"; grant truncate on table "public"."product_to_features" to "anon"; grant update on table "public"."product_to_features" to "anon"; grant delete on table "public"."product_to_features" to "authenticated"; grant insert on table "public"."product_to_features" to "authenticated"; grant references on table "public"."product_to_features" to "authenticated"; grant select on table "public"."product_to_features" to "authenticated"; grant trigger on table "public"."product_to_features" to "authenticated"; grant truncate on table "public"."product_to_features" to "authenticated"; grant update on table "public"."product_to_features" to "authenticated"; grant delete on table "public"."product_to_features" to "service_role"; grant insert on table "public"."product_to_features" to "service_role"; grant references on table "public"."product_to_features" to "service_role"; grant select on table "public"."product_to_features" to "service_role"; grant trigger on table "public"."product_to_features" to "service_role"; grant truncate on table "public"."product_to_features" to "service_role"; grant update on table "public"."product_to_features" to "service_role";