{ "lang": "en-US", "title": "Quivr - Get a Second Brain with Generative AI", "title.short": "Get a Second Brain with", "description": "Quivr is your second brain in the cloud, designed to easily store and retrieve unstructured information.", "getStarted": "Get Started", "features": "Features", "two_brains_title": "Two brains are better than one", "two_brains_desc": "Quivr is your second brain in the cloud, designed to easily store and retrieve unstructured information.", "any_kind_of_data_title": "Store any kind of data", "any_kind_of_data_desc": "Quivr can handle almost any type of data you throw at it. Text, images, code snippets, we've got you covered.", "fast_and_accurate_title": "Get a Fast and Consistent Brain", "fast_and_accurate_desc": "Quivr is your second brain in the cloud, designed to easily store and retrieve unstructured information.", "fast_and_efficient_title": "Fast and Efficient", "fast_and_efficient_desc": "Designed with speed and efficiency at its core. Quivr ensures rapid access to your data.", "secure_title": "Secure", "secure_desc": "Your data, your control. Always.", "open_source_title": "Open source", "open_source_desc": "Freedom is beautiful, so is Quivr. Open source and free to use.", "toastDismiss": "dismiss", "email": "Email", "password": "Password", "or": "or", "loginButton": "Login", "signUpButton": "Sign up", "logoutButton": "Logout", "updateButton": "Update", "uploadButton": "Upload", "uploadingButton": "Uploading...", "chatButton": "Chat", "deleteButton": "Delete", "deleteForeverButton": "Delete forever", "doneButton": "Done", "resetButton": "Reset", "newChatButton": "New Chat", "createButton": "Create", "shareButton": "Share", "Upload": "Upload", "Chat": "Chat", "Explore": "Explore", "loading": "Loading...", "comingSoon": "Coming soon", "Viewer": "Viewer", "Editor": "Editor", "Owner": "Owner", "saveButton": "Save", "invalidUrl": "Invalid URL", "crawlButton": "Crawl" }