Stan Girard 6bc9dd1894
ci: 🎡 tests (#1615)

# Description

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- [ ] My code follows the style guidelines of this project
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## Screenshots (if appropriate):
2023-11-13 13:53:25 +01:00

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# def test_upload_and_delete_file(client, api_key):
# # Retrieve the default brain
# brain_response = client.get(
# "/brains/default", headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + api_key}
# )
# assert brain_response.status_code == 200
# default_brain_id = brain_response.json()["id"]
# # File to upload
# file_path = "test_files/test.txt"
# file_name = "test.txt" # Assuming the name of the file on the server is the same as the local file name
# # Set enable_summarization flag
# enable_summarization = False
# # Upload the file
# with open(file_path, "rb") as file:
# upload_response = client.post(
# f"/upload?brain_id={default_brain_id}&enable_summarization={enable_summarization}",
# headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + api_key},
# files={"uploadFile": file},
# )
# # Assert that the upload response status code is 200 (HTTP OK)
# assert upload_response.status_code == 200
# # Optionally, you can assert on specific fields in the upload response data
# upload_response_data = upload_response.json()
# assert "message" in upload_response_data
# # Delete the file
# delete_response = client.delete(
# f"/explore/{file_name}",
# headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + api_key},
# params={"brain_id": default_brain_id},
# )
# # Assert that the delete response status code is 200 (HTTP OK)
# assert delete_response.status_code == 200
# # Optionally, you can assert on specific fields in the delete response data
# delete_response_data = delete_response.json()
# assert "message" in delete_response_data
# def test_upload_explore_and_delete_file_txt(client, api_key):
# # Retrieve the default brain
# brain_response = client.get(
# "/brains/default", headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + api_key}
# )
# assert brain_response.status_code == 200
# default_brain_id = brain_response.json()["id"]
# # File to upload
# file_path = "test_files/test.txt"
# file_name = "test.txt" # Assuming the name of the file on the server is the same as the local file name
# # Set enable_summarization flag
# enable_summarization = False
# # Upload the file
# with open(file_path, "rb") as file:
# upload_response = client.post(
# f"/upload?brain_id={default_brain_id}&enable_summarization={enable_summarization}",
# headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + api_key},
# files={"uploadFile": file},
# )
# # Assert that the upload response status code is 200 (HTTP OK)
# assert upload_response.status_code == 200
# # Optionally, you can assert on specific fields in the upload response data
# upload_response_data = upload_response.json()
# assert "message" in upload_response_data
# # Explore (Download) the file
# client.get(
# f"/explore/{file_name}",
# headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + api_key},
# )
# # Delete the file
# delete_response = client.delete(
# f"/explore/{file_name}",
# headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + api_key},
# params={"brain_id": default_brain_id},
# )
# # Assert that the delete response status code is 200 (HTTP OK)
# assert delete_response.status_code == 200
# # Optionally, you can assert on specific fields in the delete response data
# delete_response_data = delete_response.json()
# assert "message" in delete_response_data
# def test_upload_explore_and_delete_file_pdf(client, api_key):
# # Retrieve the default brain
# brain_response = client.get(
# "/brains/default", headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + api_key}
# )
# assert brain_response.status_code == 200
# default_brain_id = brain_response.json()["id"]
# # File to upload
# file_path = "tests/test_files/test.pdf"
# file_name = "test.pdf" # Assuming the name of the file on the server is the same as the local file name
# # Set enable_summarization flag
# enable_summarization = False
# # Upload the file
# with open(file_path, "rb") as file:
# upload_response = client.post(
# f"/upload?brain_id={default_brain_id}&enable_summarization={enable_summarization}",
# headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + api_key},
# files={"uploadFile": file},
# )
# # Assert that the upload response status code is 200 (HTTP OK)
# assert upload_response.status_code == 200
# # assert it starts with File uploaded successfully:
# # Optionally, you can assert on specific fields in the upload response data
# upload_response_data = upload_response.json()
# assert "message" in upload_response_data
# assert "type" in upload_response_data
# assert upload_response_data["type"] == "success"
# # Explore (Download) the file
# explore_response = client.get(
# f"/explore/{file_name}",
# headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + api_key},
# )
# # Assert that the explore response status code is 200 (HTTP OK)
# assert explore_response.status_code == 200
# # Delete the file
# delete_response = client.delete(
# f"/explore/{file_name}",
# headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + api_key},
# params={"brain_id": default_brain_id},
# )
# # Assert that the delete response status code is 200 (HTTP OK)
# assert delete_response.status_code == 200
# # Optionally, you can assert on specific fields in the delete response data
# delete_response_data = delete_response.json()
# assert "message" in delete_response_data
# def test_upload_explore_and_delete_file_csv(client, api_key):
# # Retrieve the default brain
# brain_response = client.get(
# "/brains/default", headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + api_key}
# )
# assert brain_response.status_code == 200
# default_brain_id = brain_response.json()["id"]
# # File to upload
# file_path = "tests/test_files/test.csv"
# file_name = "test.csv" # Assuming the name of the file on the server is the same as the local file name
# # Set enable_summarization flag
# enable_summarization = False
# # Upload the file
# with open(file_path, "rb") as file:
# upload_response = client.post(
# f"/upload?brain_id={default_brain_id}&enable_summarization={enable_summarization}",
# headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + api_key},
# files={"uploadFile": file},
# )
# # Assert that the upload response status code is 200 (HTTP OK)
# assert upload_response.status_code == 200
# # Optionally, you can assert on specific fields in the upload response data
# upload_response_data = upload_response.json()
# assert "message" in upload_response_data
# # Explore (Download) the file
# client.get(
# f"/explore/{file_name}",
# headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + api_key},
# )
# # Delete the file
# delete_response = client.delete(
# f"/explore/{file_name}",
# headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + api_key},
# params={"brain_id": default_brain_id},
# )
# # Assert that the delete response status code is 200 (HTTP OK)
# assert delete_response.status_code == 200
# # Optionally, you can assert on specific fields in the delete response data
# delete_response_data = delete_response.json()
# assert "message" in delete_response_data