Stan Girard edcabdbcdf
feat: doc as integration (#2297)
This pull request updates the integration types and classes in the
codebase. It includes the following commits:

- Update logo_url field in brain entity and integration_brain entity

- Update integration references in BrainsUsers and IntegrationBrain

- Revert "Update integration references in BrainsUsers and
IntegrationBrain classes"

- Revert "Update logo_url field in brain entity and integration_brain

- Add 'doc' integration type and KnowledgeBrainQA class

Please review and merge these changes.
2024-03-04 16:10:56 -08:00

14 lines
592 B

alter table "public"."integrations" alter column "integration_type" drop default;
alter type "public"."integration_type" rename to "integration_type__old_version_to_be_dropped";
create type "public"."integration_type" as enum ('custom', 'sync', 'doc');
alter table "public"."integrations" alter column integration_type type "public"."integration_type" using integration_type::text::"public"."integration_type";
alter table "public"."integrations" alter column "integration_type" set default 'custom'::integration_type;
drop type "public"."integration_type__old_version_to_be_dropped";