2022-09-26 16:02:48 +03:00
# This file is part of stable-diffusion-webui (https://github.com/sd-webui/stable-diffusion-webui/).
# Copyright 2022 sd-webui team.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2022-09-24 15:30:16 +03:00
# base webui import and utils.
from sd_utils import *
2022-09-12 21:44:00 +03:00
2022-09-24 15:30:16 +03:00
# streamlit imports
#streamlit components section
import streamlit_nested_layout
2022-09-25 11:17:14 +03:00
from streamlit_server_state import server_state , server_state_lock
2022-09-24 15:30:16 +03:00
#other imports
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
# end of imports
def layout ( ) :
st . header ( " Settings " )
with st . form ( " Settings " ) :
2022-09-25 11:17:14 +03:00
general_tab , txt2img_tab , img2img_tab , \
txt2vid_tab , textual_inversion_tab , concepts_library_tab = st . tabs ( [ ' General ' , " Text-To-Image " ,
" Image-To-Image " , " Text-To-Video " ,
" Textual Inversion " ,
" Concepts Library " ] )
2022-09-24 15:30:16 +03:00
with general_tab :
col1 , col2 , col3 , col4 , col5 = st . columns ( 5 , gap = ' large ' )
device_list = [ ]
device_properties = [ ( i , torch . cuda . get_device_properties ( i ) ) for i in range ( torch . cuda . device_count ( ) ) ]
for device in device_properties :
id = device [ 0 ]
name = device [ 1 ] . name
total_memory = device [ 1 ] . total_memory
device_list . append ( f " { id } : { name } ( { human_readable_size ( total_memory , decimal_places = 0 ) } ) " )
with col1 :
st . title ( " General " )
st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . gpu = int ( st . selectbox ( " GPU " , device_list ,
help = f " Select which GPU to use. Default: { device_list [ 0 ] } " ) . split ( " : " ) [ 0 ] )
st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . outdir = str ( st . text_input ( " Output directory " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . outdir ,
help = " Relative directory on which the output images after a generation will be placed. Default: ' outputs ' " ) )
# If we have custom models available on the "models/custom"
# folder then we show a menu to select which model we want to use, otherwise we use the main model for SD
custom_models_available ( )
2022-09-29 13:29:44 +03:00
if server_state [ " CustomModel_available " ] :
2022-09-25 11:17:14 +03:00
st . session_state . default_model = st . selectbox ( " Default Model: " , server_state [ " custom_models " ] ,
index = server_state [ " custom_models " ] . index ( st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . default_model ) ,
2022-09-24 15:30:16 +03:00
help = " Select the model you want to use. If you have placed custom models \
on your ' models/custom ' folder they will be shown here as well . The model name that will be shown here \
is the same as the name the file for the model has on said folder , \
it is recommended to give the . ckpt file a name that \
will make it easier for you to distinguish it from other models . Default : Stable Diffusion v1 .4 " )
else :
st . session_state . default_model = st . selectbox ( " Default Model: " , [ st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . default_model ] ,
help = " Select the model you want to use. If you have placed custom models \
on your ' models/custom ' folder they will be shown here as well . \
The model name that will be shown here is the same as the name \
the file for the model has on said folder , it is recommended to give the . ckpt file a name that \
will make it easier for you to distinguish it from other models . Default : Stable Diffusion v1 .4 " )
st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . default_model_config = st . text_input ( " Default Model Config " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . default_model_config ,
help = " Default model config file for inference. Default: ' configs/stable-diffusion/v1-inference.yaml ' " )
st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . default_model_path = st . text_input ( " Default Model Config " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . default_model_path ,
help = " Default model path. Default: ' models/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1/model.ckpt ' " )
st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . GFPGAN_dir = st . text_input ( " Default GFPGAN directory " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . GFPGAN_dir ,
help = " Default GFPGAN directory. Default: ' ./src/gfpgan ' " )
st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . RealESRGAN_dir = st . text_input ( " Default RealESRGAN directory " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . RealESRGAN_dir ,
help = " Default GFPGAN directory. Default: ' ./src/realesrgan ' " )
RealESRGAN_model_list = [ " RealESRGAN_x4plus " , " RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B " ]
st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . RealESRGAN_model = st . selectbox ( " RealESRGAN model " , RealESRGAN_model_list ,
index = RealESRGAN_model_list . index ( st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . RealESRGAN_model ) ,
help = " Default RealESRGAN model. Default: ' RealESRGAN_x4plus ' " )
with col2 :
st . title ( " Performance " )
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . gfpgan_cpu = st . checkbox ( " GFPGAN - CPU " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . gfpgan_cpu ,
help = " Run GFPGAN on the cpu. Default: False " )
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . esrgan_cpu = st . checkbox ( " ESRGAN - CPU " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . esrgan_cpu ,
help = " Run ESRGAN on the cpu. Default: False " )
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . extra_models_cpu = st . checkbox ( " Extra Models - CPU " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . extra_models_cpu ,
help = " Run extra models (GFGPAN/ESRGAN) on cpu. Default: False " )
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . extra_models_gpu = st . checkbox ( " Extra Models - GPU " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . extra_models_gpu ,
help = " Run extra models (GFGPAN/ESRGAN) on gpu. \
Check and save in order to be able to select the GPU that each model will use . Default : False " )
if st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . extra_models_gpu :
st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . gfpgan_gpu = int ( st . selectbox ( " GFGPAN GPU " , device_list , index = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . gfpgan_gpu ,
help = f " Select which GPU to use. Default: { device_list [ st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . gfpgan_gpu ] } " ,
key = " gfpgan_gpu " ) . split ( " : " ) [ 0 ] )
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . esrgan_gpu = int ( st . selectbox ( " ESRGAN - GPU " , device_list , index = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . esrgan_gpu ,
help = f " Select which GPU to use. Default: { device_list [ st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . esrgan_gpu ] } " ,
key = " esrgan_gpu " ) . split ( " : " ) [ 0 ] )
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . no_half = st . checkbox ( " No Half " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . no_half ,
help = " DO NOT switch the model to 16-bit floats. Default: False " )
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . use_float16 = st . checkbox ( " Use float16 " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . use_float16 ,
help = " Switch the model to 16-bit floats. Default: False " )
precision_list = [ ' full ' , ' autocast ' ]
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . precision = st . selectbox ( " Precision " , precision_list , index = precision_list . index ( st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . precision ) ,
help = " Evaluates at this precision. Default: autocast " )
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . optimized = st . checkbox ( " Optimized Mode " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . optimized ,
help = " Loads the model onto the device piecemeal instead of all at once to reduce VRAM usage \
at the cost of performance . Default : False " )
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . optimized_turbo = st . checkbox ( " Optimized Turbo Mode " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . optimized_turbo ,
help = " Alternative optimization mode that does not save as much VRAM but \
runs siginificantly faster . Default : False " )
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . optimized_config = st . text_input ( " Optimized Config " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . optimized_config ,
help = f " Loads alternative optimized configuration for inference. \
Default : optimizedSD / v1 - inference . yaml " )
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . enable_attention_slicing = st . checkbox ( " Enable Attention Slicing " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . enable_attention_slicing ,
help = " Enable sliced attention computation. When this option is enabled, the attention module will \
split the input tensor in slices , to compute attention in several steps . This is useful to save some \
memory in exchange for a small speed decrease . Only works the txt2vid tab right now . Default : False " )
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . enable_minimal_memory_usage = st . checkbox ( " Enable Minimal Memory Usage " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . enable_minimal_memory_usage ,
help = " Moves only unet to fp16 and to CUDA, while keepping lighter models on CPUs \
( Not properly implemented and currently not working , check this \
link ' https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers/pull/537 ' for more information on it ) . Default : False " )
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . update_preview = st . checkbox ( " Update Preview Image " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . update_preview ,
help = " Enables the preview image to be updated and shown to the user on the UI during the generation. \
If checked , once you save the settings an option to specify the frequency at which the image is updated \
in steps will be shown , this is helpful to reduce the negative effect this option has on performance . Default : True " )
if st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . update_preview :
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . update_preview_frequency = int ( st . text_input ( " Update Preview Frequency " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . update_preview_frequency ,
help = " Specify the frequency at which the image is updated in steps, this is helpful to reduce the \
negative effect updating the preview image has on performance . Default : 10 " ))
with col3 :
2022-09-26 11:12:06 +03:00
st . title ( " Others " )
2022-09-24 15:30:16 +03:00
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . use_sd_concepts_library = st . checkbox ( " Use the Concepts Library " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . use_sd_concepts_library ,
help = " Use the embeds Concepts Library, if checked, once the settings are saved an option will \
appear to specify the directory where the concepts are stored . Default : True ) " )
if st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . use_sd_concepts_library :
st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . sd_concepts_library_folder = st . text_input ( " Concepts Library Folder " ,
value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . sd_concepts_library_folder ,
help = " Relative folder on which the concepts library embeds are stored. \
Default : ' models/custom/sd-concepts-library ' " )
st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . LDSR_dir = st . text_input ( " LDSR Folder " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . LDSR_dir ,
help = " Folder where LDSR is located. Default: ' ./src/latent-diffusion ' " )
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . save_metadata = st . checkbox ( " Save Metadata " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . save_metadata ,
help = " Save metadata on the output image. Default: True " )
save_format_list = [ " png " ]
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . save_format = st . selectbox ( " Save Format " , save_format_list , index = save_format_list . index ( st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . save_format ) ,
help = " Format that will be used whens saving the output images. Default: ' png ' " )
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . skip_grid = st . checkbox ( " Skip Grid " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . skip_grid ,
help = " Skip saving the grid output image. Default: False " )
if not st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . skip_grid :
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . grid_format = st . text_input ( " Grid Format " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . grid_format ,
help = " Format for saving the grid output image. Default: ' jpg:95 ' " )
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . skip_save = st . checkbox ( " Skip Save " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . skip_save ,
help = " Skip saving the output image. Default: False " )
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . n_rows = int ( st . text_input ( " Number of Grid Rows " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . n_rows ,
help = " Number of rows the grid wil have when saving the grid output image. Default: ' -1 ' " ) )
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . no_verify_input = st . checkbox ( " Do not Verify Input " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . no_verify_input ,
help = " Do not verify input to check if it ' s too long. Default: False " )
2022-09-26 12:36:10 +03:00
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . daisi_app . running_on_daisi_io = st . checkbox ( " Running on Daisi.io? " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . daisi_app . running_on_daisi_io ,
help = " Specify if we are running on app.Daisi.io . Default: False " )
2022-09-26 11:12:06 +03:00
with col4 :
st . title ( " Streamlit Config " )
2022-09-26 11:20:31 +03:00
2022-09-26 11:12:06 +03:00
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . streamlit_telemetry = st . checkbox ( " Enable Telemetry " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . streamlit_telemetry ,
help = " Enables or Disables streamlit telemetry. Default: False " )
st . session_state [ " streamlit_config " ] [ " browser " ] [ " gatherUsageStats " ] = st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . streamlit_telemetry
2022-09-26 11:20:31 +03:00
default_theme_list = [ " light " , " dark " ]
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . default_theme = st . selectbox ( " Default Theme " , default_theme_list , index = default_theme_list . index ( st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . default_theme ) ,
help = " Defaut theme to use as base for streamlit. Default: dark " )
st . session_state [ " streamlit_config " ] [ " theme " ] [ " base " ] = st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . default_theme
2022-09-26 16:07:29 +03:00
with col5 :
st . title ( " Huggingface " )
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . general . huggingface_token = st . text_input ( " Huggingface Token " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . general . huggingface_token , type = " password " ,
help = " Your Huggingface Token, it ' s used to download the model for the diffusers library which \
is used on the Text To Video tab . This token will be saved to your user config file \
and WILL NOT be share with us or anyone . You can get your access token \
at https : / / huggingface . co / settings / tokens . Default : None " )
2022-09-24 15:30:16 +03:00
with txt2img_tab :
st . title ( " Text To Image " )
2022-09-25 03:18:29 +03:00
st . info ( " Under Construction. :construction_worker: " )
2022-09-24 15:30:16 +03:00
with img2img_tab :
st . title ( " Image To Image " )
2022-09-25 03:18:29 +03:00
st . info ( " Under Construction. :construction_worker: " )
2022-09-24 15:30:16 +03:00
with txt2vid_tab :
st . title ( " Text To Video " )
2022-09-25 03:18:29 +03:00
st . info ( " Under Construction. :construction_worker: " )
2022-09-24 15:30:16 +03:00
with textual_inversion_tab :
st . title ( " Textual Inversion " )
2022-09-25 03:18:29 +03:00
st . info ( " Under Construction. :construction_worker: " )
2022-09-24 15:30:16 +03:00
2022-09-25 11:17:14 +03:00
with concepts_library_tab :
st . title ( " Concepts Library " )
#st.info("Under Construction. :construction_worker:")
col1 , col2 , col3 , col4 , col5 = st . columns ( 5 , gap = ' large ' )
with col1 :
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . concepts_library . concepts_per_page = int ( st . text_input ( " Concepts Per Page " , value = st . session_state [ ' defaults ' ] . concepts_library . concepts_per_page ,
help = " Number of concepts per page to show on the Concepts Library. Default: ' 12 ' " ) )
2022-09-24 15:30:16 +03:00
# add space for the buttons at the bottom
st . markdown ( " --- " )
# We need a submit button to save the Settings
# as well as one to reset them to the defaults, just in case.
_ , _ , save_button_col , reset_button_col , _ , _ = st . columns ( [ 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ] , gap = " large " )
with save_button_col :
save_button = st . form_submit_button ( " Save " )
with reset_button_col :
reset_button = st . form_submit_button ( " Reset " )
if save_button :
OmegaConf . save ( config = st . session_state . defaults , f = " configs/webui/userconfig_streamlit.yaml " )
loaded = OmegaConf . load ( " configs/webui/userconfig_streamlit.yaml " )
2022-09-26 11:12:06 +03:00
assert st . session_state . defaults == loaded
if ( os . path . exists ( " .streamlit/config.toml " ) ) :
with open ( " .streamlit/config.toml " , " w " ) as toml_file :
toml . dump ( st . session_state [ " streamlit_config " ] , toml_file )
2022-09-24 15:30:16 +03:00
if reset_button :
st . session_state [ " defaults " ] = OmegaConf . load ( " configs/webui/webui_streamlit.yaml " )