2022-11-03 10:04:32 +03:00
# This file is part of sygil-webui (https://github.com/Sygil-Dev/sygil-webui/).
# Copyright 2022 Sygil-Dev team.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# base webui import and utils.
#import streamlit as st
# We import hydralit like this to replace the previous stuff
# we had with native streamlit as it lets ur replace things 1:1
from sd_utils import logger , load_models
# streamlit imports
#streamlit components section
#other imports
import requests , time , json , base64
from io import BytesIO
# import custom components
# end of imports
@logger.catch ( reraise = True )
def run_bridge ( interval , api_key , horde_name , horde_url , priority_usernames , horde_max_pixels , horde_nsfw , horde_censor_nsfw , horde_blacklist , horde_censorlist ) :
current_id = None
current_payload = None
loop_retry = 0
# load the model for stable horde if its not in memory already
# we should load it after we get the request from the API in
# case the model is different from the loaded in memory but
# for now we can load it here so its read right away.
load_models ( use_GFPGAN = True )
while True :
if loop_retry > 10 and current_id :
logger . info ( f " Exceeded retry count { loop_retry } for generation id { current_id } . Aborting generation! " )
current_id = None
current_payload = None
current_generation = None
loop_retry = 0
elif current_id :
logger . info ( f " Retrying ( { loop_retry } /10) for generation id { current_id } ... " )
gen_dict = {
" name " : horde_name ,
" max_pixels " : horde_max_pixels ,
" priority_usernames " : priority_usernames ,
" nsfw " : horde_nsfw ,
" blacklist " : horde_blacklist ,
" models " : [ " stable_diffusion " ] ,
headers = { " apikey " : api_key }
if current_id :
loop_retry + = 1
else :
try :
pop_req = requests . post ( horde_url + ' /api/v2/generate/pop ' , json = gen_dict , headers = headers )
except requests . exceptions . ConnectionError :
logger . warning ( f " Server { horde_url } unavailable during pop. Waiting 10 seconds... " )
time . sleep ( 10 )
except requests . exceptions . JSONDecodeError ( ) :
logger . warning ( f " Server { horde_url } unavailable during pop. Waiting 10 seconds... " )
time . sleep ( 10 )
try :
pop = pop_req . json ( )
except json . decoder . JSONDecodeError :
logger . warning ( f " Could not decode response from { horde_url } as json. Please inform its administrator! " )
time . sleep ( interval )
if pop == None :
logger . warning ( f " Something has gone wrong with { horde_url } . Please inform its administrator! " )
time . sleep ( interval )
if not pop_req . ok :
message = pop [ ' message ' ]
logger . warning ( f " During gen pop, server { horde_url } responded with status code { pop_req . status_code } : { pop [ ' message ' ] } . Waiting for 10 seconds... " )
if ' errors ' in pop :
logger . debug ( f " Detailed Request Errors: { pop [ ' errors ' ] } " )
time . sleep ( 10 )
if not pop . get ( " id " ) :
skipped_info = pop . get ( ' skipped ' )
if skipped_info and len ( skipped_info ) :
skipped_info = f " Skipped Info: { skipped_info } . "
else :
skipped_info = ' '
logger . info ( f " Server { horde_url } has no valid generations to do for us. { skipped_info } " )
time . sleep ( interval )
current_id = pop [ ' id ' ]
logger . info ( f " Request with id { current_id } picked up. Initiating work... " )
current_payload = pop [ ' payload ' ]
if ' toggles ' in current_payload and current_payload [ ' toggles ' ] == None :
logger . error ( f " Received Bad payload: { pop } " )
current_id = None
current_payload = None
current_generation = None
loop_retry = 0
time . sleep ( 10 )
logger . debug ( current_payload )
current_payload [ ' toggles ' ] = current_payload . get ( ' toggles ' , [ 1 , 4 ] )
# In bridge-mode, matrix is prepared on the horde and split in multiple nodes
if 0 in current_payload [ ' toggles ' ] :
current_payload [ ' toggles ' ] . remove ( 0 )
if 8 not in current_payload [ ' toggles ' ] :
if horde_censor_nsfw and not horde_nsfw :
current_payload [ ' toggles ' ] . append ( 8 )
elif any ( word in current_payload [ ' prompt ' ] for word in horde_censorlist ) :
current_payload [ ' toggles ' ] . append ( 8 )
from txt2img import txt2img
""" { ' prompt ' : ' Centred Husky, inside spiral with circular patterns, trending on dribbble, knotwork, spirals, key patterns,
zoomorphics , ' , ' ddim_steps ' : 30, ' n_iter ' : 1, ' sampler_name ' : ' DDIM ' , ' cfg_scale ' : 16.0, ' seed ' : ' 3405278433 ' , ' height ' : 512, ' width ' : 512} " " "
#images, seed, info, stats = txt2img(**current_payload)
images , seed , info , stats = txt2img ( str ( current_payload [ ' prompt ' ] ) , int ( current_payload [ ' ddim_steps ' ] ) , str ( current_payload [ ' sampler_name ' ] ) ,
int ( current_payload [ ' n_iter ' ] ) , 1 , float ( current_payload [ " cfg_scale " ] ) , str ( current_payload [ " seed " ] ) ,
int ( current_payload [ " height " ] ) , int ( current_payload [ " width " ] ) , save_grid = False , group_by_prompt = False ,
save_individual_images = False , write_info_files = False )
buffer = BytesIO ( )
# We send as WebP to avoid using all the horde bandwidth
images [ 0 ] . save ( buffer , format = " WebP " , quality = 90 )
# logger.info(info)
submit_dict = {
" id " : current_id ,
" generation " : base64 . b64encode ( buffer . getvalue ( ) ) . decode ( " utf8 " ) ,
" api_key " : api_key ,
" seed " : seed ,
" max_pixels " : horde_max_pixels ,
current_generation = seed
while current_id and current_generation != None :
try :
submit_req = requests . post ( horde_url + ' /api/v2/generate/submit ' , json = submit_dict , headers = headers )
try :
submit = submit_req . json ( )
except json . decoder . JSONDecodeError :
logger . error ( f " Something has gone wrong with { horde_url } during submit. Please inform its administrator! (Retry { loop_retry } /10) " )
time . sleep ( interval )
if submit_req . status_code == 404 :
logger . info ( f " The generation we were working on got stale. Aborting! " )
elif not submit_req . ok :
logger . error ( f " During gen submit, server { horde_url } responded with status code { submit_req . status_code } : { submit [ ' message ' ] } . Waiting for 10 seconds... (Retry { loop_retry } /10) " )
if ' errors ' in submit :
logger . debug ( f " Detailed Request Errors: { submit [ ' errors ' ] } " )
time . sleep ( 10 )
else :
logger . info ( f ' Submitted generation with id { current_id } and contributed for { submit_req . json ( ) [ " reward " ] } ' )
current_id = None
current_payload = None
current_generation = None
loop_retry = 0
except requests . exceptions . ConnectionError :
logger . warning ( f " Server { horde_url } unavailable during submit. Waiting 10 seconds... (Retry { loop_retry } /10) " )
time . sleep ( 10 )
time . sleep ( interval )