Added missing file.

This commit is contained in:
ZeroCool940711 2022-09-18 09:15:05 -07:00
parent ab0c942560
commit fdd0c38ac2
2 changed files with 154 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
# base webui import and utils.
from webui_streamlit import st
from sd_utils import *
# streamlit imports
#other imports
# Temp imports
# end of imports
import os
from PIL import Image
# this silences the annoying "Some weights of the model checkpoint were not used when initializing..." message at start.
from transformers import logging
class plugin_info():
plugname = "concept_library"
description = "Concept Library"
displayPriority = 4
def getLatestGeneratedImagesFromPath():
#get the latest images from the generated images folder
#get the path to the generated images folder
generatedImagesPath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), st.session_state['defaults'].general.sd_concepts_library_folder)
#get all the files from the folders and subfolders
files = []
ext = ('jpeg', 'jpg', "png")
#get the latest 10 images from the output folder without walking the subfolders
for r, d, f in os.walk(generatedImagesPath):
for file in f:
if file.endswith(ext):
files.append(os.path.join(r, file))
#sort the files by date
files.sort(reverse=True, key=os.path.getmtime)
latest = files
# reverse the list so the latest images are first and truncate to
# a reasonable number of images, 10 pages worth
return [ for f in latest]
def layout():
st.markdown(f"<h1 style='text-align: center; color: white;'>Navigate 300+ Textual-Inversion community trained concepts</h1>", unsafe_allow_html=True)
latestImages = getLatestGeneratedImagesFromPath()
st.session_state['latestImages'] = latestImages
#with history_tab:
## image slideshow test
## Number of entries per screen
#slideshow_N = 9
#slideshow_page_number = 0
#slideshow_last_page = len(latestImages) // slideshow_N
## Add a next button and a previous button
#slideshow_prev, slideshow_image_col , slideshow_next = st.columns([1, 10, 1])
#with slideshow_image_col:
#slideshow_image = st.empty()
#current_image = 0
#if slideshow_next.button("Next", key=1):
##print (current_image+1)
#current_image = current_image+1
#if slideshow_prev.button("Previous", key=0):
##print ([current_image-1])
#current_image = current_image-1
#slideshow_image.image(st.session_state['latestImages'][current_image - 1])
# image gallery
# Number of entries per screen
gallery_N = 9
if not "galleryPage" in st.session_state:
st.session_state["galleryPage"] = 0
gallery_last_page = len(latestImages) // gallery_N
# Add a next button and a previous button
gallery_prev, gallery_refresh, gallery_pagination , gallery_next = st.columns([2, 2, 8, 1])
# the pagination doesnt work for now so its better to disable the buttons.
if gallery_refresh.button("Refresh", key=4):
st.session_state["galleryPage"] = 0
if gallery_next.button("Next", key=3):
if st.session_state["galleryPage"] + 1 > gallery_last_page:
st.session_state["galleryPage"] = 0
st.session_state["galleryPage"] += 1
if gallery_prev.button("Previous", key=2):
if st.session_state["galleryPage"] - 1 < 0:
st.session_state["galleryPage"] = gallery_last_page
st.session_state["galleryPage"] -= 1
# Get start and end indices of the next page of the dataframe
gallery_start_idx = st.session_state["galleryPage"] * gallery_N
gallery_end_idx = (1 + st.session_state["galleryPage"]) * gallery_N
placeholder = st.empty()
#populate the 3 images per column
with placeholder.container():
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
col1_cont = st.container()
col2_cont = st.container()
col3_cont = st.container()
#print (len(st.session_state['latestImages']))
images = list(reversed(st.session_state['latestImages']))[gallery_start_idx:(gallery_start_idx+gallery_N)]
with col1_cont:
with col1:
[st.image(images[index], caption="") for index in [0, 3, 6] if index < len(images)]
with col2_cont:
with col2:
[st.image(images[index]) for index in [1, 4, 7] if index < len(images)]
with col3_cont:
with col3:
[st.image(images[index]) for index in [2, 5, 8] if index < len(images)]

View File

@ -107,11 +107,8 @@ def layout():
iconName=['dashboard','model_training' ,'cloud_download', 'settings'], default_choice=0)
if tabs =='Stable Diffusion':
# txt2img_tab, img2img_tab, txt2vid_tab, postprocessing_tab, concept_library_tab = st.tabs(["Text-to-Image Unified", "Image-to-Image Unified",
# "Text-to-Video","Post-Processing", "Concept Library"])
txt2img_tab, img2img_tab, txt2vid_tab = st.tabs(
["Text-to-Image Unified", "Image-to-Image Unified", "Text-to-Video"]
txt2img_tab, img2img_tab, txt2vid_tab, concept_library_tab = st.tabs(["Text-to-Image Unified", "Image-to-Image Unified",
"Text-to-Video","Concept Library"])
#with home_tab:
#from home import layout
@ -128,9 +125,9 @@ def layout():
from txt2vid import layout
# with concept_library_tab:
# from sd_concept_library import layout
# layout()
with concept_library_tab:
from sd_concept_library import layout
elif tabs == 'Model Manager':