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# Ligaturizer #
2017-08-08 08:37:57 +03:00
**Add ligatures to any coding font!**
What this repo contains:
1. Programming fonts with ligatures added (in `output-fonts/`), including:
* [Anonymous Pro](output-fonts/Anonymous_Pro.ttf)
* [CamingoCode](output-fonts/CamingoCode.ttf)
* [Cousine](output-fonts/Cousine.ttf)
* [DejaVu Sans Mono](output-fonts/DejaVuSansMono.ttf)
* [Droid Sans Mono](output-fonts/DroidSansMono.ttf)
* [edlo](output-fonts/edlo.ttf)
* [Hack](output-fonts/Hack.ttf)
* [Inconsolata](output-fonts/Inconsolata.ttf) & [Inconsolata-g](output-fonts/Inconsolata-g.ttf)
* IBM Plex Mono: [Regular](output-fonts/IBMPlexMono.ttf), [Semibold](output-fonts/IBMPlexMono-SemiBold.ttf)
* Meslo ([LGL](output-fonts/MesloLGL.ttf), [LGLDZ](output-fonts/MesloLGLDZ.ttf), [LGM](output-fonts/MesloLGM.ttf), [LGMDZ](output-fonts/MesloLGMDZ.ttf), [LGS](output-fonts/MesloLGS.ttf), [LGSDZ](output-fonts/MesloLGSDZ.ttf))
* [Oxygen Mono](output-fonts/OxygenMono.ttf)
* [Roboto Mono](output-fonts/RobotoMono.ttf)
* SF Mono: [Regular](output-fonts/SFMono.ttf), [Semibold](output-fonts/SFMono-Semibold.ttf)
* [Ubuntu Mono](output-fonts/UbuntuMono.ttf)
2. A script []( that adds the ligatures from [Fira Code]( to a font without ligatures
**Credit**: This awesome script was written by [IlyaSkriblovsky]( for adding ligatures to Deja Vu Sans Mono ([dv-code-font]( I've just made a few minor changes to generalize the script so that it works for any given font.
## Requirements ##
**Script**: This script requires FontForge python bindings. For Debian/Ubuntu they are available in `python-fontforge` package. For macOS,
they are available via brew (`brew install fontforge`).
**Using the Fonts**: See the [FiraCode README]( for a list of supported editors.
## Using the Script ##
1. Move/copy the font you want to ligaturize into `input-fonts/`
2. Run the script: `$ fontforge -lang=py`
3. You'll be prompted for the name of the font, and the name for the generated font. Example:
fontforge -lang=py
Enter the source font filename (including extension): RobotoMono-Regular.ttf
Enter a name for your ligaturized font -- or press ENTER to use the same name: <PRESS ENTER>
Generated ligaturized font Roboto Mono L in ligaturized-fonts/RobotoMono.ttf
fontforge -lang=py
Enter the source font filename (including extension): RobotoMono-Regular.ttf
Enter a name for your ligaturized font -- or press ENTER to use the same name: RobotoMonoL
Generated ligaturized font Roboto Mono L in ligaturized-fonts/RobotoMonoL.ttf
If you don't provide a name for the new font, it will have the same name as the input font.
## Misc. ##
For more awesome programming fonts with ligatures, check out:
1. [FiraCode](
2. [Hasklig](