2021-09-04 10:14:58 -04:00

607 lines
19 KiB

## This is the master list of ligatures that will attempt to copy
## from Fira Code to your output font. Ligatures that aren't present in the
## version of Fira Code you're using will be skipped.
## To disable ligatures, simply comment them out in this file.
ligatures = [
## These are all the punctuation characters used in Fira Code ligatures.
## Use the `--copy-character-glyphs` option to copy these into the output
## font along with the ligatures themselves.
'chars': [
## These characters generally look good in most fonts and are
## enabled by default if you use `--copy-character-glyphs`.
'ampersand', 'asciicircum', 'asciitilde', 'asterisk',
'backslash', 'bar',
'colon', 'equal', 'exclam', 'greater', 'hyphen',
'less', 'numbersign', 'percent', 'period', 'plus',
'question', 'semicolon', 'slash', 'underscore',
## These characters are also used by the ligatures, but are likely
## to look more out of place when spliced into another font.
# 'at', 'braceleft', 'braceright', 'bracketleft', 'bracketright',
# 'dollar', 'parenleft', 'parenright', 'underscore', 'w'
'firacode_ligature_name': None,
## These are traditional (i.e. present in most variable-width fonts)
## aesthetic ligatures. They are commented out here so that they don't
## overwrite similar ligatures present in the destination font.
# { # Fl
# 'chars': ['F', 'l'],
# 'firacode_ligature_name': 'F_l.liga',
# },
# { # Tl
# 'chars': ['T', 'l'],
# 'firacode_ligature_name': 'T_l.liga',
# },
# { # fi
# 'chars': ['f', 'i'],
# 'firacode_ligature_name': 'f_i.liga',
# },
# { # fj
# 'chars': ['f', 'j'],
# 'firacode_ligature_name': 'f_j.liga',
# },
# { # fl
# 'chars': ['f', 'l'],
# 'firacode_ligature_name': 'f_l.liga',
# },
# { # ft
# 'chars': ['f', 't'],
# 'firacode_ligature_name': 'f_t.liga',
# },
## Programming ligatures begin here.
{ # &&
'chars': ['ampersand', 'ampersand'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'ampersand_ampersand.liga',
{ # ^=
'chars': ['asciicircum', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'asciicircum_equal.liga',
{ # ~~
'chars': ['asciitilde', 'asciitilde'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'asciitilde_asciitilde.liga',
{ # ~~>
'chars': ['asciitilde', 'asciitilde', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'asciitilde_asciitilde_greater.liga',
{ # ~@
'chars': ['asciitilde', 'at'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'asciitilde_at.liga',
{ # ~=
'chars': ['asciitilde', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'asciitilde_equal.liga',
{ # ~>
'chars': ['asciitilde', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'asciitilde_greater.liga',
{ # ~-
'chars': ['asciitilde', 'hyphen'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'asciitilde_hyphen.liga',
{ # **
'chars': ['asterisk', 'asterisk'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'asterisk_asterisk.liga',
{ # ***
'chars': ['asterisk', 'asterisk', 'asterisk'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'asterisk_asterisk_asterisk.liga',
{ # *>
'chars': ['asterisk', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'asterisk_greater.liga',
{ # */
'chars': ['asterisk', 'slash'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'asterisk_slash.liga',
{ # \/
'chars': ['backslash', 'slash'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'backslash_slash.liga',
{ # ||
'chars': ['bar', 'bar'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'bar_bar.liga',
{ # |||>
'chars': ['bar', 'bar', 'bar', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'bar_bar_bar_greater.liga',
{ # ||=
'chars': ['bar', 'bar', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'bar_bar_equal.liga',
{ # ||>
'chars': ['bar', 'bar', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'bar_bar_greater.liga',
{ # ||-
'chars': ['bar', 'bar', 'hyphen'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'bar_bar_hyphen.liga',
{ # |}
'chars': ['bar', 'braceright'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'bar_braceright.liga',
{ # |]
'chars': ['bar', 'bracketright'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'bar_bracketright.liga',
{ # |=
'chars': ['bar', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'bar_equal.liga',
{ # |=>
'chars': ['bar', 'equal', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'bar_equal_greater.liga',
{ # |>
'chars': ['bar', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'bar_greater.liga',
{ # |-
'chars': ['bar', 'hyphen'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'bar_hyphen.liga',
{ # |->
'chars': ['bar', 'hyphen', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'bar_hyphen_greater.liga',
{ # {|
'chars': ['braceleft', 'bar'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'braceleft_bar.liga',
{ # [|
'chars': ['bracketleft', 'bar'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'bracketleft_bar.liga',
{ # ]#
'chars': ['bracketright', 'numbersign'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'bracketright_numbersign.liga',
{ # ::
'chars': ['colon', 'colon'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'colon_colon.liga',
{ # :::
'chars': ['colon', 'colon', 'colon'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'colon_colon_colon.liga',
{ # ::=
'chars': ['colon', 'colon', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'colon_colon_equal.liga',
{ # :=
'chars': ['colon', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'colon_equal.liga',
{ # :>
'chars': ['colon', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'colon_greater.liga',
{ # :<
'chars': ['colon', 'less'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'colon_less.liga',
{ # $>
'chars': ['dollar', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'dollar_greater.liga',
{ # =:=
'chars': ['equal', 'colon', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'equal_colon_equal.liga',
{ # ==
'chars': ['equal', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'equal_equal.liga',
{ # ===
'chars': ['equal', 'equal', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'equal_equal_equal.liga',
{ # ==>
'chars': ['equal', 'equal', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'equal_equal_greater.liga',
{ # =!=
'chars': ['equal', 'exclam', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'equal_exclam_equal.liga',
{ # =>
'chars': ['equal', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'equal_greater.liga',
{ # =>>
'chars': ['equal', 'greater', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'equal_greater_greater.liga',
{ # =<<
'chars': ['equal', 'less', 'less'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'equal_less_less.liga',
{ # =/=
'chars': ['equal', 'slash', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'equal_slash_equal.liga',
{ # !=
'chars': ['exclam', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'exclam_equal.liga',
{ # !==
'chars': ['exclam', 'equal', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'exclam_equal_equal.liga',
{ # !!
'chars': ['exclam', 'exclam'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'exclam_exclam.liga',
{ # !!.
'chars': ['exclam', 'exclam', 'period'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'exclam_exclam_period.liga',
{ # >:
'chars': ['greater', 'colon'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'greater_colon.liga',
{ # >=
'chars': ['greater', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'greater_equal.liga',
{ # >=>
'chars': ['greater', 'equal', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'greater_equal_greater.liga',
{ # >>
'chars': ['greater', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'greater_greater.liga',
{ # >>=
'chars': ['greater', 'greater', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'greater_greater_equal.liga',
{ # >>>
'chars': ['greater', 'greater', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'greater_greater_greater.liga',
{ # >>-
'chars': ['greater', 'greater', 'hyphen'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'greater_greater_hyphen.liga',
{ # >-
'chars': ['greater', 'hyphen'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'greater_hyphen.liga',
{ # >->
'chars': ['greater', 'hyphen', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'greater_hyphen_greater.liga',
{ # -~
'chars': ['hyphen', 'asciitilde'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'hyphen_asciitilde.liga',
{ # -|
'chars': ['hyphen', 'bar'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'hyphen_bar.liga',
{ # ->
'chars': ['hyphen', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'hyphen_greater.liga',
{ # ->>
'chars': ['hyphen', 'greater', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'hyphen_greater_greater.liga',
{ # --
'chars': ['hyphen', 'hyphen'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'hyphen_hyphen.liga',
{ # -->
'chars': ['hyphen', 'hyphen', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'hyphen_hyphen_greater.liga',
{ # ---
'chars': ['hyphen', 'hyphen', 'hyphen'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'hyphen_hyphen_hyphen.liga',
{ # -<
'chars': ['hyphen', 'less'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'hyphen_less.liga',
{ # -<<
'chars': ['hyphen', 'less', 'less'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'hyphen_less_less.liga',
{ # <~
'chars': ['less', 'asciitilde'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_asciitilde.liga',
{ # <~~
'chars': ['less', 'asciitilde', 'asciitilde'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_asciitilde_asciitilde.liga',
{ # <~>
'chars': ['less', 'asciitilde', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_asciitilde_greater.liga',
{ # <*
'chars': ['less', 'asterisk'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_asterisk.liga',
{ # <*>
'chars': ['less', 'asterisk', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_asterisk_greater.liga',
{ # <|
'chars': ['less', 'bar'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_bar.liga',
{ # <||
'chars': ['less', 'bar', 'bar'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_bar_bar.liga',
{ # <|||
'chars': ['less', 'bar', 'bar', 'bar'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_bar_bar_bar.liga',
{ # <|>
'chars': ['less', 'bar', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_bar_greater.liga',
{ # <:
'chars': ['less', 'colon'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_colon.liga',
{ # <$
'chars': ['less', 'dollar'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_dollar.liga',
{ # <$>
'chars': ['less', 'dollar', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_dollar_greater.liga',
{ # <=
'chars': ['less', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_equal.liga',
{ # <=|
'chars': ['less', 'equal', 'bar'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_equal_bar.liga',
{ # <==
'chars': ['less', 'equal', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_equal_equal.liga',
{ # <==>
'chars': ['less', 'equal', 'equal', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_equal_equal_greater.liga',
{ # <=>
'chars': ['less', 'equal', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_equal_greater.liga',
{ # <=<
'chars': ['less', 'equal', 'less'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_equal_less.liga',
{ # <!--
'chars': ['less', 'exclam', 'hyphen', 'hyphen'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_exclam_hyphen_hyphen.liga',
{ # <>
'chars': ['less', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_greater.liga',
{ # <-
'chars': ['less', 'hyphen'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_hyphen.liga',
{ # <-|
'chars': ['less', 'hyphen', 'bar'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_hyphen_bar.liga',
{ # <->
'chars': ['less', 'hyphen', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_hyphen_greater.liga',
{ # <--
'chars': ['less', 'hyphen', 'hyphen'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_hyphen_hyphen.liga',
{ # <-<
'chars': ['less', 'hyphen', 'less'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_hyphen_less.liga',
{ # <<
'chars': ['less', 'less'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_less.liga',
{ # <<=
'chars': ['less', 'less', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_less_equal.liga',
{ # <<-
'chars': ['less', 'less', 'hyphen'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_less_hyphen.liga',
{ # <<->>
'chars': ['less', 'less', 'hyphen', 'greater', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_less_hyphen_greater_greater.liga',
{ # <<<
'chars': ['less', 'less', 'less'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_less_less.liga',
{ # <+
'chars': ['less', 'plus'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_plus.liga',
{ # <+>
'chars': ['less', 'plus', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_plus_greater.liga',
{ # </
'chars': ['less', 'slash'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_slash.liga',
{ # </>
'chars': ['less', 'slash', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'less_slash_greater.liga',
{ # #{
'chars': ['numbersign', 'braceleft'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'numbersign_braceleft.liga',
{ # #[
'chars': ['numbersign', 'bracketleft'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'numbersign_bracketleft.liga',
{ # #:
'chars': ['numbersign', 'colon'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'numbersign_colon.liga',
{ # #=
'chars': ['numbersign', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'numbersign_equal.liga',
{ # #!
'chars': ['numbersign', 'exclam'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'numbersign_exclam.liga',
{ # ##
'chars': ['numbersign', 'numbersign'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'numbersign_numbersign.liga',
{ # ###
'chars': ['numbersign', 'numbersign', 'numbersign'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'numbersign_numbersign_numbersign.liga',
{ # ####
'chars': ['numbersign', 'numbersign', 'numbersign', 'numbersign'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'numbersign_numbersign_numbersign_numbersign.liga',
{ # #(
'chars': ['numbersign', 'parenleft'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'numbersign_parenleft.liga',
{ # #?
'chars': ['numbersign', 'question'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'numbersign_question.liga',
{ # #_
'chars': ['numbersign', 'underscore'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'numbersign_underscore.liga',
{ # #_(
'chars': ['numbersign', 'underscore', 'parenleft'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'numbersign_underscore_parenleft.liga',
{ # %%
'chars': ['percent', 'percent'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'percent_percent.liga',
{ # .=
'chars': ['period', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'period_equal.liga',
{ # .-
'chars': ['period', 'hyphen'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'period_hyphen.liga',
{ # ..
'chars': ['period', 'period'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'period_period.liga',
{ # ..=
'chars': ['period', 'period', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'period_period_equal.liga',
{ # ..<
'chars': ['period', 'period', 'less'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'period_period_less.liga',
{ # ...
'chars': ['period', 'period', 'period'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'period_period_period.liga',
{ # .?
'chars': ['period', 'question'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'period_question.liga',
{ # +>
'chars': ['plus', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'plus_greater.liga',
{ # ++
'chars': ['plus', 'plus'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'plus_plus.liga',
{ # +++
'chars': ['plus', 'plus', 'plus'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'plus_plus_plus.liga',
{ # ?:
'chars': ['question', 'colon'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'question_colon.liga',
{ # ?=
'chars': ['question', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'question_equal.liga',
{ # ?.
'chars': ['question', 'period'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'question_period.liga',
{ # ??
'chars': ['question', 'question'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'question_question.liga',
{ # ;;
'chars': ['semicolon', 'semicolon'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'semicolon_semicolon.liga',
{ # /*
'chars': ['slash', 'asterisk'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'slash_asterisk.liga',
{ # /\
'chars': ['slash', 'backslash'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'slash_backslash.liga',
{ # /=
'chars': ['slash', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'slash_equal.liga',
{ # /==
'chars': ['slash', 'equal', 'equal'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'slash_equal_equal.liga',
{ # />
'chars': ['slash', 'greater'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'slash_greater.liga',
{ # //
'chars': ['slash', 'slash'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'slash_slash.liga',
{ # ///
'chars': ['slash', 'slash', 'slash'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'slash_slash_slash.liga',
{ # _|_
'chars': ['underscore', 'bar', 'underscore'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'underscore_bar_underscore.liga',
{ # __
'chars': ['underscore', 'underscore'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'underscore_underscore.liga',
{ # www
'chars': ['w', 'w', 'w'],
'firacode_ligature_name': 'w_w_w.liga',