2021-11-16 20:18:19 +03:00
import * as storage from '../utils/localstorage';
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
import Browser from 'mobiledoc-kit/utils/browser';
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
2021-11-15 16:18:55 +03:00
import {EmojiButton} from '@joeattardi/emoji-button';
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
import {action} from '@ember/object';
import {isBlank} from '@ember/utils';
import {run} from '@ember/runloop';
import {inject as service} from '@ember/service';
import {set} from '@ember/object';
2021-11-17 14:38:28 +03:00
import {tracked} from '@glimmer/tracking';
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
2021-11-16 20:10:20 +03:00
const storageKey = 'gh-kg-callout-emoji';
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
export default class KoenigCardCalloutComponent extends Component {
@service config;
@service feature;
@service store;
@service membersUtils;
@service ui;
2021-11-10 17:45:54 +03:00
get isEmpty() {
2021-11-16 21:17:04 +03:00
return isBlank(this.args.payload.calloutText) && isBlank(this.args.payload.calloutEmoji);
2021-11-10 17:45:54 +03:00
2021-11-11 17:48:07 +03:00
backgroundColors = [
{name: 'Grey', color: 'grey'},
{name: 'White', color: 'white'},
{name: 'Blue', color: 'blue'},
{name: 'Green', color: 'green'},
{name: 'Yellow', color: 'yellow'},
{name: 'Red', color: 'red'},
{name: 'Pink', color: 'pink'},
{name: 'Purple', color: 'purple'},
{name: 'Brand color', color: 'accent'}
2021-11-18 13:16:31 +03:00
latestEmojiUsed = null;
2021-11-10 20:31:00 +03:00
2022-02-03 22:04:43 +03:00
@tracked isPickerVisible = false;
2021-11-17 14:38:28 +03:00
2021-11-10 20:31:00 +03:00
get selectedBackgroundColor() {
return this.backgroundColors.find(option => option.color === this.args.payload.backgroundColor);
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
get toolbar() {
if (this.args.isEditing) {
return false;
return {
items: [{
buttonClass: 'fw4 flex items-center white',
icon: 'koenig/kg-edit',
iconClass: 'fill-white',
title: 'Edit',
text: '',
action: run.bind(this, this.args.editCard)
2021-11-18 13:16:31 +03:00
get defaultEmoji() {
return this.latestEmojiUsed || storage.get(storageKey) || '💡';
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
constructor() {
const payloadDefaults = {
2021-11-18 13:16:31 +03:00
calloutEmoji: this.defaultEmoji,
2021-11-10 20:31:00 +03:00
calloutText: '',
2021-11-11 17:48:07 +03:00
backgroundColor: 'grey'
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
Object.entries(payloadDefaults).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (this.args.payload[key] === undefined) {
this._updatePayloadAttr(key, value);
2021-11-15 16:18:55 +03:00
2021-11-19 15:15:57 +03:00
// Create a container for the emoji picker that will prevent clicks deselecting the card.
// Container element survives beyond this component's lifecycle so it can be re-used
// TODO: if emoji button is re-used elsewhere encapsulate behaviour into a modifier/component
let emojiButtonContainer = document.getElementById('emoji-button-container');
if (!emojiButtonContainer) {
emojiButtonContainer = document.createElement('div');
2021-11-23 03:30:21 +03:00
emojiButtonContainer.id = 'emoji-button-container';
2021-11-19 15:15:57 +03:00
emojiButtonContainer.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
2021-11-16 15:34:36 +03:00
this.picker = new EmojiButton({
position: 'bottom',
recentsCount: 24,
showPreview: false,
2021-11-19 15:15:57 +03:00
initialCategory: 'recents',
rootElement: emojiButtonContainer
2021-11-16 15:34:36 +03:00
2021-11-15 16:18:55 +03:00
this.picker.on('emoji', (selection) => {
2021-11-17 14:38:28 +03:00
this.picker.on('hidden', () => {
this.isPickerVisible = false;
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
2021-11-18 21:56:13 +03:00
willDestroy() {
2021-11-19 15:15:57 +03:00
2021-11-18 21:56:13 +03:00
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
// required for snippet rects to be calculated - editor reaches in to component,
// expecting a non-Glimmer component with a .element property
registerElement(element) {
this.element = element;
setCalloutText(text) {
this._updatePayloadAttr('calloutText', text);
setCalloutEmoji(emoji) {
2021-11-18 13:16:31 +03:00
// Store in payload
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
this._updatePayloadAttr('calloutEmoji', emoji);
2021-11-18 13:16:31 +03:00
// Store in component in case the emoji is toggled off and then on
this.latestEmojiUsed = emoji;
// Store in localStorage for the next callout to use the same emoji
2021-11-16 20:10:20 +03:00
storage.set(storageKey, emoji);
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
2021-11-10 20:31:00 +03:00
setBackgroundColor(option) {
this._updatePayloadAttr('backgroundColor', option.color);
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
leaveEditMode() {
2021-11-10 17:45:54 +03:00
if (this.isEmpty) {
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
// afterRender is required to avoid double modification of `isSelected`
// TODO: see if there's a way to avoid afterRender
run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this.args.deleteCard);
2021-11-19 15:15:57 +03:00
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
focusElement(selector, event) {
2021-11-18 21:55:39 +03:00
registerEditor(calloutTextEditor) {
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
let commands = {
2021-11-18 21:55:39 +03:00
'META+ENTER': run.bind(this, this._metaEnter, 'meta'),
'CTRL+ENTER': run.bind(this, this._metaEnter, 'ctrl'),
ENTER: run.bind(this, this.args.addParagraphAfterCard)
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
Object.keys(commands).forEach((str) => {
2021-11-18 21:55:39 +03:00
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
run() {
2021-11-18 21:55:39 +03:00
return commands[str](calloutTextEditor, str);
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
2021-11-18 21:55:39 +03:00
this._calloutTextEditor = calloutTextEditor;
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this._placeCursorAtEnd);
2021-11-15 16:18:55 +03:00
changeEmoji(event) {
2021-11-17 14:38:28 +03:00
this.isPickerVisible = true;
2021-11-15 16:18:55 +03:00
2021-11-10 17:51:11 +03:00
toggleEmoji() {
2021-11-18 13:16:31 +03:00
this._updatePayloadAttr('calloutEmoji', this.args.payload.calloutEmoji ? '' : this.defaultEmoji);
2021-11-10 17:51:11 +03:00
2021-11-18 21:55:39 +03:00
_metaEnter(modifier) {
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
if (this.args.isEditing && (modifier === 'meta' || (modifier === 'crtl' && Browser.isWin()))) {
_placeCursorAtEnd() {
2021-11-18 21:55:39 +03:00
if (!this._calloutTextEditor) {
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
2021-11-18 21:55:39 +03:00
let tailPosition = this._calloutTextEditor.post.tailPosition();
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
let rangeToSelect = tailPosition.toRange();
2021-11-18 21:55:39 +03:00
2021-11-09 12:39:47 +03:00
_updatePayloadAttr(attr, value) {
let payload = this.args.payload;
set(payload, attr, value);
// update the mobiledoc and stay in edit mode
this.args.saveCard?.(payload, false);