2021-07-02 21:03:52 +03:00
2023-01-09 16:48:30 +03:00
class="settings-menu-container {{ if this .isViewingSubview "settings-menu-container-wide" }} "
2021-07-02 21:03:52 +03:00
{{ did-insert this .setSidebarWidthFromElement }}
{{ did-update this .setSidebarWidthFromElement this .isViewingSubview }}
2017-08-02 12:32:51 +03:00
<div id="entry-controls">
2021-07-02 21:03:52 +03:00
<div class="settings-menu settings-menu-pane settings-menu-pane-main">
2017-08-02 12:32:51 +03:00
<div class="settings-menu-header">
2019-12-13 17:20:29 +03:00
<h4> {{ capitalize this .post .displayName }} settings</h4>
2017-08-02 12:32:51 +03:00
<div class="settings-menu-content">
2022-07-13 19:25:46 +03:00
<form aria-label="Post settings">
2023-04-18 12:57:41 +03:00
<section class="gh-post-settings">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="url"> {{ capitalize this .post .displayName }} URL</label>
{{!-- new posts don't have a preview link --}}
{{ # unless this .post .isNew }}
{{ # if ( or this .post .isPublished this .post .isSent ) }}
<a class="post-view-link" target="_blank" href=" {{ this .post .url }} " rel="noopener noreferrer">
View {{ this .post .displayName }} {{ svg-jar "external" }}
{{ else if this .post .isScheduled }}
<a class="post-view-link" target="_blank" href=" {{ this .post .previewUrl }} " rel="noopener noreferrer">
Preview {{ svg-jar "external" }}
{{ / if }}
{{ / unless }}
<div class="gh-input-icon gh-icon-link">
{{ svg-jar "link" }}
@value= {{ readonly this .slugValue }}
@input= {{ action ( mut this .slugValue ) value = "target.value" }}
@focus-out= {{ action "updateSlug" this .slugValue }}
@stopEnterKeyDownPropagation= {{ true }} />
{{ # if this .post .isSent }}
<GhUrlPreview @prefix="email" @slug= {{ this .uuidValue }} @tagName="p" @classNames="description" />
{{ else }}
<GhUrlPreview @slug= {{ this .slugValue }} @tagName="p" @classNames="description" />
{{ / if }}
<div class="form-group">
{{ # if ( or this .post .isDraft this .post .isPublished this .post .pastScheduledTime this .post .isSent ) }}
<label>Publish date</label>
{{ else }}
<label>Scheduled date</label>
{{ / if }}
@date= {{ this .post .publishedAtBlogDate }}
@time= {{ this .post .publishedAtBlogTime }}
@setDate= {{ action "setPublishedAtBlogDate" }}
@setTime= {{ action "setPublishedAtBlogTime" }}
@errors= {{ this .post .errors }}
@disabled= {{ this .post .isScheduled }}
@isActive= {{ not this .isViewingSubview }}
{{ # unless ( or this .post .isDraft this .post .isPublished this .post .pastScheduledTime this .post .isSent ) }}
<p>Use the publish menu to re-schedule</p>
{{ / unless }}
{{ # unless this .session .user .isContributor }}
<div class="form-group">
<label for="tag-input">Tags</label>
<GhPsmTagsInput @post= {{ this .post }} @triggerId="tag-input" />
{{ / unless }}
{{ # if this .showVisibilityInput }}
<GhFormGroup @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @hasValidated= {{ this .post .hasValidated }} @property="visibility">
<label for="visibility-input"> {{ capitalize @ post .displayName }} access</label>
<GhPsmVisibilityInput @post= {{ this .post }} @triggerId="visibility-input" />
{{ # if ( eq this .post .visibility "tiers" ) }}
<GhFormGroup @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @hasValidated= {{ this .post .hasValidated }} @property="tiers" class="nt3" data-test-visibility-segment-select>
@tiers= {{ this .post .tiers }}
@onChange= {{ action "setVisibility" }}
@renderInPlace= {{ true }}
@hideOptionsWhenAllSelected= {{ true }}
<GhErrorMessage @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @property="tiers" data-test-error="tiers" />
{{ / if }}
2017-08-02 12:32:51 +03:00
{{ / if }}
2023-04-18 12:57:41 +03:00
<GhFormGroup @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @hasValidated= {{ this .post .hasValidated }} @property="customExcerpt">
<label for="custom-excerpt">Excerpt</label>
@value= {{ readonly this .customExcerptScratch }}
@input= {{ action ( mut this .customExcerptScratch ) value = "target.value" }}
@focus-out= {{ action "setCustomExcerpt" this .customExcerptScratch }}
2022-05-16 18:25:03 +03:00
2023-04-18 12:57:41 +03:00
<GhErrorMessage @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @property="customExcerpt" data-test-error="custom-excerpt" />
2022-05-16 18:25:03 +03:00
2017-08-02 12:32:51 +03:00
2023-04-18 12:57:41 +03:00
{{ # unless this .session .user .isAuthorOrContributor }}
2023-04-19 15:07:51 +03:00
<GhFormGroup class="for-select mb8" @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @hasValidated= {{ this .post .hasValidated }} @property="authors" data-test-input="authors">
2023-04-18 12:57:41 +03:00
<label for="author-list">Authors</label>
<GhPsmAuthorsInput @selectedAuthors= {{ this .post .authors }} @updateAuthors= {{ action "changeAuthors" }} @triggerId="author-list" />
<GhErrorMessage @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @property="authors" data-test-error="authors" />
{{ / unless }}
@post= {{ this .post }}
@onTemplateSelect= {{ action ( mut this .post .customTemplate ) }} />
2023-04-19 15:07:51 +03:00
2023-04-18 12:57:41 +03:00
2023-04-19 15:07:51 +03:00
<ul class="nav-list">
{{ # unless this .session .user .isAuthorOrContributor }}
<li class="nav-list-item">
<div class="for-switch x-small">
<label class="switch" for="featured" {{ action "toggleFeatured" bubbles = "false" }} >
{{ # if this .post .featured }}
{{ svg-jar "star-fill" class = "feature" }}
{{ else }}
{{ svg-jar "star" class = "feature" }}
{{ / if }}
Feature this {{ this .post .displayName }}
<span class="gh-toggle-featured">
checked= {{ this .post .featured }}
class="gh-input post-settings-featured"
onclick= {{ action ( mut this .post .featured ) value = "target.checked" }}
<span class="input-toggle-component"></span>
2023-04-18 12:57:41 +03:00
2023-04-19 15:07:51 +03:00
{{ / unless }}
2023-07-06 11:51:19 +03:00
{{ # if ( and this .post .isPage this .post .lexical ( feature 'pageImprovements' ) ) }}
<li class="nav-list-item">
<div class="for-switch x-small">
<label class="switch">
2023-07-07 18:40:22 +03:00
<Icons::EyeOpenClose class="feature" @closed= {{ not this .post .showTitleAndFeatureImage }} />
Show title and feature image
2023-07-06 11:51:19 +03:00
<div class="gh-toggle-featured">
2023-07-07 18:40:22 +03:00
checked= {{ this .post .showTitleAndFeatureImage }}
2023-07-06 11:51:19 +03:00
class="gh-input post-settings-featured"
2023-07-07 18:40:22 +03:00
{{ on "change" this .toggleShowTitleAndFeatureImage }}
2023-07-06 11:51:19 +03:00
<span class="input-toggle-component"></span>
{{ / if }}
2023-05-02 17:58:56 +03:00
{{ # if this .canViewPostHistory }}
2023-04-19 15:07:51 +03:00
<li class="nav-list-item">
<button type="button" {{ on "click" this .openPostHistory }} data-test-toggle="post-history">
2023-06-20 15:52:51 +03:00
<span> {{ svg-jar "history" class = "history" }} {{ capitalize this .post .displayName }} history</span>
2023-04-18 12:57:41 +03:00
2023-04-19 15:07:51 +03:00
{{ svg-jar "arrow-right" class = "arrow-right" }}
2023-04-18 12:57:41 +03:00
{{ / if }}
2023-04-18 13:22:32 +03:00
<li class="nav-list-item">
<button type="button" {{ action "showSubview" "codeinjection" }} data-test-button="codeinjection">
<span> {{ svg-jar "brackets" }} Code injection</span>
{{ svg-jar "arrow-right" class = "arrow-right" }}
2023-04-18 12:57:41 +03:00
<li class="nav-list-item">
<button type="button" {{ action "showSubview" "meta-data" }} data-test-button="meta-data">
<span> {{ svg-jar "google-icon" }} Meta data</span>
{{ svg-jar "arrow-right" class = "arrow-right" }}
<li class="nav-list-item">
<button type="button" {{ action "showSubview" "twitter-data" }} data-test-button="twitter-data">
<span> {{ svg-jar "twitter-logo" }} Twitter card</span>
{{ svg-jar "arrow-right" class = "arrow-right" }}
<li class="nav-list-item">
<button type="button" {{ action "showSubview" "facebook-data" }} data-test-button="facebook-data">
<span> {{ svg-jar "social-facebook" }} Facebook card</span>
{{ svg-jar "arrow-right" class = "arrow-right" }}
2017-08-02 12:32:51 +03:00
2023-04-19 15:07:51 +03:00
{{ # unless this .post .isNew }}
<div class="settings-menu-delete-button">
<button type="button" class="gh-btn gh-btn-outline gh-btn-icon gh-btn-fullwidth" {{ action "deletePostInternal" }} >
<span> {{ svg-jar "trash" }} Delete {{ this .post .displayName }} </span>
{{ / unless }}
2017-08-02 12:32:51 +03:00
</div> {{! .settings-menu-content }}
</div> {{! .post-settings-menu }}
2021-07-02 21:03:52 +03:00
{{ # if this .isViewingSubview }}
2023-01-09 16:48:30 +03:00
<div class="settings-menu settings-menu-pane settings-menu-pane-wide">
2017-08-02 12:32:51 +03:00
<div class="active">
2019-12-13 17:20:29 +03:00
{{ # if ( eq this .subview "meta-data" ) }}
2017-08-02 12:32:51 +03:00
<div class="settings-menu-header subview">
2022-07-13 18:27:24 +03:00
<button aria-label="Close meta data panel" class="back settings-menu-header-action" data-test-button="close-psm-subview" type="button" {{ action "closeSubview" }} > {{ svg-jar "arrow-left" }} <span class="hidden">Back</span></button>
2019-11-08 09:19:19 +03:00
<h4>Meta data</h4>
2017-08-02 12:32:51 +03:00
<div style="width:23px;"></div>
<div class="settings-menu-content">
2023-04-18 13:22:32 +03:00
<form {{ action "discardEnter" on = "submit" }} class="gh-post-settings" aria-label="Meta data settings">
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
<GhFormGroup @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @hasValidated= {{ this .post .hasValidated }} @property="metaTitle">
2019-11-08 09:19:19 +03:00
<label for="meta-title">Meta title</label>
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
2021-03-03 15:30:41 +03:00
@placeholder= {{ this .seoTitle }}
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
@value= {{ readonly this .metaTitleScratch }}
@input= {{ action ( mut this .metaTitleScratch ) value = "target.value" }}
@focus-out= {{ action "setMetaTitle" this .metaTitleScratch }}
@stopEnterKeyDownPropagation= {{ true }}
data-test-field="meta-title" />
2021-03-30 11:41:36 +03:00
<p>Recommended: <b>60</b> characters. You’ ve used {{ gh-count-down-characters this .metaTitleScratch 6 0 }} </p>
2019-12-13 19:11:49 +03:00
<GhErrorMessage @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @property="meta-title" />
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
2017-08-02 12:32:51 +03:00
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
<GhFormGroup @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @hasValidated= {{ this .post .hasValidated }} @property="metaDescription">
2019-11-08 09:19:19 +03:00
<label for="meta-description">Meta description</label>
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
2021-03-03 15:30:41 +03:00
@placeholder= {{ truncate this .seoDescription 1 5 0 }}
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
@value= {{ readonly this .metaDescriptionScratch }}
@input= {{ action ( mut this .metaDescriptionScratch ) value = "target.value" }}
@focus-out= {{ action "setMetaDescription" this .metaDescriptionScratch }}
data-test-field="meta-description" />
2021-05-05 18:33:59 +03:00
<p>Recommended: <b>145</b> characters. You’ ve used {{ gh-count-down-characters this .metaDescriptionScratch 1 4 5 }} </p>
2019-12-13 19:11:49 +03:00
<GhErrorMessage @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @property="meta-description" />
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
2017-08-02 12:32:51 +03:00
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
<GhFormGroup @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @hasValidated= {{ this .post .hasValidated }} @property="canonicalUrl">
2019-03-12 13:40:07 +03:00
<label for="canonicalUrl">Canonical URL</label>
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
2022-07-13 17:59:28 +03:00
@placeholder= {{ this .post .url }}
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
@value= {{ readonly this .canonicalUrlScratch }}
@input= {{ action ( mut this .canonicalUrlScratch ) value = "target.value" }}
@focus-out= {{ action "setCanonicalUrl" this .canonicalUrlScratch }}
data-test-field="canonicalUrl" />
2019-12-13 19:11:49 +03:00
<GhErrorMessage @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @property="canonicalUrl" />
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
2019-03-12 13:40:07 +03:00
2017-08-02 12:32:51 +03:00
<div class="form-group">
<label>Search Engine Result Preview</label>
2021-02-24 15:04:56 +03:00
<div class="gh-seo-container">
<div class="gh-seo-preview">
<div class="flex mb7">
{{ svg-jar "google" }}
<div class="gh-seo-search-bar"> {{ svg-jar "google-search" }} </div>
2021-03-30 12:10:34 +03:00
<div class="gh-seo-preview-link"> {{ this .seoURL }} </div>
2021-03-30 11:41:36 +03:00
<div class="gh-seo-preview-title"> {{ truncate this .seoTitle 6 0 }} </div>
2023-02-13 23:30:02 +03:00
<div class="gh-seo-preview-desc"> {{ moment-format ( now ) "DD MMM YYYY" }} — {{ # if this .seoDescription }} {{ truncate this .seoDescription 1 4 9 }} {{ else }} Search engines will automatically show a custom preview of content related to the search term here if no custom meta description is set. {{ / if }} </div>
2021-02-24 15:04:56 +03:00
2017-08-02 12:32:51 +03:00
{{ / if }}
2019-12-13 17:20:29 +03:00
{{ # if ( eq this .subview "twitter-data" ) }}
2017-08-03 14:45:14 +03:00
<div class="settings-menu-header subview">
2022-07-13 18:27:24 +03:00
<button aria-label="Close Twitter card panel" class="back settings-menu-header-action" data-test-button="close-psm-subview" type="button" {{ action "closeSubview" }} > {{ svg-jar "arrow-left" }} <span class="hidden">Back</span></button>
2019-11-08 09:19:19 +03:00
<h4>Twitter card</h4>
2017-08-03 14:45:14 +03:00
<div style="width:23px;"></div>
<div class="settings-menu-content">
2023-04-18 13:22:32 +03:00
<form {{ action "discardEnter" on = "submit" }} class="gh-post-settings" aria-label="Twitter card settings">
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
@image= {{ this .post .twitterImage }}
@text="Add Twitter image"
@allowUnsplash= {{ true }}
@update= {{ action "setTwitterImage" }}
@remove= {{ action "clearTwitterImage" }}
<GhFormGroup @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @hasValidated= {{ this .post .hasValidated }} @property="twitterTitle">
2019-11-08 09:19:19 +03:00
<label for="twitter-title">Twitter title</label>
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
@placeholder= {{ truncate this .twitterTitle 4 0 }}
@value= {{ readonly this .twitterTitleScratch }}
@input= {{ action ( mut this .twitterTitleScratch ) value = "target.value" }}
@focus-out= {{ action "setTwitterTitle" this .twitterTitleScratch }}
@stopEnterKeyDownPropagation= {{ true }}
data-test-field="twitter-title" />
2019-12-13 19:11:49 +03:00
<GhErrorMessage @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @property="twitterTitle" data-test-error="twitter-title" />
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
2017-08-03 14:45:14 +03:00
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
<GhFormGroup @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @hasValidated= {{ this .post .hasValidated }} @property="twitterDescription">
2019-11-08 09:19:19 +03:00
<label for="twitter-description">Twitter description</label>
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
2021-03-03 15:30:41 +03:00
@placeholder= {{ truncate this .twitterDescription 1 5 0 }}
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
@value= {{ readonly this .twitterDescriptionScratch }}
@input= {{ action ( mut this .twitterDescriptionScratch ) value = "target.value" }}
@focus-out= {{ action "setTwitterDescription" this .twitterDescriptionScratch }}
data-test-field="twitter-description" />
2019-12-13 19:11:49 +03:00
<GhErrorMessage @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @property="twitterDescription" data-test-error="twitter-description" />
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
2017-08-03 14:45:14 +03:00
<div class="form-group">
2021-02-24 15:04:56 +03:00
<label>Twitter preview</label>
<div class="gh-social-twitter-post-preview">
2019-12-13 17:20:29 +03:00
{{ # if this .twitterImage }}
2021-02-24 15:04:56 +03:00
<div class="gh-social-twitter-preview-image" style= {{ background-image-style this .twitterImage }} ></div>
2017-08-03 14:45:14 +03:00
{{ / if }}
2021-02-24 15:04:56 +03:00
<div class="gh-social-twitter-preview-content">
<div class="gh-social-twitter-preview-title"> {{ this .twitterTitle }} </div>
<div class="gh-social-twitter-preview-desc"> {{ truncate this .twitterDescription }} </div>
<div class="gh-social-twitter-preview-meta">
{{ svg-jar "twitter-link" }}
{{ this .config .blogDomain }}
2017-08-03 14:45:14 +03:00
{{ / if }}
2019-12-13 17:20:29 +03:00
{{ # if ( eq this .subview "facebook-data" ) }}
2017-08-03 14:45:14 +03:00
<div class="settings-menu-header subview">
2022-07-13 18:27:24 +03:00
<button aria-label="Close Facebook card panel" class="back settings-menu-header-action" data-test-button="close-psm-subview" type="button" {{ action "closeSubview" }} > {{ svg-jar "arrow-left" }} <span class="hidden">Back</span></button>
2019-11-08 09:19:19 +03:00
<h4>Facebook card</h4>
2017-08-03 14:45:14 +03:00
<div style="width:23px;"></div>
<div class="settings-menu-content">
2023-04-18 13:22:32 +03:00
<form {{ action "discardEnter" on = "submit" }} class="gh-post-settings" aria-label="Facebook card settings">
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
@image= {{ this .post .ogImage }}
@text="Add Facebook image"
@allowUnsplash= {{ true }}
@update= {{ action "setOgImage" }}
@remove= {{ action "clearOgImage" }}
<GhFormGroup @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @hasValidated= {{ this .post .hasValidated }} @property="ogTitle">
2019-11-08 09:19:19 +03:00
<label for="og-title">Facebook title</label>
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
@placeholder= {{ truncate this .facebookTitle 4 0 }}
@value= {{ readonly this .ogTitleScratch }}
@input= {{ action ( mut this .ogTitleScratch ) value = "target.value" }}
@focus-out= {{ action "setOgTitle" this .ogTitleScratch }}
@stopEnterKeyDownPropagation= {{ true }}
data-test-field="og-title" />
2019-12-13 19:11:49 +03:00
<GhErrorMessage @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @property="ogTitle" data-test-error="og-title" />
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
2017-08-03 14:45:14 +03:00
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
<GhFormGroup @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @hasValidated= {{ this .post .hasValidated }} @property="ogDescription">
2019-11-08 09:19:19 +03:00
<label for="og-description">Facebook description</label>
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
@id="og-description" @name="post-setting-og-description"
2021-03-03 15:30:41 +03:00
@placeholder= {{ truncate this .facebookDescription 1 5 0 }}
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
@value= {{ readonly this .ogDescriptionScratch }}
@input= {{ action ( mut this .ogDescriptionScratch ) value = "target.value" }}
@focus-out= {{ action "setOgDescription" this .ogDescriptionScratch }}
data-test-field="og-description" />
2019-12-13 19:11:49 +03:00
<GhErrorMessage @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @property="ogDescription" data-test-error="og-description" />
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
2017-08-03 14:45:14 +03:00
<div class="form-group">
2021-02-24 15:04:56 +03:00
<label>Facebook preview</label>
<div class="gh-social-og-preview no-container">
2019-12-13 17:20:29 +03:00
{{ # if this .facebookImage }}
2021-02-24 15:04:56 +03:00
<div class="gh-social-og-preview-image" style= {{ background-image-style this .facebookImage }} ></div>
2017-08-03 14:45:14 +03:00
{{ / if }}
2021-03-02 15:24:54 +03:00
<div class="gh-social-og-preview-bookmark">
{{!-- Ensures description is hidden if title exceeds one line --}}
<div class="gh-social-og-preview-content">
<div class="gh-social-og-preview-meta">
{{ this .config .blogDomain }}
<div class="gh-social-og-preview-title"> {{ truncate this .facebookTitle }} </div>
<div class="gh-social-og-preview-desc"> {{ truncate this .facebookDescription }} </div>
2017-08-03 14:45:14 +03:00
{{ / if }}
2019-12-13 17:20:29 +03:00
{{ # if ( eq this .subview "codeinjection" ) }}
2017-08-02 12:32:51 +03:00
<div class="settings-menu-header subview">
2022-07-13 18:27:24 +03:00
<button aria-label="Close code injection panel" class="back settings-menu-header-action" data-test-button="close-psm-subview" type="button" {{ action "closeSubview" }} > {{ svg-jar "arrow-left" }} <span class="hidden">Back</span></button>
2019-11-08 09:19:19 +03:00
<h4>Code injection</h4>
2017-08-02 12:32:51 +03:00
<div style="width:23px;"></div>
2018-01-02 21:29:03 +03:00
<div class="settings-menu-content settings-menu-content-codeinjection">
2023-04-18 13:22:32 +03:00
<form {{ action "discardEnter" on = "submit" }} class="gh-post-settings" aria-label="Code injection settings">
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
<GhFormGroup @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @hasValidated= {{ this .post .hasValidated }} @property="codeinjectionHead">
2019-12-13 17:20:29 +03:00
<label for="codeinjection-head"> {{ capitalize this .post .displayName }} header <code>\ {{ ghost_head }} </code></label>
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
<GhCmEditor @value= {{ this .codeinjectionHeadScratch }}
@focusOut= {{ action "setHeaderInjection" this .codeinjectionHeadScratch }}
@update= {{ action ( mut this .codeinjectionHeadScratch ) }}
data-test-field="codeinjection-head" />
2019-12-13 19:11:49 +03:00
<GhErrorMessage @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @property="codeinjectionHead" data-test-error="codeinjection-head" />
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
2017-08-02 12:32:51 +03:00
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
<GhFormGroup @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @hasValidated= {{ this .post .hasValidated }} @property="codeinjectionFoot">
2019-12-13 17:20:29 +03:00
<label for="codeinjection-foot"> {{ capitalize this .post .displayName }} footer <code>\ {{ ghost_foot }} </code></label>
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
<GhCmEditor @value= {{ this .codeinjectionFootScratch }}
@focusOut= {{ action "setFooterInjection" this .codeinjectionFootScratch }}
@update= {{ action ( mut this .codeinjectionFootScratch ) }}
data-test-field="codeinjection-foot" />
2019-12-13 19:11:49 +03:00
<GhErrorMessage @errors= {{ this .post .errors }} @property="codeinjectionFoot" data-test-error="codeinjection-foot" />
2020-01-16 18:14:03 +03:00
2017-08-02 12:32:51 +03:00
{{ / if }}
2014-12-02 01:45:45 +03:00
2017-08-02 12:32:51 +03:00
2021-07-02 21:03:52 +03:00
{{ / if }}
2023-04-18 12:57:41 +03:00
2023-06-01 09:45:29 +03:00
{{ # if this .showPostHistory }}
@model= {{ hash
@close= {{ this .closePostHistory }}
@modifier="total-overlay post-history" />
2023-04-18 12:57:41 +03:00
{{ / if }}
2014-09-19 03:42:07 +04:00
2021-06-23 21:45:17 +03:00