2019-11-08 11:56:56 +03:00
import Component from '@ember/component';
import validator from 'validator';
2019-11-13 19:38:32 +03:00
import {action} from '@ember/object';
2019-11-13 13:52:09 +03:00
import {alias, oneWay, or} from '@ember/object/computed';
2019-11-08 11:56:56 +03:00
import {computed} from '@ember/object';
import {inject as service} from '@ember/service';
import {task} from 'ember-concurrency';
export default Component.extend({
ajax: service(),
ghostPaths: service(),
notifications: service(),
2019-11-13 13:52:09 +03:00
session: service(),
2019-11-08 11:56:56 +03:00
settings: service(),
post: null,
sendTestEmailError: '',
savePost: null,
close() {},
toggleEmailPreviewModal() {},
emailSubject: or('emailSubjectScratch', 'post.title'),
emailSubjectScratch: alias('post.emailSubjectScratch'),
2019-11-13 13:52:09 +03:00
testEmailAddress: oneWay('session.user.email'),
2019-11-08 11:56:56 +03:00
mailgunError: computed('settings.memberSubscriptionSettings', function () {
2019-11-13 07:02:08 +03:00
return !this.settings.get('bulkEmailSettings.isEnabled');
2019-11-08 11:56:56 +03:00
actions: {
setEmailSubject(emailSubject) {
// Grab the post and current stored email subject
let post = this.post;
let currentEmailSubject = post.get('emailSubject');
// If the subject entered matches the stored email subject, do nothing
if (currentEmailSubject === emailSubject) {
// If the subject entered is different, set it as the new email subject
post.set('emailSubject', emailSubject);
// Make sure the email subject is valid and if so, save it into the post
return post.validate({property: 'emailSubject'}).then(() => {
if (post.get('isNew')) {
return this.savePost.perform();
discardEnter() {
return false;
2019-11-13 19:38:32 +03:00
toggleEmailPreview: action(function () {
2019-11-08 11:56:56 +03:00
sendTestEmail: task(function* () {
try {
const resourceId = this.post.id;
2019-11-13 13:52:09 +03:00
const testEmail = this.testEmailAddress.trim();
2019-11-08 11:56:56 +03:00
if (!validator.isEmail(testEmail)) {
this.set('sendTestEmailError', 'Please enter a valid email');
return false;
2019-11-13 07:02:08 +03:00
if (!this.settings.get('bulkEmailSettings.isEnabled')) {
2019-11-08 11:56:56 +03:00
this.set('sendTestEmailError', 'Please configure Mailgun in Labs → Members');
return false;
this.set('sendTestEmailError', '');
const url = this.ghostPaths.url.api('/email_preview/posts', resourceId);
const data = {emails: [testEmail]};
const options = {
dataType: 'json'
return yield this.ajax.post(url, options);
} catch (error) {
if (error) {
this.notifications.showAPIError(error, {key: 'send.previewEmail'});
2019-11-13 07:02:08 +03:00
2019-11-08 11:56:56 +03:00