2021-02-09 19:22:58 +03:00
<div class="gh-main-section">
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
{{ # if this .stripeDirect }}
<div class="flex flex-column flex-row-l items-start justify-between">
<div class="w-100 w-50-l">
<div class="mb4">
2022-10-06 16:16:24 +03:00
<label class="fw6 f8" for="stripe-publishable-key">Stripe Publishable key</label>
class="gh-input mt1 password"
value= {{ this .stripeDirectPublicKey }}
{{ on "input" this .setStripeDirectPublicKey }}
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
<div class="nudge-top--3">
2022-10-06 16:16:24 +03:00
<label class="fw6 f8 mt4" for="stripe-secret-key">Stripe Secret key</label>
class="gh-input mt1 password"
value= {{ this .stripeDirectSecretKey }}
{{ on "input" this .setStripeDirectSecretKey }}
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
2022-02-02 19:09:43 +03:00
<a href="https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys" target="_blank" class="mt1 fw4 f8" rel="noopener noreferrer">
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
Find your Stripe API keys here »
2019-10-16 20:54:49 +03:00
2021-02-09 19:22:58 +03:00
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
<div class="ml0 ml5-l mt6">
<div class="gh-members-stripe-info">
<div class="gh-members-stripe-info-header">
<h4>How you get paid</h4>
{{ svg-jar "stripe-verified-partner-badge" class = "gh-members-stripe-badge" }}
2019-10-16 20:54:49 +03:00
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
<p class="f8 mt2 mb0">
Stripe is our exclusive direct payments partner.<br />
2022-02-02 19:09:43 +03:00
Ghost collects <strong>no fees</strong> on any payments! If you don’ t have a Stripe account yet, you can <a href="https://stripe.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="gh-members-stripe-link">sign up here</a>.
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
2019-10-09 13:02:56 +03:00
2021-02-09 19:22:58 +03:00
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
2021-02-09 19:22:58 +03:00
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
<div class="mb4 mt4 flex justify-end">
2022-10-06 16:16:24 +03:00
@buttonText="Save settings"
@task= {{ this .saveSettingsTask }}
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
@class="gh-btn gh-btn-primary gh-btn-icon"
2021-02-25 12:47:08 +03:00
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
{{ else }}
2021-02-09 19:22:58 +03:00
2023-01-24 21:55:16 +03:00
{{ # if ( and this .stripeConnectAccountId ( not this .saveStripeSettingsTask .isRunning ) ) }}
2023-03-21 12:48:12 +03:00
<button type="button" class="gh-btn gh-btn-stripe-disconnect" data-test-button="stripe-disconnect" {{ on "click" this .openDisconnectStripeModal }} ><span>Disconnect</span></button>
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
<div class="gh-stripe-connected-container">
2023-01-24 21:55:16 +03:00
<div class="gh-logos-stripe-connect">
<div class="gh-logo-squircle" style="background-image:url(assets/img/orb-squircle.png);"></div>
<div class="gh-logo-squircle" style="background-image:url(assets/img/stripe.svg);"></div>
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
<h1>You are connected to Stripe</h1>
<div class="gh-stripe-connected-info">
2023-01-24 21:55:16 +03:00
<div class="gh-stripe-site-title">
<p>Connected to <a href="https://dashboard.stripe.com/ {{ this .stripeConnectAccountId }} " target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> {{ this .stripeConnectAccountName }} </a></p>
{{ # unless this .stripeConnectLivemode }}
<div class="gh-members-connect-testmodelabel">Test mode</div>
{{ / unless }}
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
{{ # if this .hasActiveStripeSubscriptions }}
<span class="gh-stripe-error-hasactivesub">
Cannot disconnect while there are members with active Stripe subscriptions.
2020-06-23 14:29:12 +03:00
{{ / if }}
2020-06-02 14:58:43 +03:00
2023-01-24 21:55:16 +03:00
<div class="gh-stripe-guide-container">
<p>read next</p>
2023-02-09 17:53:53 +03:00
<a class="gh-stripe-guide" href="https://ghost.org/resources/managing-your-stripe-account/?ref=admin" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
2023-01-24 21:55:16 +03:00
<div class="gh-stripe-guide-content">
<div class="gh-stripe-guide-content-body">
<h3>How to setup and manage your Stripe account</h3>
<p>Learn how to configure your Stripe account to work with Ghost, from custom branding to payment receipt emails.</p>
<div class="gh-stripe-guide-content-footer">
{{ svg-jar "ghost-orb-pink" }}
<h4>Ghost Resources</h4>
<p>Kym Ellis</p>
<div class="gh-stripe-guide-image">
<img src="https://ghost.org/resources/content/images/2022/02/Stripe---Home.jpg" alt="Stripe guide on Ghost Resources"/>
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
{{ else }}
<div class="flex flex-column flex-row-l items-start justify-between">
<div class="w-100 w-50-l">
<label class="fw6 f8">Generate secure key</label>
<div class="flex items-center mb4 justify-between gh-members-connectbutton-container mt2">
2023-01-04 17:28:38 +03:00
<a href=" {{ if this .stripeConnectTestMode this .testStripeConnectAuthUrl this .liveStripeConnectAuthUrl }} " class="stripe-connect" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span></span></a>
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
<div class="ml2 flex items-center flex-nowrap">
<span class="mr2 f8 midgrey nowrap {{ if this .stripeConnectTestMode "gh-members-connect-testmodeon" }} "> {{ if this .stripeConnectTestMode "Using" "Use" }} test mode</span>
<div class="for-switch small">
2022-10-06 16:16:24 +03:00
<label class="switch" for="stripe-connect-test-mode">
<input type="checkbox" id="stripe-connect-test-mode" class="gh-input" checked= {{ this .stripeConnectTestMode }} {{ on "input" this .setStripeConnectTestMode }} aria-label="Use Stripe test mode" data-test-checkbox="stripe-connect-test-mode">
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
<span class="input-toggle-component mt1"></span>
2020-06-11 16:15:44 +03:00
2020-06-02 14:58:43 +03:00
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
<div class="nudge-top--3">
2022-10-06 16:16:24 +03:00
class="gh-input gh-members-stripe-connect-token"
placeholder="Paste your secure key here"
aria-label="Stripe connect secure key"
{{ on "input" this .setStripeConnectIntegrationToken }}
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
{{ # if this .stripeConnectError }} <p class="mb0 mt2 f8 red"> {{ this .stripeConnectError }} </p> {{ / if }}
<div class="mt5 mt5-m mt8-l ml0 ml5-l">
<div class="gh-members-stripe-info">
<div class="gh-members-stripe-info-header">
<h4>Getting paid</h4>
{{ svg-jar "stripe-verified-partner-badge" class = "gh-members-stripe-badge" }}
2021-02-09 19:22:58 +03:00
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
<p class="f8 mt2 mb0">
Stripe is our exclusive direct payments partner.<br />
2022-02-02 19:09:43 +03:00
Ghost collects <strong>no fees</strong> on any payments! If you don’ t have a Stripe account yet, you can <a href="https://stripe.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="gh-members-stripe-link">sign up here</a>.
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
2021-02-09 19:22:58 +03:00
2020-06-15 18:55:16 +03:00
2020-06-02 14:58:43 +03:00
2020-08-25 15:05:45 +03:00
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
<div class="gh-members-connect-savecontainer {{ if this .settings .stripeConnectIntegrationToken "expanded" }} ">
2022-10-06 16:16:24 +03:00
@buttonText="Save Stripe settings"
@task= {{ this .saveStripeSettingsTask }}
@unlinkedTask= {{ true }}
@disabled= {{ is-empty this .settings .stripeConnectIntegrationToken }}
@class="gh-btn gh-btn-green gh-btn-icon"
2019-10-11 11:20:30 +03:00
2021-05-17 18:14:38 +03:00
{{ / if }}
{{ / if }}
2021-02-09 19:22:58 +03:00
2019-10-09 13:02:56 +03:00
2020-06-23 14:29:12 +03:00
{{ # if this .showDisconnectStripeConnectModal }}
<GhFullscreenModal @modal="disconnect-stripe"
@model= {{ hash
2020-06-29 20:37:11 +03:00
2020-06-23 14:29:12 +03:00
2022-10-06 16:16:24 +03:00
@confirm= {{ this .disconnectStripeConnectIntegration }}
@close= {{ this .closeDisconnectStripeModal }}
2020-06-23 14:29:12 +03:00
@modifier="action wide" />
2022-05-24 17:53:03 +03:00
{{ / if }}