<palign="center">Love open source? We're hiring <ahref="https://careers.ghost.org/product-engineer-node-js/">Node.js Engineers</a> to work on Ghost full-time</p>
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The easiest way to get a production instance deployed is with our official **[Ghost(Pro)](https://ghost.org/pricing/)** managed service. It takes about 2 minutes to launch a new site with worldwide CDN, backups, security and maintenance all done for you.
For most people this ends up being the best value option cause of [how much time it saves](https://ghost.org/docs/hosting/) — and 100% of revenue goes to the Ghost Foundation; funding the maintenance and further development of the project itself. So you’ll be supporting open source software *and* getting a great service!
If you prefer to run on your own infrastructure, we also offer official 1-off installs and managed support and maintenance plans via **[Ghost(Valet)](https://valet.ghost.org)** - which can save a substantial amount of developer time and resources.
or on a server run the full install, including automatic SSL setup using LetsEncrypt - [Production install docs](https://ghost.org/docs/install/ubuntu/)
Check out our [official documentation](https://ghost.org/docs/) for more information about our [recommended hosting stack](https://ghost.org/docs/hosting/) & properly [upgrading Ghost](https://ghost.org/docs/update/), plus everything you need to develop your own Ghost [themes](https://ghost.org/docs/themes/) or work with [our API](https://ghost.org/docs/content-api/).
For anyone wishing to contribute to Ghost or to hack/customise core files we recommend following our full development setup guides: [Contributor Guide](https://ghost.org/docs/contributing/) | [Developer Setup](https://ghost.org/docs/install/source/) | [Admin Client Dev Guide](https://ghost.org/docs/install/source/#ghost-admin)
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