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const {agentProvider, mockManager, fixtureManager, matchers} = require('../../utils/e2e-framework');
const {anyContentVersion, anyEtag, anyObjectId, anyUuid, anyISODateTime, anyString, anyArray} = matchers;
const testUtils = require('../../utils');
const assert = require('assert/strict');
const models = require('../../../core/server/models');
const {stripeMocker} = require('../../utils/e2e-framework-mock-manager');
const DomainEvents = require('@tryghost/domain-events/lib/DomainEvents');
const subscriptionSnapshot = {
id: anyString,
start_date: anyString,
current_period_end: anyString,
price: {
id: anyString,
price_id: anyObjectId,
tier: {
id: anyString,
tier_id: anyObjectId
plan: {
id: anyString
customer: {
id: anyString
const tierSnapshot = {
id: anyObjectId,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
monthly_price_id: anyString,
yearly_price_id: anyString
const subscriptionSnapshotWithTier = {
tier: tierSnapshot
describe('Members API: edit subscriptions', function () {
let agent;
before(async function () {
agent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent();
await fixtureManager.init('posts', 'members', 'tiers:extra');
await agent.loginAsOwner();
beforeEach(function () {
afterEach(async function () {
await mockManager.restore();
it('Can cancel a subscription', async function () {
const memberId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.members[1].id;
// Get the stripe price ID of the default price for month
const price = await stripeMocker.getPriceForTier('default-product', 'year');
const res = await agent
stripe_price_id: price.id
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: [subscriptionSnapshotWithTier],
newsletters: anyArray,
tiers: [tierSnapshot]
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
const subscriptionId = res.body.members[0].subscriptions[0].id;
const editRes = await agent
status: 'canceled'
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: [subscriptionSnapshot],
newsletters: anyArray,
tiers: []
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
assert.equal('canceled', editRes.body.members[0].subscriptions[0].status);
it('Can cancel a subscription for a member with both comped and paid subscriptions', async function () {
const email = 'comped-paid-combination@example.com';
// Create this member with a comped product
let member = await models.Member.add({
email_disabled: false,
products: [
slug: 'gold'
member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 0);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 0);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 1, 'This member should have one product');
// Subscribe this to a paid product
const customer1 = stripeMocker.createCustomer({
const price1 = await stripeMocker.getPriceForTier('default-product', 'month');
const subscription1 = await stripeMocker.createSubscription({
customer: customer1,
price: price1
await DomainEvents.allSettled();
member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
// Assert this member is subscribed to two products
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 1);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 1);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 2, 'This member should have two products');
assert.deepEqual(member.related('products').models.map(m => m.get('slug')).sort(), ['default-product', 'gold']);
// Cancel the paid subscription at period end
// Now update one of those subscriptions immediately
await agent
cancel_at_period_end: true // = just an update, the subscription should remain active until it is ended
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray,
newsletters: anyArray,
tiers: anyArray
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
// Assert products didn't change
member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 1);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 1);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 2, 'This member should have two products');
assert.deepEqual(member.related('products').models.map(m => m.get('slug')).sort(), ['default-product', 'gold']);
// Now cancel for real
await agent
status: 'canceled'
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray,
newsletters: anyArray,
tiers: anyArray
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
// Assert product is removed, but comped is maintained
member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 1);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 1);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 1, 'This member should have one product');
assert.deepEqual(member.related('products').models.map(m => m.get('slug')).sort(), ['gold']);
it('Can cancel a subscription for a member with duplicate customers', async function () {
const email = 'duplicate-customers-test@example.com';
// We create duplicate customers to mimick a situation where a member is connected to two customers
const customer1 = stripeMocker.createCustomer({
const customer2 = stripeMocker.createCustomer({
const price1 = await stripeMocker.getPriceForTier('default-product', 'month');
const price2 = await stripeMocker.getPriceForTier('gold', 'year');
const subscription1 = await stripeMocker.createSubscription({
customer: customer1,
price: price1
const subscription2 = await stripeMocker.createSubscription({
customer: customer2,
price: price2
await DomainEvents.allSettled();
let member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
// Assert this member is subscribed to two products
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 2, 'This member should have two products');
// Now cancel one of those subscriptions immediately
await agent
status: 'canceled'
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray,
newsletters: anyArray,
tiers: anyArray
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
// Update member
member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
// Assert this member is subscribed to one products
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 1, 'This member should only have one remaning product');
// Cancel the other subscription
await agent
status: 'canceled'
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray,
newsletters: anyArray,
tiers: anyArray
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
// Update member
member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
// Assert this member is subscribed to one products
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 0, 'This member should only have no remaning products');
it('Can cancel a subscription for a member with duplicate subscriptions', async function () {
const email = 'duplicate-subscription-test@example.com';
// We create duplicate customers to mimick a situation where a member is connected to two customers
const customer1 = stripeMocker.createCustomer({
const price1 = await stripeMocker.getPriceForTier('default-product', 'month');
const price2 = await stripeMocker.getPriceForTier('gold', 'year');
const subscription1 = await stripeMocker.createSubscription({
customer: customer1,
price: price1
const subscription2 = await stripeMocker.createSubscription({
customer: customer1,
price: price2
await DomainEvents.allSettled();
let member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
// Assert this member is subscribed to two products
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 1);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 2, 'This member should have two products');
// Now cancel one of those subscriptions immediately
await agent
status: 'canceled'
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray,
newsletters: anyArray,
tiers: anyArray
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
// Update member
member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
// Assert this member is subscribed to one products
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 1);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 1, 'This member should only have one remaning product');
// Cancel the other subscription
await agent
status: 'canceled'
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray,
newsletters: anyArray,
tiers: anyArray
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
// Update member
member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
// Assert this member is subscribed to one products
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 1);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 0, 'This member should only have no remaning products');
it('Can update a subscription for a member with duplicate subscriptions', async function () {
const email = 'duplicate-subscription-edit-test@example.com';
// We create duplicate customers to mimick a situation where a member is connected to two customers
const customer1 = stripeMocker.createCustomer({
const customer2 = stripeMocker.createCustomer({
const price1 = await stripeMocker.getPriceForTier('default-product', 'month');
const price2 = await stripeMocker.getPriceForTier('gold', 'year');
const subscription1 = await stripeMocker.createSubscription({
customer: customer1,
price: price1
const subscription2 = await stripeMocker.createSubscription({
customer: customer2,
price: price2
await DomainEvents.allSettled();
let member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
// Assert this member is subscribed to two products
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 2, 'This member should have two products');
// Now update one of those subscriptions immediately
await agent
cancel_at_period_end: true // = just an update, the subscription should remain active until it is ended
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray,
newsletters: anyArray,
tiers: anyArray
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
// Update member
member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
// Assert this member is subscribed to one products
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 2, 'This member should still have two products');
// Cancel the other subscription
await agent
cancel_at_period_end: true
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray,
newsletters: anyArray,
tiers: anyArray
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
// Update member
member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
// Assert this member is subscribed to one products
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 2, 'This member should still have two products');
it('Can recover member products when we cancel a subscription', async function () {
* This tests a situation where a bug didn't set the products for a member correctly in the past when it had multiple subscriptions.
* This tests what happens when we cancel the remaining product. To recover from this, we should set the products correctly after the cancelation.
const email = 'duplicate-subscription-wrongfully-test@example.com';
// We create duplicate customers to mimick a situation where a member is connected to two customers
const customer1 = stripeMocker.createCustomer({
const customer2 = stripeMocker.createCustomer({
const price1 = await stripeMocker.getPriceForTier('default-product', 'month');
const price2 = await stripeMocker.getPriceForTier('gold', 'year');
const subscription1 = await stripeMocker.createSubscription({
customer: customer1,
price: price1
const subscription2 = await stripeMocker.createSubscription({
customer: customer2,
price: price2
await DomainEvents.allSettled();
let member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
// Assert this member is subscribed to two products
assert.equal(member.get('status'), 'paid');
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 2, 'This member should have two products');
// Manually unlink the first product from the member, to simulate a bug from the past
// where we didn't store the products correctly
await models.Member.edit({products: member.related('products').models.filter(p => p.get('slug') !== 'default-product')}, {id: member.id});
// Assert only one product left
member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 1, 'This member should have one product after the update');
assert.equal(member.related('products').models[0].get('slug'), 'gold');
// Now cancel the second subscription (from the remaining product)
await agent
status: 'canceled'
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray,
newsletters: anyArray,
tiers: anyArray
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
// Update member
member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
// Assert this member is subscribed to one products
assert.equal(member.get('status'), 'paid');
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 1, 'This member should still have the other product that was wrongfully removed in the past');
assert.equal(member.related('products').models[0].get('slug'), 'default-product', 'This member should still have the other product that was wrongfully removed in the past');
// Cancel the other subscription
await agent
status: 'canceled'
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray,
newsletters: anyArray,
tiers: anyArray
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
// Update member
member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
// Assert this member is subscribed to one products
assert.equal(member.get('status'), 'free');
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 0);
it('Can recover member products when we update a subscription', async function () {
* This tests a situation where a bug didn't set the products for a member correctly in the past when it had multiple subscriptions.
* This tests what happens when we cancel the remaining product. To recover from this, we should set the products correctly after the cancelation.
const email = 'duplicate-subscription-wrongfully-test2@example.com';
// We create duplicate customers to mimick a situation where a member is connected to two customers
const customer1 = stripeMocker.createCustomer({
const customer2 = stripeMocker.createCustomer({
const price1 = await stripeMocker.getPriceForTier('default-product', 'month');
const price2 = await stripeMocker.getPriceForTier('gold', 'year');
await stripeMocker.createSubscription({
customer: customer1,
price: price1
const subscription2 = await stripeMocker.createSubscription({
customer: customer2,
price: price2
await DomainEvents.allSettled();
let member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
// Assert this member is subscribed to two products
assert.equal(member.get('status'), 'paid');
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 2, 'This member should have two products');
// Manually unlink the first product from the member, to simulate a bug from the past
// where we didn't store the products correctly
await models.Member.edit({products: member.related('products').models.filter(p => p.get('slug') !== 'default-product')}, {id: member.id});
// Assert only one product left
member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
assert.equal(member.get('status'), 'paid');
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 1, 'This member should have one product after the update');
assert.equal(member.related('products').models[0].get('slug'), 'gold');
// Now cancel the second subscription (from the remaining product)
await agent
cancel_at_period_end: true // = just an update, the subscription should remain active until it is ended
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray,
newsletters: anyArray,
tiers: anyArray
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
// Update member
member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
// Assert this member is subscribed to one products
assert.equal(member.get('status'), 'paid');
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 2, 'Should readd the product that was wrongfully removed in the past');
it('Can edit the price of a subscription directly in Stripe', async function () {
const email = 'edit-subscription-product-in-stripe@example.com';
// We create duplicate customers to mimick a situation where a member is connected to two customers
const customer1 = stripeMocker.createCustomer({
const price1 = await stripeMocker.getPriceForTier('default-product', 'month');
const price2 = await stripeMocker.getPriceForTier('gold', 'year');
const subscription1 = await stripeMocker.createSubscription({
customer: customer1,
price: price1
await DomainEvents.allSettled();
let member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
assert.equal(member.get('status'), 'paid');
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 1);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 1);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 1);
assert.equal(member.related('products').models[0].get('slug'), 'default-product');
// Change subscription price in Stripe
// This will send a webhook to Ghost
await stripeMocker.updateSubscription({
id: subscription1.id,
items: {
type: 'list',
data: [
price: price2
member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
assert.equal(member.get('status'), 'paid');
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 1);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 1);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 1);
assert.equal(member.related('products').models[0].get('slug'), 'gold');
it('Can edit the price of a subscription directly in Stripe when having duplicate subscriptions', async function () {
const email = 'edit-subscription-product-in-stripe-dup@example.com';
// We create duplicate customers to mimick a situation where a member is connected to two customers
const customer1 = stripeMocker.createCustomer({
const customer2 = stripeMocker.createCustomer({
const price1 = await stripeMocker.getPriceForTier('default-product', 'month');
const price2 = await stripeMocker.getPriceForTier('gold', 'year');
const price3 = await stripeMocker.getPriceForTier('silver', 'year');
const subscription1 = await stripeMocker.createSubscription({
customer: customer1,
price: price1
await stripeMocker.createSubscription({
customer: customer2,
price: price2
await DomainEvents.allSettled();
let member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
assert.equal(member.get('status'), 'paid');
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 2);
assert.deepEqual(member.related('products').models.map(m => m.get('slug')).sort(), ['default-product', 'gold']);
// Change subscription price in Stripe
// This will send a webhook to Ghost
await stripeMocker.updateSubscription({
id: subscription1.id,
items: {
type: 'list',
data: [
price: price3
member = await models.Member.findOne({email}, {require: true, withRelated: ['products', 'stripeCustomers', 'stripeSubscriptions']});
assert.equal(member.get('status'), 'paid');
assert.equal(member.related('stripeCustomers').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('stripeSubscriptions').length, 2);
assert.equal(member.related('products').length, 2);
assert.deepEqual(member.related('products').models.map(m => m.get('slug')).sort(), ['gold', 'silver']);