2023-01-10 16:58:50 +03:00
const {createModel, createModelClass, createDb, sleep} = require('./utils');
const BatchSendingService = require('../lib/batch-sending-service');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const assert = require('assert');
const logging = require('@tryghost/logging');
const nql = require('@tryghost/nql');
const errors = require('@tryghost/errors');
describe('Batch Sending Service', function () {
let errorLog;
beforeEach(function () {
errorLog = sinon.stub(logging, 'error');
afterEach(function () {
describe('scheduleEmail', function () {
it('schedules email', async function () {
const jobsService = {
addJob: sinon.stub().resolves()
const service = new BatchSendingService({
const job = jobsService.addJob.firstCall.args[0].job;
assert.equal(typeof job, 'function');
describe('emailJob', function () {
it('does not send if already submitting', async function () {
const Email = createModelClass({
findOne: {
status: 'submitting'
const service = new BatchSendingService({
models: {Email}
const result = await service.emailJob({emailId: '123'});
assert.equal(result, undefined);
sinon.assert.calledWith(errorLog, 'Tried sending email that is not pending or failed 123');
it('does not send if already submitted', async function () {
const Email = createModelClass({
findOne: {
status: 'submitted'
const service = new BatchSendingService({
models: {Email}
const result = await service.emailJob({emailId: '123'});
assert.equal(result, undefined);
sinon.assert.calledWith(errorLog, 'Tried sending email that is not pending or failed 123');
it('does send email if pending', async function () {
const Email = createModelClass({
findOne: {
status: 'pending'
const service = new BatchSendingService({
models: {Email}
let emailModel;
let afterEmailModel;
const sendEmail = sinon.stub(service, 'sendEmail').callsFake((email) => {
emailModel = {
status: email.get('status')
afterEmailModel = email;
return Promise.resolve();
const result = await service.emailJob({emailId: '123'});
assert.equal(result, undefined);
assert.equal(emailModel.status, 'submitting', 'The email status is submitting while sending');
assert.equal(afterEmailModel.get('status'), 'submitted', 'The email status is submitted after sending');
assert.equal(afterEmailModel.get('error'), null);
it('saves error state if sending fails', async function () {
const Email = createModelClass({
findOne: {
status: 'pending'
const service = new BatchSendingService({
models: {Email}
let emailModel;
let afterEmailModel;
const sendEmail = sinon.stub(service, 'sendEmail').callsFake((email) => {
emailModel = {
status: email.get('status')
afterEmailModel = email;
return Promise.reject(new Error('Unexpected test error'));
const result = await service.emailJob({emailId: '123'});
assert.equal(result, undefined);
assert.equal(emailModel.status, 'submitting', 'The email status is submitting while sending');
assert.equal(afterEmailModel.get('status'), 'failed', 'The email status is failed after sending');
assert.equal(afterEmailModel.get('error'), 'Unexpected test error');
it('saves default error message if sending fails', async function () {
const Email = createModelClass({
findOne: {
status: 'pending'
const service = new BatchSendingService({
models: {Email}
let emailModel;
let afterEmailModel;
const sendEmail = sinon.stub(service, 'sendEmail').callsFake((email) => {
emailModel = {
status: email.get('status')
afterEmailModel = email;
return Promise.reject(new Error(''));
const result = await service.emailJob({emailId: '123'});
assert.equal(result, undefined);
assert.equal(emailModel.status, 'submitting', 'The email status is submitting while sending');
assert.equal(afterEmailModel.get('status'), 'failed', 'The email status is failed after sending');
assert.equal(afterEmailModel.get('error'), 'Something went wrong while sending the email');
describe('sendEmail', function () {
it('does not create batches if already created', async function () {
const EmailBatch = createModelClass({
findAll: [
const service = new BatchSendingService({
models: {EmailBatch}
const email = createModel({
status: 'submitting',
newsletter: createModel({}),
post: createModel({})
const sendBatches = sinon.stub(service, 'sendBatches').resolves();
const createBatches = sinon.stub(service, 'createBatches').resolves();
const result = await service.sendEmail(email);
assert.equal(result, undefined);
// Check called with batches
const argument = sendBatches.firstCall.args[0];
assert.equal(argument.batches.length, 2);
it('does create batches', async function () {
const EmailBatch = createModelClass({
findAll: []
const service = new BatchSendingService({
models: {EmailBatch}
const email = createModel({
status: 'submitting',
newsletter: createModel({}),
post: createModel({})
const sendBatches = sinon.stub(service, 'sendBatches').resolves();
const createdBatches = [createModel({})];
const createBatches = sinon.stub(service, 'createBatches').resolves(createdBatches);
const result = await service.sendEmail(email);
assert.equal(result, undefined);
// Check called with created batch
const argument = sendBatches.firstCall.args[0];
assert.equal(argument.batches, createdBatches);
describe('createBatches', function () {
it('works even when new members are added', async function () {
const Member = createModelClass({});
const EmailBatch = createModelClass({});
const newsletter = createModel({});
// Create 16 members in single line
const members = new Array(16).fill(0).map(i => createModel({
email: `example${i}@example.com`,
uuid: `member${i}`,
newsletters: [
const innitialMembers = members.slice();
Member.getFilteredCollectionQuery = ({filter}) => {
// Everytime we request the members, we also create a new member, to simulate that creating batches doesn't happen in a transaction
// These created members should be excluded
email: `example${members.length}@example.com`,
uuid: `member${members.length}`,
newsletters: [
const q = nql(filter);
const all = members.filter((member) => {
return q.queryJSON(member.toJSON());
// Sort all by id desc (string)
all.sort((a, b) => {
return b.id.localeCompare(a.id);
return createDb({
all: all.map(member => member.toJSON())
const db = createDb({});
const insert = sinon.spy(db, 'insert');
const service = new BatchSendingService({
models: {Member, EmailBatch},
emailRenderer: {
getSegments() {
return [null];
sendingService: {
getMaximumRecipients() {
return 5;
emailSegmenter: {
getMemberFilterForSegment(n) {
return `newsletters.id:${n.id}`;
const email = createModel({});
// Check we don't include members created after the email model
email: `example${members.length}@example.com`,
uuid: `member${members.length}`,
newsletters: [
const batches = await service.createBatches({
post: createModel({}),
assert.equal(batches.length, 4);
const calls = insert.getCalls();
assert.equal(calls.length, 4);
const insertedRecipients = calls.flatMap(call => call.args[0]);
assert.equal(insertedRecipients.length, 16);
// Check all recipients match initialMembers
assert.deepEqual(insertedRecipients.map(recipient => recipient.member_id).sort(), innitialMembers.map(member => member.id).sort());
// Check email_count set
assert.equal(email.get('email_count'), 16);
it('works with multiple batches', async function () {
const Member = createModelClass({});
const EmailBatch = createModelClass({});
const newsletter = createModel({});
// Create 16 members in single line
const members = [
...new Array(2).fill(0).map(i => createModel({
email: `example${i}@example.com`,
uuid: `member${i}`,
status: 'paid',
newsletters: [
...new Array(2).fill(0).map(i => createModel({
email: `free${i}@example.com`,
uuid: `free${i}`,
status: 'free',
newsletters: [
const innitialMembers = members.slice();
Member.getFilteredCollectionQuery = ({filter}) => {
const q = nql(filter);
const all = members.filter((member) => {
return q.queryJSON(member.toJSON());
// Sort all by id desc (string)
all.sort((a, b) => {
return b.id.localeCompare(a.id);
return createDb({
all: all.map(member => member.toJSON())
const db = createDb({});
const insert = sinon.spy(db, 'insert');
const service = new BatchSendingService({
models: {Member, EmailBatch},
emailRenderer: {
getSegments() {
return ['status:free', 'status:-free'];
sendingService: {
getMaximumRecipients() {
return 5;
emailSegmenter: {
getMemberFilterForSegment(n, _, segment) {
return `newsletters.id:${n.id}+(${segment})`;
const email = createModel({});
const batches = await service.createBatches({
post: createModel({}),
assert.equal(batches.length, 2);
const calls = insert.getCalls();
assert.equal(calls.length, 2);
const insertedRecipients = calls.flatMap(call => call.args[0]);
assert.equal(insertedRecipients.length, 4);
// Check all recipients match initialMembers
assert.deepEqual(insertedRecipients.map(recipient => recipient.member_id).sort(), innitialMembers.map(member => member.id).sort());
// Check email_count set
assert.equal(email.get('email_count'), 4);
describe('createBatch', function () {
it('does not create if rows missing data', async function () {
const EmailBatch = createModelClass({});
const db = createDb({});
const insert = sinon.spy(db, 'insert');
const service = new BatchSendingService({
models: {EmailBatch},
const email = createModel({
status: 'submitting',
newsletter: createModel({}),
post: createModel({})
const members = [
createModel({}).toJSON(), // <= is missing uuid and email,
email: `example1@example.com`,
uuid: `member1`
await service.createBatch(email, null, members, {});
const calls = insert.getCalls();
assert.equal(calls.length, 1);
const insertedRecipients = calls.flatMap(call => call.args[0]);
assert.equal(insertedRecipients.length, 1);
describe('sendBatches', function () {
it('Works for a single batch', async function () {
const service = new BatchSendingService({});
const sendBatch = sinon.stub(service, 'sendBatch').callsFake(() => {
return Promise.resolve(true);
const batches = [
await service.sendBatches({
email: createModel({}),
post: createModel({}),
newsletter: createModel({})
const arg = sendBatch.firstCall.args[0];
assert.equal(arg.batch, batches[0]);
2023-01-24 20:02:10 +03:00
it('Works for more than 2 batches', async function () {
2023-01-10 16:58:50 +03:00
const service = new BatchSendingService({});
let runningCount = 0;
let maxRunningCount = 0;
const sendBatch = sinon.stub(service, 'sendBatch').callsFake(async () => {
runningCount += 1;
maxRunningCount = Math.max(maxRunningCount, runningCount);
await sleep(5);
runningCount -= 1;
return Promise.resolve(true);
const batches = new Array(101).fill(0).map(() => createModel({}));
await service.sendBatches({
email: createModel({}),
post: createModel({}),
newsletter: createModel({})
sinon.assert.callCount(sendBatch, 101);
const sendBatches = sendBatch.getCalls().map(call => call.args[0].batch);
assert.deepEqual(sendBatches, batches);
2023-01-24 20:02:10 +03:00
assert.equal(maxRunningCount, 2);
2023-01-10 16:58:50 +03:00
it('Throws error if all batches fail', async function () {
const service = new BatchSendingService({});
let runningCount = 0;
let maxRunningCount = 0;
const sendBatch = sinon.stub(service, 'sendBatch').callsFake(async () => {
runningCount += 1;
maxRunningCount = Math.max(maxRunningCount, runningCount);
await sleep(5);
runningCount -= 1;
return Promise.resolve(false);
const batches = new Array(101).fill(0).map(() => createModel({}));
await assert.rejects(service.sendBatches({
email: createModel({}),
post: createModel({}),
newsletter: createModel({})
2023-01-20 20:58:54 +03:00
}), /An unexpected error occurred, please retry sending your newsletter/);
2023-01-10 16:58:50 +03:00
sinon.assert.callCount(sendBatch, 101);
const sendBatches = sendBatch.getCalls().map(call => call.args[0].batch);
assert.deepEqual(sendBatches, batches);
2023-01-24 20:02:10 +03:00
assert.equal(maxRunningCount, 2);
2023-01-10 16:58:50 +03:00
it('Throws error if a single batch fails', async function () {
const service = new BatchSendingService({});
let runningCount = 0;
let maxRunningCount = 0;
let callCount = 0;
const sendBatch = sinon.stub(service, 'sendBatch').callsFake(async () => {
runningCount += 1;
maxRunningCount = Math.max(maxRunningCount, runningCount);
await sleep(5);
runningCount -= 1;
callCount += 1;
return Promise.resolve(callCount === 12 ? false : true);
const batches = new Array(101).fill(0).map(() => createModel({}));
await assert.rejects(service.sendBatches({
email: createModel({}),
post: createModel({}),
newsletter: createModel({})
2023-01-20 20:58:54 +03:00
}), /was only partially sent/);
2023-01-10 16:58:50 +03:00
sinon.assert.callCount(sendBatch, 101);
const sendBatches = sendBatch.getCalls().map(call => call.args[0].batch);
assert.deepEqual(sendBatches, batches);
2023-01-24 20:02:10 +03:00
assert.equal(maxRunningCount, 2);
2023-01-10 16:58:50 +03:00
describe('sendBatch', function () {
let EmailRecipient;
beforeEach(function () {
EmailRecipient = createModelClass({
findAll: [
member_id: '123',
member_uuid: '123',
member_email: 'example@example.com',
member_name: 'Test User'
member_id: '124',
member_uuid: '124',
member_email: 'example2@example.com',
member_name: 'Test User 2'
it('Does not send if already submitted', async function () {
const EmailBatch = createModelClass({
findOne: {
status: 'submitted'
const service = new BatchSendingService({
models: {EmailBatch}
const result = await service.sendBatch({
email: createModel({}),
batch: createModel({}),
post: createModel({}),
newsletter: createModel({})
assert.equal(result, true);
sinon.assert.calledWith(errorLog, sinon.match(/Tried sending email batch that is not pending or failed/));
it('Does send', async function () {
const EmailBatch = createModelClass({
findOne: {
status: 'pending',
member_segment: null
const sendingService = {
send: sinon.stub().resolves({id: 'providerid@example.com'})
const findOne = sinon.spy(EmailBatch, 'findOne');
const service = new BatchSendingService({
models: {EmailBatch, EmailRecipient},
const result = await service.sendBatch({
email: createModel({}),
batch: createModel({}),
post: createModel({}),
newsletter: createModel({})
assert.equal(result, true);
const batch = await findOne.firstCall.returnValue;
assert.equal(batch.get('status'), 'submitted');
assert.equal(batch.get('provider_id'), 'providerid@example.com');
const {members} = sendingService.send.firstCall.args[0];
assert.equal(members.length, 2);
it('Does save error', async function () {
const EmailBatch = createModelClass({
findOne: {
status: 'pending',
member_segment: null
const sendingService = {
send: sinon.stub().rejects(new Error('Test error'))
const findOne = sinon.spy(EmailBatch, 'findOne');
const service = new BatchSendingService({
models: {EmailBatch, EmailRecipient},
const result = await service.sendBatch({
email: createModel({}),
batch: createModel({}),
post: createModel({}),
newsletter: createModel({})
assert.equal(result, false);
const batch = await findOne.firstCall.returnValue;
assert.equal(batch.get('status'), 'failed');
assert.equal(batch.get('error_status_code'), null);
assert.equal(batch.get('error_message'), 'Test error');
assert.equal(batch.get('error_data'), null);
it('Does save EmailError', async function () {
const EmailBatch = createModelClass({
findOne: {
status: 'pending',
member_segment: null
const sendingService = {
send: sinon.stub().rejects(new errors.EmailError({
statusCode: 500,
message: 'Test error',
errorDetails: JSON.stringify({error: 'test', messageData: 'test'}),
context: `Mailgun Error 500: Test error`,
help: `https://ghost.org/docs/newsletters/#bulk-email-configuration`,
const findOne = sinon.spy(EmailBatch, 'findOne');
const service = new BatchSendingService({
models: {EmailBatch, EmailRecipient},
const result = await service.sendBatch({
email: createModel({}),
batch: createModel({}),
post: createModel({}),
newsletter: createModel({})
assert.equal(result, false);
const batch = await findOne.firstCall.returnValue;
assert.equal(batch.get('status'), 'failed');
assert.equal(batch.get('error_status_code'), 500);
assert.equal(batch.get('error_message'), 'Test error');
assert.equal(batch.get('error_data'), '{"error":"test","messageData":"test"}');