Reenabled members importer tests

refs 2bf69f94e7

- Tests were temporary disabled to unblock the release.
- The solution for failing tests was adding a "waitFor" statement which allowed asyncronous CSV parsing to finish
This commit is contained in:
Nazar Gargol 2020-07-16 23:59:48 +12:00
parent 97feab1002
commit 670c33f2fe

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import Pretender from 'pretender';
import Service from '@ember/service';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import {click, find, findAll, render, settled, triggerEvent} from '@ember/test-helpers';
import {click, find, findAll, render, settled, triggerEvent, waitFor} from '@ember/test-helpers';
import {describe, it} from 'mocha';
import {expect} from 'chai';
import {fileUpload} from '../../helpers/file-upload';
@ -58,12 +58,14 @@ describe('Integration: Component: modal-import-members-test', function () {
.to.equal('Select or drop a CSV file');
xit('generates request to supplied endpoint', async function () {
it('generates request to supplied endpoint', async function () {
await render(hbs`{{modal-import-members}}`);
await fileUpload('input[type="file"]', ['name,email\r\nmembername,'], {name: 'test.csv'});
await waitFor('table', {timeout: 50});
expect(find('label').textContent.trim(), 'labels label')
.to.equal('Label these members');
@ -74,61 +76,76 @@ describe('Integration: Component: modal-import-members-test', function () {
xit('displays server error', async function () {
it('displays server error', async function () {
stubFailedUpload(server, 415, 'UnsupportedMediaTypeError');
await render(hbs`{{modal-import-members}}`);
await fileUpload('input[type="file"]', ['membersfile'], {name: 'test.csv'});
await fileUpload('input[type="file"]', ['name,email\r\nmembername,'], {name: 'test.csv'});
// Wait for async CSV parsing to finish
await waitFor('table', {timeout: 50});
await click('.gh-btn-green');
expect(findAll('.failed').length, 'error message is displayed').to.equal(1);
expect(find('.failed').textContent).to.match(/The file type you uploaded is not supported/);
xit('displays file too large for server error', async function () {
it('displays file too large for server error', async function () {
stubFailedUpload(server, 413, 'RequestEntityTooLargeError');
await render(hbs`{{modal-import-members}}`);
await fileUpload('input[type="file"]', ['membersfile'], {name: 'test.csv'});
await fileUpload('input[type="file"]', ['name,email\r\nmembername,'], {name: 'test.csv'});
// Wait for async CSV parsing to finish
await waitFor('table', {timeout: 50});
await click('.gh-btn-green');
expect(findAll('.failed').length, 'error message is displayed').to.equal(1);
expect(find('.failed').textContent).to.match(/The file you uploaded was larger/);
xit('handles file too large error directly from the web server', async function () {
it('handles file too large error directly from the web server', async function () {'/ghost/api/v3/admin/members/upload/', function () {
return [413, {}, ''];
await render(hbs`{{modal-import-members}}`);
await fileUpload('input[type="file"]', ['membersfile'], {name: 'test.csv'});
await fileUpload('input[type="file"]', ['name,email\r\nmembername,'], {name: 'test.csv'});
// Wait for async CSV parsing to finish
await waitFor('table', {timeout: 50});
await click('.gh-btn-green');
expect(findAll('.failed').length, 'error message is displayed').to.equal(1);
expect(find('.failed').textContent).to.match(/The file you uploaded was larger/);
xit('displays other server-side error with message', async function () {
it('displays other server-side error with message', async function () {
stubFailedUpload(server, 400, 'UnknownError');
await render(hbs`{{modal-import-members}}`);
await fileUpload('input[type="file"]', ['membersfile'], {name: 'test.csv'});
await fileUpload('input[type="file"]', ['name,email\r\nmembername,'], {name: 'test.csv'});
// Wait for async CSV parsing to finish
await waitFor('table', {timeout: 50});
await click('.gh-btn-green');
expect(findAll('.failed').length, 'error message is displayed').to.equal(1);
expect(find('.failed').textContent).to.match(/Error: UnknownError/);
xit('handles unknown failure', async function () {
it('handles unknown failure', async function () {'/ghost/api/v3/admin/members/upload/', function () {
return [500, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, ''];
await render(hbs`{{modal-import-members}}`);
await fileUpload('input[type="file"]', ['membersfile'], {name: 'test.csv'});
await fileUpload('input[type="file"]', ['name,email\r\nmembername,'], {name: 'test.csv'});
// Wait for async CSV parsing to finish
await waitFor('table', {timeout: 50});
await click('.gh-btn-green');
expect(findAll('.failed').length, 'error message is displayed').to.equal(1);
expect(find('.failed').textContent).to.match(/Something went wrong/);
xit('triggers notifications.showAPIError for VersionMismatchError', async function () {
it('triggers notifications.showAPIError for VersionMismatchError', async function () {
let showAPIError = sinon.spy();
let notifications = this.owner.lookup('service:notifications');
notifications.set('showAPIError', showAPIError);
@ -136,20 +153,26 @@ describe('Integration: Component: modal-import-members-test', function () {
stubFailedUpload(server, 400, 'VersionMismatchError');
await render(hbs`{{modal-import-members}}`);
await fileUpload('input[type="file"]', ['membersfile'], {name: 'test.csv'});
await fileUpload('input[type="file"]', ['name,email\r\nmembername,'], {name: 'test.csv'});
// Wait for async CSV parsing to finish
await waitFor('table', {timeout: 50});
await click('.gh-btn-green');
xit('doesn\'t trigger notifications.showAPIError for other errors', async function () {
it('doesn\'t trigger notifications.showAPIError for other errors', async function () {
let showAPIError = sinon.spy();
let notifications = this.owner.lookup('service:notifications');
notifications.set('showAPIError', showAPIError);
stubFailedUpload(server, 400, 'UnknownError');
await render(hbs`{{modal-import-members}}`);
await fileUpload('input[type="file"]', ['membersfile'], {name: 'test.csv'});
await fileUpload('input[type="file"]', ['name,email\r\nmembername,'], {name: 'test.csv'});
// Wait for async CSV parsing to finish
await waitFor('table', {timeout: 50});
await click('.gh-btn-green');