🌐 Added Bahasa Indonesia translation for search & portal (#21179)

no ref

Translated/updated all relevant strings in the search & portal feature
to Bahasa Indonesia.


Co-authored-by: Cathy Sarisky <42299862+cathysarisky@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
Raka Afp 2024-10-03 00:36:34 +07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 4b1ce62ca9
commit 851ec7eb0b
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
3 changed files with 27 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
"Head of Marketing at Acme, Inc": "Direktur Pemasaran di Acme, Inc",
"Hide": "Sembunyikan",
"Hide comment": "Sembunyikan komentar",
"Jamie Larson": "Jamie Larson",
"Jamie Larson": "Sutan T. Alisjahbana",
"Join the discussion": "Bergabung dalam diskusi",
"Just now": "Baru saja",
"Local resident": "Penduduk lokal",

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"{{memberEmail}} will no longer receive emails when someone replies to your comments.": "{{memberEmail}} tidak akan menerima email lagi ketika seseorang membalas komentar Anda.",
"{{memberEmail}} will no longer receive this newsletter.": "{{memberEmail}} tidak akan menerima buletin ini lagi.",
"{{trialDays}} days free": "Gratis {{trialDays}} hari",
"+1 (123) 456-7890": "",
"+1 (123) 456-7890": "+62 123-4567-8900",
"A login link has been sent to your inbox. If it doesn't arrive in 3 minutes, be sure to check your spam folder.": "Tautan masuk telah dikirim ke kotak masuk Anda. Jika tidak diterima dalam waktu 3 menit, pastikan untuk memeriksa folder spam Anda.",
"Account": "Akun",
"Account settings": "Pengaturan akun",
@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
"Cancel subscription": "Batalkan langganan",
"Cancellation reason": "Alasan pembatalan",
"Change": "Ubah",
"Change plan": "",
"Change plan": "Ubah paket",
"Check spam & promotions folders": "Periksa folder spam & promosi",
"Check with your mail provider": "Hubungi penyedia layanan email Anda",
"Choose": "Pilih",
"Choose a different plan": "Pilih paket yang berbeda",
"Choose a plan": "",
"Choose a plan": "Pilih paket",
"Choose your newsletters": "Pilih buletin Anda",
"Click here to retry": "Klik di sini untuk mencoba lagi",
"Close": "Tutup",
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
"Emails": "Email",
"Emails disabled": "Email dinonaktifkan",
"Ends {{offerEndDate}}": "Berakhir {{offerEndDate}}",
"Enter your email address": "",
"Enter your name": "",
"Enter your email address": "Masukkan alamat email Anda",
"Enter your name": "Masukkan nama Anda",
"Error": "Eror",
"Expires {{expiryDate}}": "Kedaluwarsa {{expiryDate}}",
"Forever": "Selamanya",
@ -77,15 +77,15 @@
"If you've completed all these checks and you're still not receiving emails, you can reach out to get support by contacting {{supportAddress}}.": "Jika Anda telah melakukan semua pemeriksaan tersebut dan masih belum menerima email, Anda dapat menghubungi kami melalui kontak {{supportAddress}} untuk mendapatkan bantuan.",
"In the event a permanent failure is received when attempting to send a newsletter, emails will be disabled on the account.": "Jika terjadi kegagalan permanen saat mencoba mengirim buletin, email akan dinonaktifkan pada akun tersebut.",
"In your email client add {{senderEmail}} to your contacts list. This signals to your mail provider that emails sent from this address should be trusted.": "Pada klien email Anda, tambahkan {{senderEmail}} ke daftar kontak Anda. Hal ini akan memberikan sinyal kepada layanan email Anda bahwa email yang dikirim dari alamat ini harus dipercaya.",
"Invalid email address": "",
"Jamie Larson": "",
"jamie@example.com": "",
"Invalid email address": "Alamat email tidak valid",
"Jamie Larson": "Sutan T. Alisjahbana",
"jamie@example.com": "sutan@example.com",
"Less like this": "Kurangi yang seperti ini",
"Make sure emails aren't accidentally ending up in the Spam or Promotions folders of your inbox. If they are, click on \"Mark as not spam\" and/or \"Move to inbox\".": "Pastikan email tidak berakhir di kotak masuk Spam atau Promosi Anda secara tidak sengaja. Jika ya, klik \"Tandai sebagai bukan spam\" dan/atau \"Pindahkan ke kotak masuk\".",
"Manage": "Kelola",
"Maybe later": "Mungkin nanti",
"Memberships unavailable, contact the owner for access.": "Keanggotaan tidak tersedia, hubungi pemilik situs untuk mendapatkan akses.",
"month": "",
"month": "bulan",
"Monthly": "Bulanan",
"More like this": "Lebih banyak yang seperti ini",
"Name": "Nama",
@ -95,12 +95,12 @@
"Now check your email!": "Sekarang periksa email Anda!",
"Once resubscribed, if you still don't see emails in your inbox, check your spam folder. Some inbox providers keep a record of previous spam complaints and will continue to flag emails. If this happens, mark the latest newsletter as 'Not spam' to move it back to your primary inbox.": "Setelah berlangganan kembali, jika Anda masih tidak melihat email di kotak masuk Anda, periksa folder spam. Beberapa penyedia layanan kotak masuk menyimpan catatan keluhan spam sebelumnya dan akan terus menandai email tersebut. Jika hal ini terjadi, tandai buletin terbaru sebagai 'Bukan spam' untuk memindahkannya kembali ke kotak masuk utama Anda.",
"Permanent failure (bounce)": "Kegagalan permanen (bounce)",
"Phone number": "",
"Phone number": "Nomor telepon",
"Plan": "Paket",
"Plan checkout was cancelled.": "Pembayaran paket dibatalkan.",
"Plan upgrade was cancelled.": "Peningkatan paket dibatalkan.",
"Please contact {{supportAddress}} to adjust your complimentary subscription.": "Harap hubungi {{supportAddress}} untuk mengubah langganan gratis Anda.",
"Please enter {{fieldName}}": "",
"Please enter {{fieldName}}": "Silakan masukkan {{fieldName}}",
"Please fill in required fields": "Harap isi kolom yang wajib diisi",
"Price": "Harga",
"Re-enable emails": "Aktifkan kembali email",
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
"Sign out": "Keluar",
"Sign up": "Daftar",
"Signup error: Invalid link": "Kesalahan pendaftaran: Tautan tidak valid",
"Something went wrong, please try again later.": "",
"Something went wrong, please try again later.": "Terjadi kesalahan, silakan coba lagi nanti.",
"Sorry, that didnt work.": "Maaf, itu tidak berhasil.",
"Spam complaints": "Keluhan spam",
"Start {{amount}}-day free trial": "Mulai percobaan gratis selama {{amount}} hari",
@ -132,17 +132,17 @@
"Success! Your email is updated.": "Berhasil! Email Anda telah diperbarui.",
"Successfully unsubscribed": "Berhasil berhenti berlangganan",
"Thank you for subscribing. Before you start reading, below are a few other sites you may enjoy.": "Terima kasih telah berlangganan. Sebelum Anda mulai membaca, berikut adalah beberapa situs lain yang mungkin akan Anda nikmati.",
"Thank you for your support": "",
"Thank you for your support!": "",
"Thank you for your support": "Terima kasih atas dukungan Anda",
"Thank you for your support!": "Terima kasih atas dukungan Anda!",
"Thanks for the feedback!": "Terima kasih atas masukannya!",
"That didn't go to plan": "Itu tidak berjalan sesuai rencana",
"The email address we have for you is {{memberEmail}} — if that's not correct, you can update it in your <button>account settings area</button>.": "Alamat email Anda yang kami miliki adalah {{memberEmail}} — jika itu tidak benar, Anda dapat memperbarui di <button>area pengaturan akun</button> Anda.",
"There was a problem submitting your feedback. Please try again a little later.": "Terjadi masalah saat mengirimkan masukan Anda. Coba lagi nanti.",
"There was an error processing your payment. Please try again.": "",
"There was a problem submitting your feedback. Please try again a little later.": "Terjadi masalah saat mengirimkan masukan Anda. Silakan coba sebentar lagi.",
"There was an error processing your payment. Please try again.": "Terjadi kesalahan saat memproses pembayaran Anda. Silakan coba lagi.",
"This site is invite-only, contact the owner for access.": "Situs ini hanya untuk yang diundang, hubungi pemiliknya untuk mendapatkan akses.",
"This site is not accepting payments at the moment.": "",
"This site is not accepting payments at the moment.": "Situs ini tidak menerima pembayaran saat ini.",
"To complete signup, click the confirmation link in your inbox. If it doesn't arrive within 3 minutes, check your spam folder!": "Untuk menyelesaikan pendaftaran, klik tautan konfirmasi di kotak masuk Anda. Jika tidak diterima dalam waktu 3 menit, pastikan untuk memeriksa folder spam Anda!",
"To continue to stay up to date, subscribe to {{publication}} below.": "",
"To continue to stay up to date, subscribe to {{publication}} below.": "Untuk tetap mendapatkan informasi terkini, silakan langganan ke {{publication}} di bawah ini.",
"Try free for {{amount}} days, then {{originalPrice}}.": "Coba gratis selama {{amount}} hari, kemudian {{originalPrice}}.",
"Unlock access to all newsletters by becoming a paid subscriber.": "Buka akses ke semua buletin dengan menjadi pelanggan berbayar.",
"Unsubscribe from all emails": "Berhenti berlangganan dari semua email",
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
"Welcome to {{siteTitle}}": "Selamat datang di {{siteTitle}}",
"When an inbox fails to accept an email it is commonly called a bounce. In many cases, this can be temporary. However, in some cases, a bounced email can be returned as a permanent failure when an email address is invalid or non-existent.": "Ketika sebuah kotak masuk gagal menerima sebuah email, hal tersebut umumnya disebut sebagai bounce. Dalam banyak kasus, ini bisa bersifat sementara. Namun, dalam beberapa kasus, email yang terbounce dapat dikembalikan sebagai kegagalan permanen ketika alamat email yang dituju tidak valid atau tidak ada.",
"Why has my email been disabled?": "Mengapa email saya dinonaktifkan?",
"year": "",
"year": "tahun",
"Yearly": "Tahunan",
"You currently have a free membership, upgrade to a paid subscription for full access.": "Saat ini Anda memiliki keanggotaan gratis, tingkatkan ke langganan berbayar untuk akses penuh",
"You have been successfully resubscribed": "Anda telah berhasil berlangganan kembali",

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"Authors": "",
"Cancel": "",
"No matches found": "",
"Posts": "",
"Search posts, tags and authors": "",
"Show more results": "",
"Tags": ""
"Authors": "Penulis",
"Cancel": "Batalkan",
"No matches found": "Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan",
"Posts": "Postingan",
"Search posts, tags and authors": "Cari postingan, tag, dan penulis",
"Show more results": "Tampilkan lebih banyak hasil",
"Tags": "Tag"