diff --git a/core/server/services/comments/emails/new-comment-reply.hbs b/core/server/services/comments/emails/new-comment-reply.hbs
index e69de29bb2..ec877044a0 100644
--- a/core/server/services/comments/emails/new-comment-reply.hbs
+++ b/core/server/services/comments/emails/new-comment-reply.hbs
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+ |
+ Hey there,
+ Someone just replied to your comment on {{postTitle}}.
+ {{memberInitials}} |
+ |
+ {{memberName}}
+ {{#if memberBio}}{{memberBio}} • {{/if}}{{replyDate}}
+ |
+ |
+ {{{replyHtml}}}
+ |
+ You can also copy & paste this URL into your browser:
+ {{postUrl}}#ghost-comments-root
+ |
+ This message was sent from {{siteDomain}} to {{toEmail}}
+ |
+ Manage your email preferences
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/core/server/services/comments/emails/new-comment-reply.txt.js b/core/server/services/comments/emails/new-comment-reply.txt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb6ccd59ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/server/services/comments/emails/new-comment-reply.txt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+module.exports = function (data) {
+ return `
+ Hey there,
+ Someone just replied to your comment on "${data.postTitle}"
+ ${data.postUrl}#comments-area
+ ---
+ Sent to ${data.toEmail} from ${data.siteDomain}.
+ You can manage your notification preferences at ${data.profileUrl}.
+ `;
diff --git a/core/server/services/comments/service.js b/core/server/services/comments/service.js
index e691923126..b72e337200 100644
--- a/core/server/services/comments/service.js
+++ b/core/server/services/comments/service.js
@@ -106,17 +106,47 @@ class CommentsService {
- text,
- forceTextContent: true
+ text
- async notifyParentCommentAuthor(comment) {
- const parent = await this.models.Comment.findOne({id: comment.get('parent_id')});
+ async notifyParentCommentAuthor(reply) {
+ const parent = await this.models.Comment.findOne({id: reply.get('parent_id')});
+ const parentMember = parent.related('member');
- if (parent && parent.get('status') === 'published') {
+ if (parent && parent.get('status') === 'published' && parentMember.get('enable_comment_notifications')) {
+ const to = parentMember.get('email');
+ const subject = '💬 You have a new reply on one of your comments';
+ const post = await this.models.Post.findOne({id: reply.get('post_id')});
+ const member = await this.models.Member.findOne({id: reply.get('member_id')});
+ const templateData = {
+ siteTitle: this.settingsCache.get('title'),
+ siteUrl: this.urlUtils.getSiteUrl(),
+ siteDomain: this.siteDomain,
+ postTitle: post.get('title'),
+ postUrl: this.urlService.getUrlByResourceId(post.get('id'), {absolute: true}),
+ replyHtml: reply.get('html'),
+ replyDate: moment(reply.get('created_at')).tz(this.settingsCache.get('timezone')).format('D MMM YYYY'),
+ memberName: member.get('name'),
+ memberBio: member.get('bio'),
+ memberInitials: this.extractInitials(member.get('name')),
+ accentColor: this.settingsCache.get('accent_color'),
+ fromEmail: this.notificationFromAddress,
+ toEmail: to,
+ profileUrl: `${this.urlUtils.getSiteUrl()}#/portal/account/profile`
+ };
+ const {html, text} = await this.renderEmailTemplate('new-comment-reply', templateData);
+ return this.sendMail({
+ to,
+ subject,
+ html,
+ text
+ });