- Altered post model to enable eager loading of author and
user relationships
- Fixed broken base model toJSON method, which prevented
eager resolution of relationships (thanks @tgriesser)
- Passes author information to template.
- Added unit tests for author helper.
- Added unit tests for findOne and findAll additions to Post Model
which take into account the eager relationships
`{{author}}` -- returns the full name of the post author
`{{author.attribute}}` -- returns property of the current post author
as described by the user model
- Developed and linked new module, downsize, for tag-safe truncation
- Altered existing content handler to accept options for truncation
- Added tests for handler
Using truncation:
{{content words=10}}
{{content characters=256}}
- This is a first pass at getting a more logical structure. The focus is on moving from admin/frontend to client/server.
- The location of the databases is highly important, this isn't expected to change again
In the future
- client/assets should probably become public/
- more stuff should be shared (helpers etc)
- cleanup some confusion around tpl and views