No issue
The cover image method in the settings/user controller returned the correct asset URL, but not the corresponding CSS which is needed to show it correctly.
No Issue
- Defer save until after slug is checked.
- If new slug is empty or all whitespace, reset to previous value.
- If new slug is the same as existing slug except for an increment
value (e.g. ghost-user-2), use the original slug.
- If the slug has changed, change the URL path to reflect the
change so that the browser refresh and back button still work.
- Added tests.
Closes#3511, Closes#3512, Closes#3526
- show* methods now close existing passive notifications by
default. They also now take an optional options object where
existing parameters such as "delayed" and "defaultErrorText"
can be passed in as well as the new "doNotClosePassive" flag.
- Removed all explicit calls to notifications.closePassive except
for the few places where it makes sense to call it separately.
- modifying slug-generator to be more generic
- adding slugging capabilities for /settings/users/:slug
- modified posts to use the updated slug-generator
Closes#3402, Closes#3428
### Components
- Added GhostSelectComponent to handle async select creation (h/t @rwjblue)
- Added GhostRolesSelector (extends GhostSelect) for displaying user role options
- Created StoreInjector for surgically inserting the store into things that normally wouldn't have them.
### Users Settings
- InviteNewUserModal now uses GhostRolesSelector & defaults to Author
- The role dropdown for user settings has permissions set per 3402
### User Model
- Added `role` property as an interface to getting and setting `roles`
- Refactored anything that set `roles` to set `role`
- isAdmin, isAuthor, isOwner and isEditor are all keyed off of `role` now
### Tests
- Added functional tests for Settings.Users
- updated settings.users and settings.users.user screens
- fix spacing on screens
### Server Fixtures
- Fixed owner fixture's roles
no issue
- added `invited-pending` when resending invitation
- promise chain was missing a return statement
- email error was masked and front end showed success notification
closes#3309, refs #3229
- adds different message depending on status
- doesn't delete the new user if the problem was an email error
- filters the 2 lists based on all statuses
- Change validations on both server and client to allow the
Website field to be empty or a valid URL.
- Add new schema validation helper isEmptyOrURL.
- Remove duplicate call to UserValidator in the save action
of the SettingsUser controller.
- User.last_login and User.created_at are already Moment objects
so Moment#fromNow can be called on them directly.
- updated to use new change password method
- have all save settings use notifications
- create assetUrl helper for creating asset paths with subdir's properly
- move all url based helpers onto a url object in ghost-paths
- new ```resendInvite``` method on the User model encapsulates all logic
- only sending users email address when re-inviting, since the user already exists on the back-end
- ```revoke``` calls DELETE on /ghost/api/v0.1/users/:user_id
- new "users" resource, with matching controller and template
- fetching real data from /ghost/api/v0.1/users/
- updated "user" route to accept a :slug as a URL parameter
- updated labels everywhere (from "user" to "users")
- updated "profile" link to header to point to proper "users/:slug" route
- updated core/client/.jshintrc to recognize moment as a valid global function
- adjusted DOM selector used in Casper to properly identify the new screen
- adding "slug" as a new property of the user data used during the Casper functional tests