With the bookmark card you can present links in a much richer format, similar to Twitter cards. If the URL points to a page with right meta information it can show the page title, excerpt, author, publisher and even a preview image.
Bookmark cards can be created in two ways:
1. pasting a link as the first thing in blank paragraph - we'll check to see if we can create an embed, if we can't then we'll create a bookmark card instead
2. manually selecting the bookmark card from the (+) menu or by typing "/bookmark<kbd>Enter</kbd>" or "/bookmark {url}<kbd>Enter</kbd>" for short (you might want to do this if you want the bookmark version instead of a full embed)
Pressing <kbd>Ctrl/Cmd+Z</kbd> after pasting will convert the bookmark card back to a link if that's preferred, alternatively a URL can be pasted with <kbd>Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+V</kbd> to avoid any automatic transformation to an embed/bookmark.
- adds "bookmark" card that functions similarly to the embed card
- if the oembed API request returns `type: "bookmark"` then the metadata is used to create a bookmark card