refs 70627d84a7
refs 44035fd591
- When v4 Webhook API was changed removing redundant code v3 API code should've been updated as well. Making this change before extracting logic out into a WebhooksService to have clear chain of why the code that doesn't look the same has been substituted
refs 829e8ed010
- i18n is used everywhere but only requires shared or external packages, therefore it's a good candidate for living in shared
- this reduces invalid requires across frontend and server, and lets us use it everywhere until we come up with a better option
- Having these as destructured from the same package is hindering refactoring now
- Events should really only ever be used server-side
- i18n should be a shared module for now so it can be used everywhere until we figure out something better
- Having them seperate also allows us to lint them properly