no issue
- Changed members description to less verbose
- Added content visibility radio options to members configuration screen
- Moved setting of default visibility to server-side
- Default visibility setting when PSM is opened before making the first request to the server
refs 80f7e0b19e
- Added visibility input in PSM to control content access level for members
- Added default post visibility in editor. To be changed (moved to server-side) once `defaultContentVisibility` is available in settings service
- Added `visibility` property to post model & mirage
no issue
The built-in slack notifications are not working as expected in terms of amount of notifications received, we switch to old manual notification script for the time being till this is sorted.
This is causing issues since we removed the name property from member
objects. This change stops admin crashing out, but a more correct
handling of the missing name property should happen at a later point.
This is causing issues since we removed the name property from member
objects. This change stops admin crashing out, but a more correct
handling of the missing name property should happen at a later point.
no issue
- adds `credentials: 'include'` option to `fetch()` which instructs browsers to save cookies in the POST response in cross-origin requests (default is `'same-origin'`)
no refs.
- fixes a visual bug that the checkmark icon's stroke color during the registration flow was #000. The bug was a sideeffect to the latest ember-svg-jar module update.
- removed static "replace" configuration of posts/pages query params
- used the router service to register a `willTransition` event handler which handles conditional replaceState transition behaviour only when filters are changed whilst already on the posts/pages route
no issue
- the default "regular" url Unsplash provides is 1080px wide that does not work well for full-width image cards
- updated to grab 2000px wide images
no issue
- enables `prefixIds` svgo option to guarantee all `id` attributes are unique across svgs
- disabled `cleanupIds` option so that it doesn't interfere with id uniqueness
- fixes instagram icon background not showing
no refs.
- Applied line-height for textareas with gh-input class. Having it applied all the textarea styles to caused bug in calculating the height of post titles in Koenig.
With the bookmark card you can present links in a much richer format, similar to Twitter cards. If the URL points to a page with right meta information it can show the page title, excerpt, author, publisher and even a preview image.
Bookmark cards can be created in two ways:
1. pasting a link as the first thing in blank paragraph - we'll check to see if we can create an embed, if we can't then we'll create a bookmark card instead
2. manually selecting the bookmark card from the (+) menu or by typing "/bookmark<kbd>Enter</kbd>" or "/bookmark {url}<kbd>Enter</kbd>" for short (you might want to do this if you want the bookmark version instead of a full embed)
Pressing <kbd>Ctrl/Cmd+Z</kbd> after pasting will convert the bookmark card back to a link if that's preferred, alternatively a URL can be pasted with <kbd>Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+V</kbd> to avoid any automatic transformation to an embed/bookmark.
- adds "bookmark" card that functions similarly to the embed card
- if the oembed API request returns `type: "bookmark"` then the metadata is used to create a bookmark card
no issue
- we were using the now deprecated `didCreate` and `didUpdate` events on the post model to perform controller-specific logic each time `` was called
- moved the functionality that was attached to the hook events into a `_savePost()` function and used that anywhere we were calling ``
no issue
- according to it's the _last_ matching group that takes effect when determining which `packageRules` group a dependency is put in
- adjusted the order so that explicit excludes are not required and the ember-basic-dropdown addons are correctly grouped
no issue
- grouped `ember-basic-dropdown` and related `ember-power-*` addons together
- they share a common base and are going through a major breaking change so it's easier to upgrade them together
no issue
- adds `whats-new` service that fetches the changelog from and exposes the latest changelog entries
- trigger a background fetch of the changelog from when first loading the admin when logged in, or after signing in
- adds a "What's new" menu item next to the user popup menu
- adds an indicator to the user menu button and what's new menu item if there are unseen changelog entries
- closing the changelog modal will update the "last seen date", clearing both indicators
- when first loading the site preview, if private mode is enabled submit the login form in the background to get the cookie before loading the iframe
- refactors post-authentication preloading to ensure it occurs before post-authentication route hooks are called
- adds `showSuccess` attribute to `<GhTaskButton>` so that when set to `false` it can stay in the running state after "success" to avoid state change flashes whilst waiting for a transition
no issue
- adds an "Alt" button that is displayed in the caption input whilst an image card is selected, clicking it toggles between the rich-text caption input and a plain-text alt text input
no issue
- `app/helpers/gh-format-html` is duplicated in `lib/koenig-editor/addon/helpers/sanitize-html` and is not used anywhere else
- `app/helpers/gh-path` is not used anywhere - the API should be returning absolute URLs everywhere so path generation is no longer as necessary within templates
- `app/helpers/is-equal` replaced with `{{eq}}` from `ember-truth-helpers`
- `app/helpers/is-not` replaced with `{{not}}` from `ember-truth-helpers`
- `app/utils/isFinite` is not used anywhere
- `app/utils/titleize` is not used anywhere
no issue
- adjust drag handlers in the editor and gallery card to handle drag/drop of image cards as well as straight images
- adjust drag handlers in the gallery card to handle image inserts as well as re-orders
- add `onDragEnd` event/action to the Koenig drag-n-drop handler so that containers can perform cleanup if one of their draggables was successfully dropped into a different container
- change ghost element when dragging an image card to be an image rather than a card icon
- allow `createGhostElement` function passed in when registering a drag-n-drop container to fall back to the default behaviour by returning a falsy value
no issue
- update dependency `eslint-plugin-ghost` to v0.3.0
- includes new rules from `eslint-plugin-ember` 6.3.0-6.7.0
- fixed linting failures for new rules
The use of the date format 'MM/DD/YYYY' is confusing to those not in American English locations. In the absence of being able to dynamically determine full locale data, using 'YYYY-MM-DD' seems to the least ambiguous date format which would be intuitive to most users.
no issue
- the new tag that is added to the store when opening the new tag route was not being cleaned up when leaving the new tag route
- blank tags have a name value of `undefined` which causes errors when calling `localeCompare()` on them as is done when ordering tag names for display in the tags input
Major update to Ghost Admin UI including:
- improved general consistency (typography, colors and contrast, UI components, icons)
- new design for post and pages lists, improved discoverability of filters
- search moved to modal
- account menu is decoupled from ghost logo
- further usability fixes
no issue
- removes now-unneeded `adapter-error` override helper
- comments out the `gh-post-settings-menu` unit tests because the top-level `describe.skip` was causing all further unit tests to be skipped
no issue
- copies `password-generator` npm module functionality into a utility function because the way it was trying to use the `crypto` core library was tripping up webpack which no longer has `node: true` config set by `ember-auto-import`
no issue
- correctly bumps to our custom version rather than base 0.11.2 version
- adds fix for text content being obliterated in certain circumstances when pasting content
no issue
- move the Zapier API Key details out of developer experiments because our Zapier 2.0.0 version is now public and requires an API Key when connecting
no issue
- a change in Ember 3.10's rendering has resulting in the component's element being removed before the `{{gh-markdown-editor}}`'s cleanup action is run which meant that we were trying to run `.querySelector` on `undefined`
- removes the code which moved toolbar elements around because it hasn't been used since we moved to Koenig, this meant that the cleanup action could also be removed
no issue
- moved `document-title` Route extension's functionality into the `ui` service
- updates the title each time the router service emits a route changed event
- `ui.updateDocumentTitle()` can now be called directly from components rather than the confusing `this.send('updateDocumentTitle')` bubbling behaviour
- refactored the `titleToken` implementation to use the now-formalised `RouteInfo`'s `metadata` field (
no issue
- modified `ui` service's `routeDidChange` handler to update it's `mainClass` property based on the new route's metadata
- used in the future for switching screen background colours
To use the feature, modify or add a `buildRouteInfoMetadata` hook in the route which you'd like to change, eg:
export default AuthenticatedRoute.extend({
buildRouteInfoMetadata() {
return {
bodyClasses: ['my-body-class'],
mainClasses: ['grey-bg'] // <--------
The route hierarchy is taken into consideration with classes being added for all currently shown routes. For example if you wanted to add an `editor` class to all editor routes you could use the hook in `routes/editor.js` then if you added an `editor-new` class in `routes/editor/new.js` the resulting HTML output on the "New story" screen would be:
<main class="gh-main editor editor-new">
no issue
- removed `styleBody` mixin in favour of using Ember's `buildRouteInfoMetadata` hook and router events in the `ui` service
- refactored separate CSS classes for each unauthenticated route into a single `.unauthenticated-route` class because hiding mobile nav whilst unauthenticated was the only use for body classes
no issue
- many routes were attaching classes to the `<body>` tag via the `StyleBody` mixin but those classes were never used and applied inconsistently throughout the app
no refs.
- added view site in new tab button to sidebar
- show secondary actions on sidebar only on mouseover
- replaced labs icon
- refined spacing for view site
- unified colors of secondary icons
no issue
`ember-light-table` is falling behind Ember.js and other addon development and is increasingly causing issues with Ember deprecations and addon incompatibility.
- swaps `ember-light-table` usage for a straightforward table using `vertical-collection` for occlusion
- uses the same loading mechanism as the members screen with a slight optimisation where the initial load will fetch subscribers in batches of 200 until they are all loaded
- removes now-unused pagination mixin
- fixes duplicate subscriber validation handling
no issue
- coverage reports were not really being used and were frequently ignored when merging PRs because we knew there were reductions in test coverage
- coveralls also causes some problems with Renovate because there can be random micro changes in reported coverage that meant a PR "failed" when really it was fine
no issue
- `@tryghost/kg-parser-plugins` contains the parser plugins used by the editor and was extracted so that they can be used in server-side html-to-mobiledoc conversion
no issue
- `cleanBasicHtml` has been extracted to an external package so that it can be used inside the extracted `@tryghost/kg-parser-plugins` package server-side
* ✨ Added caption support to code cards
no issue
* fix caption placeholder text
* add figure-to-code-card parser plugin, add language detection to code card parsers
* extract {{kg-action-bar}} component
* do not show card toolbar if caption has focus
no issue
- Added a language indicator when in rendered mode and a language input when in edit mode
- Allow code card language to be set with <code>```lang</code>+<kbd>Space/Enter</kbd> expansion
- previously <code>\`\`\`</code> would immediately create a code card, the <kbd>Space/Enter</kbd> is now necessary for the insertion to occur
- lang is optional <code>\`\`\`</code>+<kbd>Space/Enter</kbd> will insert a code card with no language selected
- requires <kbd>Enter</kbd> to be pressed to finalise the expansion and insert the card
- added hook for text expansions to skip newline creation for when they are triggered with <kbd>Enter</kbd>
- Set the code card editor's language mode based on selected language
- set the CodeMirror mode based on the code card payload language
- add a basic map of language short codes to their respective CodeMirror modes
- observe `mode` property in `{{gh-cm-editor}}` so that the mode is properly set when it's changed after initial render
- the text expansion is triggered twice in this situation, the first time with `""` and the second with `"/"`. The second trigger was trying to match cards to `"/"` which returned an empty card set
- added a quick workaround that ensures we never include a leading `/` in the card selection query
- adjusted the basic markdown text expansion behaviour to delete the MD chars and add a markup to the resulting range rather than deleting the whole range and re-adding it
- extracted basic markdown format behaviour into a helper function
- fixed the link markup expansion so that `[](` is recognised and creates a link with the URL as the text
Over in:
I'm trying to come up with a model for `<link rel="stylesheet" disabled>` in
which Blink / WebKit and Firefox can agree on.
See that HTML spec issue for all the inconsistencies of WebKit / Blink, and the
following post for more context:
Unfortunately, my change to Firefox breaks the Ghost Admin panel night-mode
switch (you can see it in Firefox Nightly).
This is because with my change, removing the `disabled` attribute from an
stylesheet behaves the same regardless of whether the `disabled` attribute is
added dynamically or not.
That means that adding the `disabled` attribute dynamically "unloads" the
stylesheet completely (just like when the attribute is there before inserting
the link in the document, or from the parser). Thus removing the attribute will
load the stylesheet again and fire a load event.
This is problematic for the code as-is, because it means that each time that the
load event fires when the disabled attribute is removed on an alternate, then
it's added again. :)
Prevent that from happening by removing the load event listener ASAP. What this
code wants is to only resolve the promise once after all.
Given this is so far the only regression from my change that has been reported
(over at, I think fixing
the Ghost-Admin panel is worth it.
If this pattern is somehow common, then we'll probably revert that patch and go
back to the sad current state of affairs regarding interop :(
- currently, we only build renovate PRs
- that means we can't use automerge branch, as we wouldn't run any checks
- this swaps to running only renovate pushes, which means the branch always gets checked
no issue
- fixed "Active with errors" button successful theme upload with no warnings/errors
- fixed fatal errors not showing due to change in API error response
- fixed "Retry" button not showing when there were fatal errors
- fixed "Upload successful!" message after clicking "Retry" on a failed upload
closes, refs
- removed `overflow-y: auto` on posts list to fix the vertical scrolling
- added `overflow-wrap: break-word` so that post previews are forced to wrap for long words such as URLs
- added `-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch` to the main scrollable pane so that iOS Safari uses momentum scrolling
no issue
- the `config:base` preset sets a maximum of 2 PRs per hour
- we have specific timings for Renovate in this repo so the max limit is more hindrance than help
no issue
- the API response for theme activation when a fatal validation error occurred has changed but the client wasn't updated resulting in a modal containing an "Activation failed" header but no details
- updates the error details extraction path and adjusts the tests to match the real API response
- update publish menu states to use `{{post.displayName}}` instead of hard coded `post`
- update settings menu image uploader to generate CTA using `post.displayName`
no issue
- the new version of our Zapier App uses API Key auth so we need to expose the details on the Zapier integration screen
- extracted `copyTextToClipboard` into a util function
- added `integrationModelHook` method to `settings.integrations` controller to remove duplication in the `settings.integration` and `settings.integration.zapier` routes
- fixed missing "Zapier" title token
no issue
The server never supported uploading .yml files
* updated uploader `invalid extension` error message to be more abstract
* fixed routes uploader validation allowing .yml files
no issue
- ignore `ember-exam` until it's compatible with latest stable of `ember-mocha`
- see
- moved `ember-exam`, `ember-mocha`, and `testem` into their own group so changes to test env don't cause addon upgrade PRs to fail
- the error was occurring due to `session.user` CP being populated with a rejected promise when attempting to access the first route. The CP has no dependent key so any further attempts to access `session.user` would be rejected
- marking the CP as "changed" immediately after logging in means that the next request will create a new promise and successfully fetch the user
no issue
- `notifications.displayDelayed()` resets the `delayedNotifications` array but it wasn't using `.set()` which was throwing an Ember error because it wouldn't be tracked
- removed confusing/unnecessary message when activation was successful with warnings
- do not display "Warnings" sub-heading if there are no other errors to reduce duplication with the modal title
- changed "Close" button text to "Ok" so it feels more like a confirmation
- refactored modal template to have explicit `this` rather than implicit property lookup ([RFC](e724c7087e/text/
no refs.
Set blending mode to multiply on the integration icons (on Integrations screen) to remove the white background that was visible on hover and didn't fit with the background color of the table rows.
no refs.
The image in Unsplash preview in Koenig didn't fill the entire width of the viewport which caused the overlay lean off on the sides of the preview image.
no issue
- return a basic "guid" from the site's `model` hook so that we have some data which changes on each refresh
- add an action to the wrapper element of the "view site" link which will cause the route to refresh when clicked if we're already on the route
- move the site iframe into a component so that it can watch an @uuid property and force a reset of the iframe's `src` when it detects a change