no issue
- This removes the `casper` and `source` submodules from the VSCode
source control sidebar to simplify the view.
- It also points all of VSCode's `git` commands in the command palette
to the root repository (Ghost), so you don't have to specify which repo
you want to commit to every time.
- With this, you can simply run the "Git commit all" command in VSCode
(and optionally map a keybinding to it), which adds all changed files to
the commit and prompts for a commit message.
refs 7b6eb3171a
- this introduces a `.vscode/settings.json` file which should provide
some reasonable default settings when dealing with this repo
- changes include setting some search exclusions and fixing the working
directory for eslint so Tailwind config is picked up correctly
refs 97584cf0c4
- We now track launch.json file in source control and it's often useful to be able to debug tests either for separate packages or e2e types of tests inside of Ghost core
- These configurations should be useful "templates" for custom launchers one might need when working on specific part of the code