no issue
- Opted in to use explicit `hisotry.replaceState` and setting iframe's `src` using assignment instead of tracking it through computed property. This allows for tighter control over when iframe's history is updated which was causing problems when `src` was bound to computed property
- Added billing page metadata. This way browser history records appear with nicer signature
- Removed "update button" iframe and rewrote "global iframe" to not use modals. This allows to have single iframe on a page, which simplifies `postMessage` communication and preserve history inside iframe to be able to navigate it after closure
- Added route change handler responding to BMA app route changes. Allows to sync browser URL visible to the user with active route in BMA iframe. The sync is based on `hisory.replaceState` method that makes sure singular history records are kept in the browser history
- Added nested wildcard billing route. This is meant to catch all the nested routes inside of BMA iframe