- when closing the edit webhook modal we were rolling back the changed attributes of the webhook model but not clearing the errors object which meant a validation error was shown when re-opening the edit webhook modal
- add `reset()` method to the webhook edit controller and call that when leaving the edit route instead of only rolling back the changed attributes
- added `settings.integration.webhooks.edit` route
- `/integrations/:integration_id/webhooks/:webhook_id`
- added error handling to the webhook form modal that copes with the actual errors we get back from the server
- added `event-name` helper to display humanised event names in the webhooks list
- added delete button to the webhooks list and associated confirmation modal
- `integration`, `api-key`, and `webhook` models and respective mirage mocks
- moves integration routes around to match ember's concept of nested routes (nested routes reflect nested UI not nested URLs)
- adds custom integrations list to integrations screen
- adds custom integration screen
- allow editing of integration details
- show list of webhooks
- webhook creation modal
NB: the `enableDeveloperExperiments` flag needs to be enabled in the `config.development.json` file for the custom integrations UI to be displayed until it's out of development.