no issue
- adds an "Alt" button that is displayed in the caption input whilst an image card is selected, clicking it toggles between the rich-text caption input and a plain-text alt text input
- standardised `{{gh-unsplash}}` actions and action arguments to better represent a generic "image source"
- added `{{gh-unsplash searchTerm="ghosts"}}` parameter
- added `payload` param to `card` definitions used for plus/slash menus so that default payload params can be passed to cards
- added a concept of "image selectors" to image card
- if a `payload.imageSelector` param is received by the card it will look it up in it's list of known selectors and display the appropriate image selection component
- if the card was created with an image selector param and the image selector is closed without selecting an image then the card will be removed
- delete image cards during cleanup if they were created via selector but have no src
- added `{{koenig-basic-html-input}}` component
- uses a stripped down version of Koenig
- supports all inline formatting that Koenig supports
- supports inline text expansions
- supports inline key commands
- limited to a single paragraph
- serialises and deserialises from HTML rather than mobiledoc
- updated `{{koenig-caption-input}}` to use `{{koenig-basic-html-input}}`
- updated image and embed cards to calculate word counts correctly for html captions
- bumped Spirit dependency to fix styling of toolbars within the editor canvas
- fixed positioning in toolbar components to account for `parentElement` not necessarily being the closest element to position against
- fixed image card background colour
- made placeholder illustration for image cards work with Night Shift
- added viewbox prop to `summer.svg` illustration
- bumped ghost-spirit dependency
- fixed link discoverability when spellcheck is on
- fixed list spacing after headings 3-6 and refined list line heights
- added quick transition to format toolbar chiclet
- removed minimum width for image caption
- fixed wide image width in Safari
- do not process drop in `{{koenig-editor}}` if the drop happened on a card and the card's `handlesDragDrop` property is true
- allow `dragover` events on cards to bubble up to Ember's event handler in `{{koenig-editor}}`
- handle drag/drop in `{{koenig-card-image}}`
- show different overlays when dragging files over the card to indicate an upload or replace action
- start upload when a file is dropped on the card
- move click handler registration from `onEnterEdit` to `onSelect`
- add guard against deselecting for clicks on the editor canvas
- prevents card being deselected when the click would have placed the cursor in a position that selected the card
- requires editor instance to be passed through to `{{koenig-card}}` in all card components
- add new `{{koenig-caption-input}}` component
- yield koenig-caption-input instance from the `{{koenig-card}}` component
- remove duplicated caption logic from image and embed cards
- remove placeholder when caption input has focus
- detect pastes that contain image files and insert a card for each, setting `payload.files` to the `File` instance grabbed from the clipboard
- update the `addComponent` hook to ensure the `payload.files` array is preserved, browsers do not allow `File` instances to be copied
- update `{{koenig-card-image}}` to look for a `payload.files` value to auto-upload it via it's internal `{{gh-uploader}}`
- NOTE: browser support for accessing image files on paste varies:
- Safari: will paste all images
- Chrome: will only paste the first image
- Firefox: will not paste any images
- register window click handler in `{{koenig-card}}` whilst card is in edit mode
- deselect card when a click is registered
- ignore any clicks inside the card
- ignore any clicks that originate inside of a modal
- pass our `deselectCard` action through to all cards
- add actions for cursor movement and pass through to card components
- `moveCursorToNextSection` deselects card and places cursor at beginning of next section, useful for caption inputs where <kbd>down arrow</kbd> or <kbd>right arrow</kbd> should move the cursor out of the input & card. Also creates an empty paragraph before moving the cursor if for some reason an empty paragraph doesn't exist after the last card in the doc
- `moveCursorToPrevSection` deselects card and places cursor at end of previous section, useful for caption inputs where <kbd>up arrow</kbd> or <kbd>left arrow</kbd> should move the cursor out of the input & card
- `addParagraphAfterCard` deselects card, creates a new paragraph after the card and moves the cursor to it. Useful for caption inputs where <kbd>enter</kbd> should have the same behaviour as if it was pressed whilst the card is selected
- modify `{{gh-uploader}}` so that it passes the FileList to it's `onStart` closure action. Useful for displaying previews when uploading images
- modify `{{koenig-card}}` toolbar display so that it can display text as well as icon buttons
- update `{{koenig-card-image}}` so that it has a full image uploader and caption input
- adds the `koenig-card-image` card that renders an `<img>` element
- adds text expansion to convert markdown images into the new image card