Major update to Ghost Admin UI including:
- improved general consistency (typography, colors and contrast, UI components, icons)
- new design for post and pages lists, improved discoverability of filters
- search moved to modal
- account menu is decoupled from ghost logo
- further usability fixes
no issue
- removes now-unneeded `adapter-error` override helper
- comments out the `gh-post-settings-menu` unit tests because the top-level `describe.skip` was causing all further unit tests to be skipped
no issue
- copies `password-generator` npm module functionality into a utility function because the way it was trying to use the `crypto` core library was tripping up webpack which no longer has `node: true` config set by `ember-auto-import`
no issue
- correctly bumps to our custom version rather than base 0.11.2 version
- adds fix for text content being obliterated in certain circumstances when pasting content
no issue
`ember-light-table` is falling behind Ember.js and other addon development and is increasingly causing issues with Ember deprecations and addon incompatibility.
- swaps `ember-light-table` usage for a straightforward table using `vertical-collection` for occlusion
- uses the same loading mechanism as the members screen with a slight optimisation where the initial load will fetch subscribers in batches of 200 until they are all loaded
- removes now-unused pagination mixin
- fixes duplicate subscriber validation handling
no issue
- coverage reports were not really being used and were frequently ignored when merging PRs because we knew there were reductions in test coverage
- coveralls also causes some problems with Renovate because there can be random micro changes in reported coverage that meant a PR "failed" when really it was fine