refs c4083967df
- the referenced commit added a warning message to the What's New page
to notify the user that we're going to be requiring MySQL 8 in
production as of v5
- this would also show if the user was already using MySQL 8, which
isn't ideal
- I've added a library to Ghost which will return the specific version
of MySQL used, so we can now detect that
- eb68e8d339 has updated the config endpoint to return `mysql5`, `mysql8` etc,
so we can now change the logic here to reflect that
- this commit also adds another warning if we're in development mode and
using mysql5, as this will not be supported as of v5
no issue
- Ghost 5.0 will require MySQL 8 when running in production so we've added a warning to the whats new/about screen to give some visibility for self-hosters to prepare
- updated `whatsnew` controller to native class syntax