- If the mail config is broken, the ajax call will fail with 500 and
not return an error.
- This change catches 500 and wraps the error in a notification.
Amends #3736, references #3623
With `button.ghost-logo`, there's no `href`, so cannot be opened in a new window. This changes it back to an anchor and appends the blog URL to a href attribute. Win!
Bumps Ghost-UI version to 0.8.13 bring in related CSS changes.
- Move hamburger logic to action with terrible name, "toggleSidebarOrGoHome"
- Move ".js-close-sidebar" events to a document.on(event, *selector*, f) to make sure they attach even when the js-close-sidebars aren't on page (ie, hidenav)
- provide config.url to the ember client app via a data attribute
- create server and client side helpers to output the URL
- wire up the client side helper
- add a class for testing, and add tests for both the server and client side
Always using the utility function ensures that we have the ability to
update/change/etc these paths without scouring the codebase.
For example, if we ever decide to bump the API version it would be nice
if there was only one location it needed to be updated at.
- Initialization of the link was done on login page where the ‚burger‘
did not exist.
- initialization in application needs to be done to make it work on
- Popover Buttons now have an `open` class applied to them when their popover is open
- The open class is removed from the popover button at the start of the popover's fadeout
- Consolidated common code into popover-mixin
- Add error to hidenav, removes menubar from error screen.
- Wrap atob() in a try/catch
- Added regex to try and validate if params.token at least looks like base64
- Previously, the logo had a href attribute which was manually kept
from executing on mobile. Slow mobile devices that didn’t fully load
the JS would therefore navigate “desktop style”
- The href attribute is now set after the event handler has been loaded, ensuring correct navigation behaviour.
- Created ‘delete user’ modal (similar to the ‘delete post’ modal) and
- Modal will be opened if ‘Delete User’ is selected in the user
setting cog menu
Closes#3533, Closes#3547, Closes#3531
- invite-new-user always resets role to author now, allowing for multiple invites on one load
- Added confirm action when hitting return in INUModal's email input
- Don't pass users as the model to invite-new-user-modal
- Move invite-new-user reset to a `finally` clause
- invite-new-user always closes on a confirm
closes#3538, closes#3541
- The “autofocus” property isn’t considered by browsers if the element
is created after the page has been loaded. The Ember cookbook
recommends extending the input type with a manually triggered
autofocus, which I included here.
- This introduces the new helper “gh-focus-input”, an input field
gaining focus even when routing occurs.
- instead of grabbing and setting the author after fetching the list of users, get the author info from the models "author" property and set it when that value returns. (3549)
- added filter to the PSM's "authors" attribute to only display active users (3528)
* Move publishedAtCompare to standalone function in closure scope
(allows better browser optimizations).
* Avoid getting the same field (published_at) more than once.
Closes#3511, Closes#3512, Closes#3526
- show* methods now close existing passive notifications by
default. They also now take an optional options object where
existing parameters such as "delayed" and "defaultErrorText"
can be passed in as well as the new "doNotClosePassive" flag.
- Removed all explicit calls to notifications.closePassive except
for the few places where it makes sense to call it separately.
- added rate limit to deny more than 5 attempt every hour
- updated spam prevention to be configurable
- added config values spamTimeout, ratePeriod, rateAttempts
- added ratePeriod:1 to config.example.js to prevent functional tests
from hitting the rate limit
- commented spam test, I’ll fix it tomorrow
Basic notifications are unnecessarily verbose and, in some instances, even cause line-wrapping to occur. This change shortens them to short, concsise statements to indicate what action has taken place.
* Add titleize utility function.
* Capitalizes first word.
* Capitalizes all words not contained in simple article/conjunction
* Enable shortcuts for `uppercase`, `lowercase`, and `titlecase`.
* Fix header shortcuts
* Ensure that header shortcuts do not duplicate text.
* Make headers idempotent (pressing `ctrl+alt+1` then
`ctrl+alt+2` does not make `# # # blah`.
Closes#3029, Ref #3469
- Editor shortcuts are now built in a separate file, which uses `ctrlOrCmd` to correctly set OS specific shortcuts.
- Removed `newLine` and `selectWord` shortcuts
- Transferring the owner role is now done via a separate
endpoint and not through Ember-Data. As a result the
user role data needs to be updated manually.
- Updated the owner endpoint to return a response body
containing the updated user objects.
- Updated tests.
- modifying slug-generator to be more generic
- adding slugging capabilities for /settings/users/:slug
- modified posts to use the updated slug-generator
- The user view has been extended to have properties indicating whether
the user has rights to make the displayed user an owner or delete
- Handlebar conditionals decide whether or not to display the cog
* Ensures that posts listing only shows posts that the current user
authored, if they only have the Author role.
* Do not transition into the route if the current user is
not the author (but has the Author role). This is needed because
the API server will always return the post (regardless of the current
- Added stepThroughPosts method to PostsRouter, takes a integer, goes that far, wraps around the array.
- PostsPostRoute notifies the PostsController of which model it currently has, to help stepThroughPosts know who's selected
Closes#3402, Closes#3428
### Components
- Added GhostSelectComponent to handle async select creation (h/t @rwjblue)
- Added GhostRolesSelector (extends GhostSelect) for displaying user role options
- Created StoreInjector for surgically inserting the store into things that normally wouldn't have them.
### Users Settings
- InviteNewUserModal now uses GhostRolesSelector & defaults to Author
- The role dropdown for user settings has permissions set per 3402
### User Model
- Added `role` property as an interface to getting and setting `roles`
- Refactored anything that set `roles` to set `role`
- isAdmin, isAuthor, isOwner and isEditor are all keyed off of `role` now
### Tests
- Added functional tests for Settings.Users
- updated settings.users and settings.users.user screens
- fix spacing on screens
### Server Fixtures
- Fixed owner fixture's roles
When a using the forgottenRoute if you enter an incorrectly formatted
email address you would see the error message 'Invalid Email', however
if you entered an email address that was correctly formatted but missing
the error message would be 'Invalid email address'.
This fixes the discrepancy.
- added transfer ownership endpoint
- added owner to roles.permissible
- manually removed owner from roles.browse
- removed hard coded author role
- fixed tests that were passing due to hard coded author role
- added testUtils.setup(‚roles‘)
- Adds redirects based on roles as defined in the case
- Adds new mixin `CurrentUserSettings`
- For authors, all settings pages redirect to `users/self`
- For editors, all settings pages other than specific users redirect to `users`. Any user that is not self or an author redirects to `users`
- New _shame.scss to hold styles/components which need to be refactored or removed
- layout.scss and floatingheader.scss merged into global.scss/shame.scss
No Issue
- Move authentication related handlers to the Application route.
- Switch Sign Out from a button to a link. Use the signout route
to handle invalidating the session and redirecting instead of
an action from a button.
- Clear error messages on signin page when pressing log in button.
- Errors are now always shown on sign in screen and a success
notification is shown after sign out.
- Update functional tests.
no issue
- added `invited-pending` when resending invitation
- promise chain was missing a return statement
- email error was masked and front end showed success notification
- Ensure that validation errors are always handled by moving them into the
- Ensure that db errors are handled consistently across sqlite and mysql
- Change the errors to be output in a table, with a short failure notification
- Add tests for 003 importing bad files
- uses an iFrame to initiate the download to hide the access token
The access token is now hidden in the admin logic. If we would like to
completely hide the token it is possible to remove the access token and
use signed requests instead, but I think the effort isn’t worth the
benefit in this case.
- Provide our own authenticate action handler which does not
clear the password input.
- Use the Signin route's deactivate hook to clear the password
property on the controller after the user has transitioned
away from the signin page.
No issue
- Created NewUserValidator class to DRY up validation of a models name, email, and password
- Changed SignUpValidator to be an instance of NewUserValidator
- Changed SetUpValidator to extend NewUserValidator
- removing data-binding attribute for "name" input box on signup screen
- removing data-binding attribute for "password" input box on signup screen
- making "email" the first input box and "name" the 2nd
- removing "autofocus" attribute for "email" input box on signup screen
Closes#3083 Refs #3229
- Populates the dropdown list in the invite user menu with the
list of roles a user is permitted to create.
- Users API now checks the invite user request for allowed roles.
- Change API response from 200 to 201 on successful invitation.
- Change API response from 500 to 201 when the user was created but
the email was not sent. The client will show a warning notification
when it sees 'invite-pending' as the new user's status.
- Add support for "?status=all" to the /users endpoint.
- Refactor the route and controller for the /settings/users page so
that there's only one network API call to load users instead of two.
- adding a ```type``` attribute to buttons inside form in the settings section
- scanning the rest of the project to find any other buttons w/a missing attribute
- Add a config.js file for the client which is used to configure
Ember.Application during runtime. The correct version of config.js
is copied into place by grunt via the copy:(dev|prod) task from
either config-dev.js or config-prod.js.
- Serve minified and production versions of libraries where applicable
including handlebars-runtime and ember-prod.
- Bundle third party libraries into vendor.min.js.
- Bundle Ghost's Ember app and templates into ghost.min.js
- Remove all fixture data and code from the client.
- API method User#edit now handles User objects that have either
an array of Role ids or objects.
- Fixed error handler notification on upload modal controller.
No Issue
- Loading posts from the API should not be necessary in PostsIndexRoute
because its parent resource (PostsRoute) pre-loads the store.
Changing the store.find to store.all gets rid of a duplicate
network request to load all posts.
- implementing server-side pagination for /users API
- passing /users?limit=none will return all users
- passing /users?status=invited will filter base on user status
- creating 3 mixins (route, controller and view) to keep pagination logic DRY
- updating route, controller and view for Posts to use new mixing
- implementing infinite scrolling for Users Management screen (using new mixins)
- Users Management screen displays all invited users, but paginates active users
- Add Roles model and add hasMany roles to User model.
- Add EmbeddedRelationAdapter that will automatically include
hasMany relations in calls to the API.
- UserAdapter and PostAdapter now extend EmbeddedRelationAdapter
and all explicit includes from store.find() have been removed.
No issue
- Removed tabs from tag.js (why didn't jshint catch this?)
- Removed superfluous `activate` in SettingsIndexRoute
- updated `UserModel` and `TagModel` to have `created_by, updated_by` be references to `user` objects.
- updated `UserModel` to use `moment-date` instead of `date`
closes#3309, refs #3229
- adds different message depending on status
- doesn't delete the new user if the problem was an email error
- filters the 2 lists based on all statuses
Ref #3084
This PR does NOT hide the dropdown as required to close 3084.
- `EditorNewRoute` creates post with the author set to the current user
- added `authors` ArrayPromiseProxy (whoa, what?) to PSM
- added `changeAuthor` function that sets author and saves model when the user selects a new author
No Issue
- Do not run generateSlugPlaceholder if save has been initiated
and the title has already been set on the post. At that stage
a slug has already been generated and another API call is not
Refs #3160
- gh-notifications component now takes an optional notify
parameter. If present it will be invoked as an action
when a notification is added or removed.
- Add a data-notification-count attribute to the main container
that tracks the number of "top" notification messages that
are currently being shown.
- Switch from this.session.get('user') to'user') and
some further limiting until a custom user adapter is created
- Switch the deactivate logic to rollback the used model
- Pass the user as the model in the link-to in user list template
Reverting the placeholder that was introduced in #2734 to fix#1623. We should handle this intelligently by automatically interpretting the input and using validation if we can't. The user should not have to know or care about what http is.
Regardless off any of the above, we should not be introducing user-facing text like this without proper consideration. A placeholder of "" is far more confusing than no placeholder at all. It also looks like a cheap promotional tactic on our part.
- Prevent navigation to the setup screen if Ghost setup
has previously been completed.
- Fix templates that were incorrectly using foreach instead of each.
- Add validation for minimum password length.
- Fix up functional tests and split out tests for setup to a separate
instance of casper because setup requires a new database.
- Add a cleanDatabase task to grunt which resets the database to
This is for both the global styling and the alternate version in the PSM for the author dropdown.
- `<select>` elements are note more accessible, with :focus support
- They no longer need a data-attr to show the currently selected item
NOTE: Does not work in Firefox. Yet.
Refs #3161
- Move two inline template snippets from the post tags input
component into the .hbs template file so they can be
pre-compiled. Needed when shipping only the handlebars runtime
in production mode.
Closes#3105, Closes#3175
- Removed notification on successful post's `page` status change
- Removed notification on successful post `featured` status change
- Added `closePassive()` notifications on error in the post-settings-menu
- Persistent notifications will close whether their `DELETE` request was
successful or not.
#### Misc
- Added `name` attribute to `post-setting-menu.hbs` inputs to facilitate testing
- Removed `return <Promise>` from action in `PostSettingsMenuController`. Actions should only return `true`
- Toggling `post.featured` won't fire NProgress.
- added `/ghost/api/v0.1/uploads/` endpoint
- removed upload method from `controller/admin.js`
- moved removal of temporary files from storage to endpoint (needed to
account for failed uploads)
- changed and moved tests
- Oversight: I think that we use `.otherwise()` and `.catch()` a bit
too extensive and mask the real error objects. We probably need an
error handling strategy at some point in the future.
Closes#3254, closes#3138, closes#3245
### Settings Routing and View refactoring
- Refactored `SettingsView` to handle transitions between mobile and desktop layouts
- `SettingsRoute` will only transition to `settings.general` if the screen is large enough to show both the menu and the content
- Added `SettingsIndexView` to handle showing the settings menu on mobile screens
- Added `SettingsContentBaseView` to be inherited by any settings view that is not index.
- Updated Settings templates appropriately to work with new views
- Removed extraneous `active` class from `settings-content`
- Changed settings menu to use `gh-activating-list-item`
- Retooled settings tests
### Mobile Utils
- Renamed file to `mobile.js`, since it's inside of `utils/`
- Added `mobileQuery` MediaQueryList to help detect layout changes
- Removed unused `hasTouchScreen`, `device.js` should be used instead.
- Removed unused `smallScreen` function
- Moved FastClickInit to codemirror-mobile
- Change validations on both server and client to allow the
Website field to be empty or a valid URL.
- Add new schema validation helper isEmptyOrURL.
- Remove duplicate call to UserValidator in the save action
of the SettingsUser controller.
- User.last_login and User.created_at are already Moment objects
so Moment#fromNow can be called on them directly.
- updated to use new change password method
- have all save settings use notifications
- create assetUrl helper for creating asset paths with subdir's properly
- move all url based helpers onto a url object in ghost-paths
- Created `NProgressSaveMixin`, which extends the `save` method of a model
to fire NProgress.
- Extended `UserModel`, `PostModel`, and `SettingModel` with the new
- NProgress can be disabled by passing an options hash to the save function with the `{disableNProgress:true}`
- Now that the ValidationEngine isn't the only thing playing with options inside of `model#save`, refactored it to pass the options down the super chain.
- Add a UserValidator to the validation engine that runs a set
of validations based on the user status.
- Added validations for invited users and active users.
Issue #3160
- Use notifications API to display available update notification.
- Remove update_notification handlebars helper as now both the
check for an available update and the notification handling
is run from the server's admin controller index method.
- Bind the notification's location property to a css class
for styling.
- Refactor Ember notifications to better handle notification
objects. Move responsibility for css class generation onto
the notification component.
- Refactor gh-notifications component to take a location argument
that's used to assign a css class and filter notifications.
- moved setup to authentication API
- added `POST /ghost/api/v0.1/authentication/setup` to execute the
setup process
- added `GET /ghost/api/v0.1/authentication/setup` to check if blog is
already set up (needed for #3145)
- removed unused methods from api/users.js
- Remove dependent property from the computed content property
that is used to build the active theme selector.
- Add validation to the Settings model so that it rejects
attempts to set an activeTheme that is not installed.