refs #2852
- improvement: ensure custom storage adapter has required functions
- serve, save and exists are from now on required functions for a custom storage adapter
- add delete as required storage function
issues #6406#6399
- all dates are stored as UTC with this commit
- use'UTC')
- add migration file to recalculate local datetimes to UTC
- store all dates in same format into our three supported databases
- add option to remeber migrations inside settings (core)
- support DST offset for migration
- ensure we force UTC in test env
- run whole migration as transaction
- extend: Settings.findOne function
- make use of the new 'fallthrough' option which landed in express-static 1.10.0
- change local-file-store and middleware serving `/public/` and `/shared/` files to use the new `fallthrough: false` option
- 404s are now served directly, without slashes or uncapitalise getting triggered
no issue
- update grunt-jscs dependency
- fix deprecated `validateJSDoc` configuration
- fix numerous linting errors, including:
- use of future-reserved `public` and `private` variable names
- use of `[]` instead of dot-notation (especially `express['static']` and `cacheRules['x']`)
- extra spaces in `const { run } = Ember` style constructs
One issue that did become apparent is that there are conflicting rules that prevent the use of object function shorthand such that both of these:
{ myFunc() {} }
{ myFunc () {} }
are called out due to either the missing or the extra space before the `(`
closes#4608, #4609
- image handler loads in any image files & figures out where they'll get stored
- image importer has a preprocessor which replaces image paths in
pertinent spots of post, tag and user models
- image importer stores images, keeping the path where it makes sense
- basic test for the preprocessor
addresses #2852
- Moves storage modules to use prototypes and to create prototypes
that inherit from the base storage ctor.
- Makes storage/base conform to an all Promise interface.
no issue
- acquiring a new access token using a refresh token sets the
expiration time of the refresh token to now + 24 hrs.
- moved all occurrences of ONE_HOUR, ONE_DAY and ONE_YEAR to
migration from usage of config() to just an object of config.
no relevant issue
- Change 'loadConfig' task to 'ensureConfig' to more accurately reflect
what it is actually doing. Its sole purpose is to make sure a `config.js`
file exists, and as such the name now reflects that purpose.
- Update config/index.js to export the ghostConfig object directly
so that it can be accessed from other modules
- Update all references of config(). to config.
This was a blind global find all and replace, treat it as such.
- Fixes to tests to support new config access method
- Allow each test to still work when invoked invidually
- added `/ghost/api/v0.1/uploads/` endpoint
- removed upload method from `controller/admin.js`
- moved removal of temporary files from storage to endpoint (needed to
account for failed uploads)
- changed and moved tests
- Oversight: I think that we use `.otherwise()` and `.catch()` a bit
too extensive and mask the real error objects. We probably need an
error handling strategy at some point in the future.
- build path relative to imagesPath (which contains the custom content path)
instead of appRoot
- added test for custom content path
- added logic to tests for Windows url building to handle cases where Windows
functionality is being tested on a unix operating system
addresses #1789, #1364
- Moves ./core/server/loader -> ./core/bootstrap.
The bootstrap file is only accessed once during startup,
and it’s sole job is to ensure a config.js file exists
(creating one if it doesn’t) and then validates
the contents of the config file.
Since this is directly related to the initializing
the application is is appropriate to have
it in the ./core folder, named bootstrap as that
is what it does.
This also improves the dependency graph, as now
the bootstrap file require’s the ./core/server/config
module and is responsible for passing in the validated
config file.
Whereas before we had ./core/server/config
require’ing ./core/server/loader and running its
init code and then passing that value back to itself,
the flow is now more straight forward of
./core/bootstrap handling initialization and then
instatiation of config module
- Merges ./core/server/config/paths into
This flow was always confusing me to that some config
options were on the config object, and some were on
the paths object.
This change now incorporates all of the variables
previously defined in config/paths directly
into the config module, and in extension,
the config.js file.
This means that you now have the option of deciding
at startup where the content directory for ghost
should reside.
- broke out loader tests in config_spec to bootstrap_spec
- updated all relevant files to now use config().paths
- moved urlFor and urlForPost function into
issue #1405
- added cache control middleware
- added defaults for all routes, assets, etc
- updated asset helper to add a query string with a timestamp hash to all assets
- added unit tests for asset and ghostScriptTags helpers
- added cache-control checks to route tests
issue #1754
- remove path (it was only used once, and not needed)
- change webroot to subdir
- add unit tests for config.paths
- various other cleanup
- renamed client-side ghostRoot to subdir
- added url helper for client
- Removed deprecated `multipart` references.
- Setup `busboy` to pass along file streams and do a naive parse of form
- Updated logic in file storage and db import to handle file streams
instead of the temporary files created by `multipart`.
issue #635
- upload controller shouldn't assume fs
- filesystem module proxies all the fs work
- proxies and exposes middleware for serving images
- creating a date based path and unique filename is a base object util
- unit tests updated