- Allows updating members billing information through Stripe's setup intent (
- Accepts 2 new parameter to handle redirects specific to billing update.
no issue
- On model layer in Ghost empty string is always converted to `null` for not nullable fields, which wasn't letting the value through to the database
- Current solution is a stopgap to fix imports of cyclic plans without nicknames. Ideally nickname field should become nullable in the future so this logic can be simplified
no issue
- This solves a problem when connected Stripe plan doesn't have plan `nickname` filled out (possible with older versions of Stripe API)
- Defaulting to empty string instead of creating a migration because SQLite doesn't support `ALTER ... MODIFY` syntax and thus knex can't altter the table that easy
- "Marks the column as an alter / modify, instead of the default add. Note: This only works in .alterTable() and is not supported by SQlite or Amazon Redshift. Alter is not done incrementally over older column type so if you like to add notNull and keep the old default value, the alter statement must contain both .notNull().defaultTo(1).alter(). If one just tries to add .notNull().alter() the old default value will be dropped." (ref.
- Adds ability to assign and cancel "complimentary" type of subscriptions to the member
- The functionality is needed to be able to provide free premium plans for members (e.g. family members, trials, gifts)
- When member already has an active paid subscription and complimentary one is applied the old one is upgraded. Proration is not given
- When deleting a subscription we need to update localy stored records right away to be albe to reflect the change in the UI. This behavior will also be in line with how subscriptions updates/creates are handled
- Blocked any client update for complimentary subscription. We should prevent non authenticated clients from upgrading/subscribing themselves to "complimentary" plan.
no issue
- `customers` property contains an array of customer for which 'for..of' syntax is more appropriate
- Bug was causing creation of multiple customers in Stripe when new checkout session was initiated for existing customer
- Discussed in
- It's a follow up to a series of refactorings in the module mostly discussed in refed PR
- The sendEmailWithMagicLink and destroyStripeSubscriptions were exposed through members API so that Ghost could call it from the controller level
refs #
- Added method to allow updating single subscription. Only `cancel_at_period_end` field can be updated.
- Middleware is needed to allow Ghost Core to cancel/uncancel member's subscription.
- Relies on the request containing identity information to be able to verify if subscription belongs to the user
- When member could not be identified by the identity information present in the request we should throw instead of continuing processing
- Handling and messaging inspired by
- When the user initiates subscription cancellation we can safely mark the subscription as canceled so that it's not shown in the interface on subsequent request. Otherwise, we end up in a situation where we still return the subscription in the period until Stripe triggers the webhook.
- Added boolean coercion for cancel_at_period_end parameter. If anything but boolean is passed to Stripe API it throws an error. Coercing the value on our side is a gives a better dev experience
When using localhost urls the call to `create` will error and end in teh
catch block - so we need to use the environment variable there, too.
Introduced in 0149dd8f
no issue
- When debugging Stripe with using: `stripe listen \
--forward-to http://ghost.local/members/webhooks/stripe/` this priority is nice to have so that Ghost process can be initialized using WEBHOOK_SECRET env variable
- It was not working in current form because Stripe recognized `ghost.local` as a valid domain and didn't throw any errors
- Removed unneeded secret assignment in a catch statement. It is redundant with the new implementation
* customer.subscription.deleted - when a subscription is cancelled
* customer.subscription.updated - when a subscription status/plan changes
* invoice.payment_succeeded - when a subscription has successfully renew
* invoice.payment.failed - when a subscription has failed to renew
This flag is used to allow the sendMagicLink middleware to send an email
to members which do not yet exist. When this flag is set to false, the
only way to create members, would be via the stripe webook, or via the
`create` method exposed on the `members` object
This updates the initialisation logic to fetch all webhooks (we use
limit: 100, and there are currently a max of 16 webhooks in stripe) and
find one with the corrct url. Once found, delete that webhook. We then
attempt to create a new one, and log out any errors (this is to allow
for local development, creating a webhook with a local url is expected
to fail)