- added acceptance tests for members settings screen
- subscription access management
- default post access management
- free tier management
- fixed `enableLabsFlag()` test helper overwriting existing flag settings when enabling another one
- updated API mocks and fixtures
- matched product fixtures to default tiers-enabled products
- updated product API mocks to include benefit handling
- added `/members-activity` route with associated controller, template, and components behind labs flag
- table component currently renders some dummy rows
- added navigation item to main menu
- will use the currently set `?filter` query param unless clicked whilst already on the `/members-activity` screen in which case it will reset the query
- added link to dashboard members activity panel
- added link to member details activity panel
- sets the filter param to `?filter=member:{}` in preparation for the feed to be filtered to the member's activity
- updated the labs-flag test helper file to export both `enableLabsFlag()` and the new `disableLabsFlag()` so it's easier to test for flag-disabled functionality