* Bio field now counts down.
* Bio filed count now turns red when < 20
* Cover image now has gradient
* Change button now has square corners
* Removed "forgot password" link
* Change password button is now red
* Change password button is now aligned with the form
* Hover state on the profile picture now reads "Edit Picture"
issue #432
adds a modal template for image uploads
adds buttons to settings page to upload images for blog logo and icon
once image is uploaded displays an 'X' to reset back to dropzone
saves image and renders settings page.
add url field when clicking on url icon
fix position of 'X' for both settings and editor
closes#603, issue #395
- Changed hard-coded 'JOE BLOGGS' to use author data
- We still had api calls loading data server side before rendering pages.. which is unnecessary.
- Only thing using this was editor title, which is now populated client side
- May improve content screen load time.
- don't send a welcome email. This appeared to be breaking tests.
- make sure we handle errors from sending emails properly
- use promises when adding notifications
issue #389
- Upgrade express-hbs to get template options access
- Grab config & settings with a hacky new method in ghost & pass to template options
- Settings are no longer passed to res.locals
- In some cases, Ghost exploded when the active theme did not have a partials directory
- Added handling for if the active theme was not present
- Probably will conflict with #574 I need to fix this.
Added a redirect call to the router instead of defaulting the pane. To
handle using the back button after clicking through to other tabs I
added an event listener on the route:settings event.
- auto-linking was interfering with things that were already a link
- now checks to ensure we are not in a HTML or markdown link already
- added tonnes of new tests
* I use SendGrid for sending the emails, and it works fine (provided you supply the correct credentials in `config.mail` in `config.js`)
* Generates a random 12 char long alphanumeric password, replaces user's pw, and sends an email about it.
- Adds Tag model with a many-to-many relationship with Post
- Adds Tag API to retrieve all previously used Tags (needed for suggestions)
- Allows setting and retrieval of Tags for a post through the Post's existing API endpoints.
- Hooks up the editor's tag suggestion box to the Ghost install's previously used tags
- Tidies the client code for adding tags, and encapsulates the functionality into a Backbone view
- Added client-side trimming of title on blur if it is not already
- Added server-side trimming of title on 'saving' event of post model.
closes#488 and #107
- added dropdown for theme selection on general page
- added GET /api/v0.1/themes to retrieve available themes
- modified settings model to get available themes
- modified updateSettignsCache to remove path from settings.activeTheme
- Removed one-off styles and code for the publish button. Publish button
now uses data-toggle attribute wired up in toggle.js and forms.scss.
- Ensured split button common styles are up to date to conform with
vendor prefixing of transform properties.
- Test environment runs on a different port
- Removed wait() and replaced with waitFor() where possible
- Added more timeout functions / handlers
- General consistency improvements
- Added a hide and fadeIn() to the render method in Settings.Pane
- Any Settings.Pane which overwrites render should now make sure the parent is called
- Run through grunt validate, all OK.
* New Ghost Logo Icon
* New Lightning Icon for plugins screen
* Remove old Ghost Logo Icon
* Moved #ghost to .ghost-logo to clean up conflicts with editor, previously fixed with dodgy overnesting
closes#422, issue #295
- Added GFM mode to codemirror
- Took the github.js extension for Showdown and added all useful behaviour
- Now supports strikethrough, line breaking and
multiple underscores, and auto linking urls & emails without breaking
definition urls
- Also added definition url handling in preparation for #295
- Added unit tests for the extentions individually and integrated with
This also includes a new jQuery function to get the transition duration of an element.
Modals animations now start when `.in` is applied to the modal container.
- Made fail warning and button display none to reduce DOM content.
- Made toolbar red for fail not orange
- Fixed loading-cat which was persistent in cases of low bandwidth (particularly downstream)
- adds method (isPost)to models index.js that returns true if content, content_raw, title and slug are valid properties
- adds url helper which checks context is post using isPost method
- adds unit test to check a url is prefixed with /
-adds unit test which checks for empty string if either of the 4 properties above are not present.
- Added new grunt task to run casperjs tests.
- Added prerequisites (sass/bourbon/casperjs) to travis config.
- Updated failing functional tests to use more robust `waitFor`
- Updated capserjs `base.js` file to use a password which conforms to
our 8 character minimum.
- Added necessary logout to first test and also registration step to
ensure a user is present in the system.
- CSS classes directly correspond to notification 'types'
- Error, warn and info are reasonably standard terms for descending priority 'log levels', using these to denote red, orange and blue notifications.
Pagination could conceivably be used in more than one place on a page (eg. both top and bottom). For that reason it should probably have a class rather than an ID.
- fixes#517
- prevents this from occuring again in future with other relations
- validation function & stripping done for all models
- casper test for flow, plus validation & logged out tests
- introduced validation method in the post and user model
- moved signup validation onto model
- consistent use of validation & error messaging in the admin UI
- helper methods in base view moved to a utils object
closes#382, closes#383
- added helper called ghost_head to insert meta data with current version of ghost
- added helper called ghost_foot to insert script tag for jquery
- added unit test for both helpers
- removed trailing slash from ghost.js for 'shared' path and removed from outside of loop as it is shared on front and backend
Temporary patch for #362
- Split out database teardown and initialization so they each have their
own 2 second timeout.
- Added some test-specific increased timeouts.
Reverting change from @c46a0c6 where I moved the new word breaking CSS rules to the body tag to apply everywhere. This doesn't play nicely everywhere - so this change moves them back to just the content preview areas where they are needed.
* Moved the app config behind the promise wall (I couldn't reliably assign generated uuid to the ghost object AND have access to an automatically created db from fixtures AND not have circular reference (try including api in ghost.js ;) ))
* Added new functionality to `ghost.init()`, which is responsible for the first run bit (I'm thinking plopping a filter or an action in there for future devs)
* Modified `.gitignore` so the `.png`s casper generates aren't added
* Fixed ambiguity and typos here and there, see code
- Altered post model to enable eager loading of author and
user relationships
- Fixed broken base model toJSON method, which prevented
eager resolution of relationships (thanks @tgriesser)
- Passes author information to template.
- Added unit tests for author helper.
- Added unit tests for findOne and findAll additions to Post Model
which take into account the eager relationships
`{{author}}` -- returns the full name of the post author
`{{author.attribute}}` -- returns property of the current post author
as described by the user model
Closes half of #468
* adds a 2 second limit until you can retry logging in, otherwise sends you a 401.
* bounce: 2ms, checks the pw: 254ms on my machine
* added a test to the casper suite
- Triggering router events for navigation between settings panes
caused the route function to be re-executed, which caused all
kinds of fun.
- Wrapped the settings route function in an if statement to preserve
the current view if it already a settings view.
- Added Ghost pub-sub and using that instead of History API
- Updated editor.scss to break out transition shorthand into its
constituent properties so that bourbon appends the correct vendor
- Added full set of publish options to the statusMap.
- Added setActiveStatus function to handle toggling the active action
for the publish menu.
- Cleaned up handleStatus and updatePost functions to match desired
functionality of menu items toggling the selected action and the actual
button on the split button invoking said action.
First pass at refactoring editor styles to make the Ghost writing experience more pleasurable.
- Larger font
- Bold title
- More space for writing
- Minor code standards cleanup
This change reduces the margin on the post editor between the title and body content from 15px to 5px. This change keeps the aesthetic of the editor, while enabling a little bit more body content to be on the screen at the same time. Small but significant adjustment.
- Removed break-all, which was causing excessive behaviour detailed in the issue
- Removed -webkit- hyphen prefix, as both Chrome and Safari are ignoring it
- Firefox is currently the only browser respecting hyphens, the others simply break without hyphenating
- changed keyboard shortcut to insert ![].. not !image[]
- changed regex in ghostdown to only work for ![]
- added a further regex in ghostdown to properly match for URLs inside the parens
Issue #465
- converted email fields throughout the site to be of type email
- converted the user website field to be of type url
- removed the browser validation by setting novalidate on the form, not the element
* Included node-validator as a package
* Implemented server side validation (the client side js is a mess, need a LOT of work)
* Validates email address both on signup and login screens, gives error message on malformed email addresses
* Requires at least 8 chars of password
* Tells user if password is too short
* Tells user if no such user on login
* Tells user if wrong password on login
* Tells user if server responds with a 404 (goes away, dies, etc)
* Added middleware between req and login / signup for validation
New standard - ALL .scss files are now indented 4 spaces, no tabs. I want to keep this *consistent* because it has been getting incredibly messy. This applies to all native Ghost sass - 3rd party files (normalize, typeplate, bourbon, breakpoint, etc) are not included. /cc @matthojo @erisds
* Reintroduced the redirect functionality (not logged in, tries to go to `/settings/user/`, is sent to `/login/` with info notification, after login user is taken to `/settings/user/)
* Reintroduced the "Successfully logged out" message
* Added middleware to scrub passive notifications from `ghost.notifications` after one use basically mimicing client side passive notifications
* Removed flash from everywhere. Even from package.json.
* Renamed flashed.hbs to notifications.hbs, modified default.hbs accordingly
* Added function to parse GET variables on client side
- Confirmed integration with local mysql installation works.
- Updated fixtures and migration with appropriate schema-conforming
- Updated schema with appropriate defaults and nullable columns.
- Updated fixDates function on model base to appropriately deserialize
values coming from SQLite now that dates are stored as actual DateTime
objects/ISO strings.
- Updated default language to be 'en_US'.
Show the model.validationError if one is present and also coalesce the
empty title for a more meaningful message. Also, reset the button text
after failure.
Closes#340. Closes#375
* Replaced session with id of current user
* Added method to ghostlocals to always send profile picture and full name to templates (template checks if falsy)
* Modified user saving (`forge().set(new).save()` died on me, `forge().save(new)` didn't)
* If user has profile picture, that will be used
* If user has name, that will be used
* Password changing doesn't care about your email. Uses cookies. Tasty!
* User pane uses current user id. Had to set path to me, otherwise goes to `browse` instead of `read`.
* Added logic to user api to check for `id === 'me'`, and then use the cookie value
* User data saves are now correct
* There is no logout error
This is simply a commit which improves the mobile interactions. This does not fix UI problems on mobiles.
New interactions;
* Swipe right on header to show sidebar
* Swipe left on sidebar to hide
* Tap / Swipe left on item to show preview
* Swipe right to show content list
* Tap / Swipe left on link to show settings
* Swipe right on settings to show links
It would be totally cool if we could have a Ghost.PubSub so we could hurl events there and pick them up somewhere else. For some reason all the backbone bits work on models, like `trigger` and `listenTo` and `delegateEvents`.
* max-height 120px less than height of viewport
* fade-in a dark overlay as well as blur
* animation speeds/transitions should be smoother
* modal sizing fucks up when viewport is resized
Also improves Modal code compliance to Ghost Backbone coding patterns
- adds appRoot, and uses this to calculate other paths
- removes path calculations from loader
- remove the themedir setting in config.. completely unnecessary
- highlights just how important #360 is
- Developed and linked new module, downsize, for tag-safe truncation
- Altered existing content handler to accept options for truncation
- Added tests for handler
Using truncation:
{{content words=10}}
{{content characters=256}}
* Added a new route
* Added new methods
* Triple security!
* Passwords are actually changed
* Also added a change password button, because 'save' has too much baggage.
On security: checks whether you're logged in. Then checks whether your old password is actually the one that belongs to you (gets value from the email field for the email, see caveat no2). Checks the new passwords for === and length > 6 on client and server side as well. And THEN changes passwords.
* didn't add a test, as mocha fails spectacularly on my machine. SQLITE_CORRUPT: database disk image is malformed. Cute, huh?
* Because we don't have / I'm not aware of / could not find a "currentuser" variable, I need to get the email address of the user we want to change from the email field. Theoretically if they replace that with another user's email address, and supply their pw, they will change THEIR password instead of their own.
issue #40 and issue #280
- Adds uploader jquery plugin
- includes settings for enabling/disabling upload progress bar
- adds routing for image uploads
- adds directories by year and month based on upload date
- Implements plugin on settings - general pane
- Implements plugin on editor
- adjusted general tab to save uploaded image src
- Add error handling
- Storing information on editor
- Add events
- settings screen now loads a model when a pane is requested, rather than when the whole screen is requested
- added browse, read and edit methods and routes for users to the API
- added user model & template to client and wired everything up.
- provided default images for cover and profile picture
Implements basic functionality described in #227 for loading plugins
from a specific directory and having a specific workflow with an init()
method and a disable() method.
* Refactored the Ghost.Notifications View bundle
* Added a new initialization of the NotificationCollection (hacky, but at least satisfies JSLint). This was needed as the reason the persistent success notification couldn't be dismissed was that prerendered DOM elements weren't picked up as BB Views beforehand, and thus no events were bound to them.
- added line to index.js to set node_env to development if it is not set
- fixed a small bug with the persistent notifications and used them on debug page from server side
- added 002 files to manage export and import for 002
- 002 import is somewhat smarter than 001, merging settings (except version), replacing user & clearing primary keys
- added reset to models and migration, which does the down operation the same way that init does the up operation
- import and reset clear session & redirect to login / signup
- additional unit tests
closes#171, closes#314, closes#315
- added settings for blog logo and icon
- all other settings will need to be added as needed as it's impossible to guess what the default value should be
- added tables for post tags
- added tables for post custom data
- added location column to users
- fixeed minor bug in migrations
caused by issue #326
- implementing fade in and center on signup form by applying the functionality to a shared view
- login and signup now both extend the shared view
- Ghost.View now extends Ghost.TemplateView giving all views access to subviews and templates
- Views which implemented templates no longer need to
- Some views needed to re-override render which is a bit annoying
- Settings screen now has sub-templates for each pane and for the sidebar
- Additional Casper tests for settings screen
(RE: discussion in pull #317)
- Unit tests enforce well formedness of ghostdown processor function
and what it returns.
- Ensures image markup is recognised and replaced accurately.
Updated dropzone regex to capture existing URL flag. Also supports the shorter markdown image syntax, and corrects issues with special characters in the alt field, fixing issue #146.
This introduces a new class of `.form-group` to replace the label containing the elements.
I have also included `name=""` attributes to inputs where there were non.
Hacky implementation of a suite of casper tests. This is here so that we can start to build up some tests.
Main thing missing is being able to simulate keypresses for CodeMirror
Making the tests run nicely with grunt, travis and be independent rather than interdependent can all come later.
- See tests/functional/base.js for full usage instructions & implementation notes
This is simply a commit which improves the mobile interactions. This does not fix UI problems on mobiles.
New interactions;
* Swipe right on header to show sidebar
* Swipe left on sidebar to hide
* Tap / Swipe left on item to show preview
* Swipe right to show content list
* Tap / Swipe left on link to show settings
* Swipe right on settings to show links
Closes#290. In theory.
* moved flashviews to base.js, renamed to notifications
* added failures to post editor screen
* added notifications to settings (success, failure)
* added notifications when deleting posts
Most of these are not visible due to CSS rules, as overhauling that
is a task in and of itself. The notifications do show up in the inspector
though, so all is well.
Should close#37. There are persistent and passive notifications.
Persistent ones:
* are stored on `ghost.notifications`.
* have an api made to add / remove them with client side ajax logic (probably not the most elegant, but works)
* uses a modified `flashes.hbs` template
* will only disappear if user closes the bar
* stack
* added with backbone view / collection combo
* stack
* disappears on navigation and when user closes it
This fixes the event where text would be selected after manipulation from shortcut, the cursor is now placed after the text. On links and images the url field text is highlighted.
Additional shortcuts;
* Ctrl+U: Make text uppercase
* Ctrl+Shift+U: Make text lowercase
* Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U: Make text titlecase
* Ctrl+Alt+W: Select word
* Ctrl+L: Make into list
- fixed the test that the fixture change broke (sort of). We should be using separate fixtures for tests really, unless we want to test something about a Ghost install.
- updated readme with better docs
- This is a first pass at getting a more logical structure. The focus is on moving from admin/frontend to client/server.
- The location of the databases is highly important, this isn't expected to change again
In the future
- client/assets should probably become public/
- more stuff should be shared (helpers etc)
- cleanup some confusion around tpl and views
- moved template logic out of individual helpers and into Ghost
- simplified template-driven helpers into closures which maintain the context of handlebars
- with handlebars context we have access to data, so don't need to pass data in
- check data to test that it is a simple object and not a function
- moved helpers back into index.js
- provided tests for both template functions in ghost and the nav helper so we are back to where we were
- fixed a bug whereby once you visit the homepage the homepage menu item is always marked as the active page
- this was due to passing the config object being done by reference rather than by value, and therefore setting the selected item was persisted.
- updated navigation and pagination helpers to use SafeString
- nav and pagination don't need triple taches any more
- nav tests updated, and renamed to match helper name
- Removing mocha-as-promised as this seemed to cause problems with later tests.
- Making failure mode for tests consistent.
- increasing timeout for pagination - would love to know why this is needed
The grunt-mocha-test task seems to be causing problems with our
beforeEach handlers in some cases. The grunt-mocha-cli task runs the
mocha command using grunt.util.spawn for more consistent results
- updated fixtures so that even short-term we have valid data
- added methods to the base model that marshall the data in and out of the db so it is always an RFC 2822 date never ISO 8601
- turned off SQL debugging now the bug is resolved
- minor change to the date listing template, as we don't need to check for updated_at now that the data is correct - but should use published date anyway
Some more bits for slug generation
- fixes a bug in generation and some tests
- makes sure that deduplicated slugs get a hyphen before the number
- added %<>|^~£" to reserved chars
- added a few extra comments
- The addition of published/draft statuses to the post model on the frontend was being returned to the server.
- These additional properties are client-side only and are now unset before the model is saved
- issue #154, issue #224 and issue #220
- change port number from 3333 to 2368
- change main file name from app.js to index.js
- update README & package.json to match
- adds dateFormat handlebars helper for client side with extra option to format in time since style
- adds this extra dateFormat option to existing server side helper.
- adds scss for draft and scheduled status
- adds true/false values to post for draft and published to validate in handlebars
- changes admin>content post collection query to order posts by updated_at values in router.js
- adds minified moment.js and links to moment.js and helper.js for clientside
- Adding activePlugins array to config.js
- Adding a loadPlugins function to ghost.js
- Tweaking fancyFirstChar.js so that it works again, getting rid of the function wrapper and constructor
- renamed helper from ghostNav to nav and file from ghostNav to navigation
- switched template to use current-menu-item as per the styles
- cleaned up several unused items from config, and removed default link to admin
- updated tests
- closes#124
- added new middleware to detect if a route should be admin or not
- updated ghostLocals to use this and return different locals
- updated ghost.js#initTheme to use the same test
- adds routes for homepage pagination
- adds helper function to compile template file for pagination
- adds next and prev to post for next and previous page
- adds handlebars template for pagination
In order to remove the iiwf we need to be able to lint backend and frontend code separately.
Changed our devDependency for grunt-jslint to use a fork which has multiTask (PR sent to main repo)
Updated Gruntfile with split rules for the jslint tasks
As a result, a few files failed to pass the new rules, these have been fixed and added to the commit
Added a basic UI and implementation for importing and exporting data.
Hooked up the routes and tested importing and exporting a version 001
Slipped in the TemplateView in base.js but didn't end up using it. I
think it will encapsulate common logic for template views pretty well.
Should close#175.
- adds keys @rowStart and @rowEnd in foreach helper based on an argument passed in for the number of columns desired
- added setKeys function to remove duplication code
Further changes to the data model to ensure created_by, author_id and updated_by are all set to user 1
Updated settings such that the default type is always 'general', and changed the types in the fixtures to be slightly more useful
Added additional assertions to tests to cover more assumptions about data
- ghost.js - split the settings loading out of ghost.init, so that we have a function for loading / reloading settings
- api.js - implemented a new requestHandler, the cachedSettingsRequestHandler which handles all aspects of local caching for settings when making requests
- app.js - updated the settings api routes to use the new cached request handler
- ghost.js - globals/globalConfig has become settings / settingsCache to make it clearer
- app.js - the ghostGlobals local cache is gone, and the use of res.locals has been cleaned up and simplified, although this needs to be properly split into frontend and admin locals (to be finished in #124)
- frontend/index.js - doesn't need to be passed globals and nav properties as res.locals does this for us
Solves #138.
* Removed user and user_roles from fixture
* Restricted user creation to one user. That user is id 1, is admin
* Changed tests so they accommodate for this fact
* Can not create new user (fails on test, flashes on signup)
Accounted for top offset to keep login container centred. Login container fades in on load.
Tested on a variety of window sizes and appears to be centred on all of them (measured it to make sure).
Now included in `$(window).resize();` to update location of Login
container. The login is now more of a visually 'true' centre, with the offset being more towards the top.
Centring on resize, wasn't in original commit to remove one extra event listener.
This also includes the updated Header tag shortcuts.
Also fixes keyboard shortcuts being broken due to `this` not being passed into shortcut each function.
- Fixed broken html
- Added file input to html
- Styling for hidden file input button
- Styling for progress bar and loading
- Added javascript classes for hooking file upload
- Added loading image (cat)
This implements #106.
* Added require-tree which is based off of @ricardobeat's module. Fully async.
* I've moved active theme and active directory to settings from config as well.
* Modified settings.hbs and settings.js to display the raw json under Settings/Appearance
Added & removed many properties as required & fixed tests
Updated & also cleaned up the fixtures, inc images
Added order by published to the findPage query
- Created Role model
- Created Permission model
- Linked Users->Roles with a belongsToMany relationship
- Linked Permissions to Users and Roles with a belongsToMany relationship
- Created permissions helper with functions for initializing and
checking permissions (canThis)
- Unit tests for lots of things
* master:
Adding proper copyright info for Ghost Foundation
Amending pagination test to have a longer timeout until #110 is done
server half of #83, posts are draft by default, browse shows published by default
Adding proper copyright info for Ghost Foundation
- Modified jsonDataProvider to return promises for findAll and save
- Move the dataProvider initialization into the Ghost.init() function.
- Created basic unit test
Currently using jQuery.each not _.each. Can be easily changed with
_.each(MarkdownShortcuts, function(short) {
shortcut.add(short.key, function () {
return editor.addMarkdown({style: short.style});
* master:
done handler in final then, to ensure errors in last block are reported
missing a done or two
using grunt validate for npm test, fixing random jslint errors
using promises correctly in tests
adding mocha, getting npm test working
Switching over to abstracted data provider meant that email_address
accidentally got passed to the model as email and therefore could not
be found. This is now resolved.
Also, added trailing slash to register route, which I believe should be there
There is now a login page. Trying to access any authenticated route will redirect you to a login page if you are not logged in.
Logging in works with the same hard-coded username and password & remembers you for a session.
Logging in will redirect you to your original route.
Flashes are present although they don't really appear in the right place.
Moving towards using an API which we can both expose publicly, and use internally.
Due to issues with JugglingDB, this breaks updating contentHTML on edit
Also, language, status, featured etc are all no long set / updated.