refs #9389
Breaking changes for Ghost:
- no need to create a sandbox anymore, each file get's it's own sandbox
- just require sinon and use this sandbox
- you can still create separate sandboxes with .createSandbox
- reset single stubs: use .resetHistory instead of .reset
This is a global replace for any sandbox creation.
> Default sandbox
> Since sinon@5.0.0, the sinon object is a default sandbox. Unless you have a very advanced setup or need a special configuration, you probably want to just use that one.
- schema migrations
- adds `integrations` and `api_keys` tables
- inserts `integration` and `api_key` permissions and Administrator role relationships
- inserts `Admin Integration` role and permissions
- adds `Integration` model
- adds `ApiKey` model
- creates default secret if not given
- hardcodes associated role based on key type
- `admin` = `Admin API Client`
- `content` = no role
- updates `Role` model to use `bookshelf-relations` for auto cleanup of permission relationships on destroy