- Made a helper called ghostScriptTags that will spit out the relevant
script tags with version parameter; 4 unminified files in development,
1 minified file in production.
- Added grunt concat and uglify tasks to build files into core/built
- Fixed some unit tests by making them native date objects
- added type to ghost.settings()
- added /api/settings?type=<filter>
- added availableThemes to settingsCache
- removed cachedSettingsRequestHandler
- removed /api/themes (including front end)
- changed activePlugins to type "plugin" in default-settings.json
* Basically adds the client side of node validator, that we're already using
* Validator is plonked onto `Ghost.Validator`
* Usage is identical as to https://github.com/chriso/node-validator
* Has sanitizing values et al
* `Ghost.Validator.error` is redefined, it populates Ghost.Validator._errors (Array)
* `Ghost.Validator.handleErrors` is supposed to print out the multiple error messages, if there are multiple (this is broken due to how notifications are presented `.html` instead of `.append`), and also apply class to element
* The ajax calls are wrapped in an if to prevent network traffic if something's not right on client side
* Added validation to general settings and user settings screens.
* On validation error, optionally adds `.input-error` to whatever element you reference, see below (if `el` exists on the error object). This is the only place where usage is different to the original implementation. Redeclared `error()` function in `init.js`
* Usage: `Ghost.Validate.check(valueToCheck, {message: "the error message", el: $('#the element')}).isEmail()`
* The element above will receive the `.input-error` class. `isEmail()` is one of the stuff you can check against.
- Added new Backbone view for post settings menu
- Moved sass styles to global.scss for post settings menu items
- Added field to change post slug (permalink) using existing slug
* Signup now focuses on 'name' on load
* Fixed fade in on auth forms to work with `display: table`
* The 'name' field is required on Sign up forms
* The length check on the Signup form is in order of inputs
* Added check for password length
* Changed the auth form class names to better represent individual pages
* Updated CasperJS tests
- Ensure publish button's default status is set in the `render`
- Ensure publish button's popup arrow has animation reverted when a
status has been selected.
- Bumped up timeout in failing mocha test for exports-002.
This breaks focus on focused element to keep layout. This is because the
layout still breaks if an element is focused, and you cannot trigger
the system keyboard through Javascript to refocus an element after.