no issue
- has a default class of `koenig-react-editor` which can be added to by using `@className`
- adds classes of `koenig-react-editor-loading` and `koenig-react-editor-error` to the `<p>` elements rendered during loading or when loading fails
no issue
- when running locally with local development version of koenig-react without any proxies we were previously forcing `https://` even if the specific url in config was `http://` meaning a proxy was required
- switched to allowing both http and https urls in config
no issue
- switched from needing to extend from `ReactComponent` to using a `{{react-render}}` modifier
- modifiers are modern idiomatic Ember for handing "did-insert" hooks and associated lifecycle
- moved code from `<ReactMobiledocEditor>` into `<KoenigReactEditor>`
- no need for the extra layering of components and need to remember two places to modify when adding passthrough args/props
no issue
- use the `didCreateEditor` hook to register the editor instance as we do with our Ember version of Koenig
- allows for initial handling of focus control for moving cursor between title and body inputs
- disabled card cleanup call because the react editor does not yet have cards or the custom `cleanup()` method
no issue
- updated ember-cli-build and eslint config to support jsx
- added `react` and `react-dom` libraries
- included them in the build so the `React` and `ReactDom` globals are available for use by third party components
- added vendor shims so we can do things like `import * from 'react'` where the imports are referenced directly to the already imported modules
- added `<ReactComponent>` component
- designed to be extended from in specific react component classes
- renders a div and calls `renderComponent()` action once inserted - this should be replaced in any extended classes in order to render a react component
- handles react rendering and teardown
- added `<ReactMobiledocEditor>` react component that renders an editor composed of components provided by the `react-mobiledoc-editor` package
- added `<KoenigReactEditor>` ember component that renders `<ReactMobiledocEditor>` and handles pass-through of Ember arguments and handling of actions
- updated `<GhKoenigEditorReact>` to render `<KoenigReactEditor>` in place of `<KoenigEditor>`