no issue
- dropped the bundled `react-mobiledoc-editor` package
- updated `<ReactMobiledocEditor>` component to pull in editor components dynamically
- added a resource function to dynamically import the external module
- added `Container` and `Editor` components that read from the resource function and wrap components of the same name from the external module
- added `<Suspense>` around the `Container` and `Editor` components so that React will show a loading state whilst the external components are still being fetched
- added `<ErrorHandler>` so we can show an error state if loading fails
no issue
- updated ember-cli-build and eslint config to support jsx
- added `react` and `react-dom` libraries
- included them in the build so the `React` and `ReactDom` globals are available for use by third party components
- added vendor shims so we can do things like `import * from 'react'` where the imports are referenced directly to the already imported modules
- added `<ReactComponent>` component
- designed to be extended from in specific react component classes
- renders a div and calls `renderComponent()` action once inserted - this should be replaced in any extended classes in order to render a react component
- handles react rendering and teardown
- added `<ReactMobiledocEditor>` react component that renders an editor composed of components provided by the `react-mobiledoc-editor` package
- added `<KoenigReactEditor>` ember component that renders `<ReactMobiledocEditor>` and handles pass-through of Ember arguments and handling of actions
- updated `<GhKoenigEditorReact>` to render `<KoenigReactEditor>` in place of `<KoenigEditor>`
no issue
`ember-cli-mirage` replaced the use of a default function export with a `createServer` function that applies config and deprecated the older mirage config export style. It will also soon drop support of the separate `testConfig` export we used for defining our test routes.
- switched to the newer `return createServer(config);` server configuration approach
- extracted dev and test routes into separate files for a cleaner base config
- When adding a newsletter, check the limits (both via button and route)
- When unarchiving a newsletter, check the limits
- Bumped `@tryghost/limit-service` package, required to make limit checking work for newsletter
- Added the `getNewslettersCount` query to the `limit` service
- Node 12 is EOL as of April 30th so we're going to be dropping support
for it in Ghost too
- the only change in Admin is to update the Node engines range