no issue
- adds `credentials: 'include'` option to `fetch()` which instructs browsers to save cookies in the POST response in cross-origin requests (default is `'same-origin'`)
- removed static "replace" configuration of posts/pages query params
- used the router service to register a `willTransition` event handler which handles conditional replaceState transition behaviour only when filters are changed whilst already on the posts/pages route
no issue
- adds `whats-new` service that fetches the changelog from and exposes the latest changelog entries
- trigger a background fetch of the changelog from when first loading the admin when logged in, or after signing in
- adds a "What's new" menu item next to the user popup menu
- adds an indicator to the user menu button and what's new menu item if there are unseen changelog entries
- closing the changelog modal will update the "last seen date", clearing both indicators
- when first loading the site preview, if private mode is enabled submit the login form in the background to get the cookie before loading the iframe
- refactors post-authentication preloading to ensure it occurs before post-authentication route hooks are called
- adds `showSuccess` attribute to `<GhTaskButton>` so that when set to `false` it can stay in the running state after "success" to avoid state change flashes whilst waiting for a transition
no issue
- the new tag that is added to the store when opening the new tag route was not being cleaned up when leaving the new tag route
- blank tags have a name value of `undefined` which causes errors when calling `localeCompare()` on them as is done when ordering tag names for display in the tags input
Major update to Ghost Admin UI including:
- improved general consistency (typography, colors and contrast, UI components, icons)
- new design for post and pages lists, improved discoverability of filters
- search moved to modal
- account menu is decoupled from ghost logo
- further usability fixes
no issue
- moved `document-title` Route extension's functionality into the `ui` service
- updates the title each time the router service emits a route changed event
- `ui.updateDocumentTitle()` can now be called directly from components rather than the confusing `this.send('updateDocumentTitle')` bubbling behaviour
- refactored the `titleToken` implementation to use the now-formalised `RouteInfo`'s `metadata` field (
no issue
- removed `styleBody` mixin in favour of using Ember's `buildRouteInfoMetadata` hook and router events in the `ui` service
- refactored separate CSS classes for each unauthenticated route into a single `.unauthenticated-route` class because hiding mobile nav whilst unauthenticated was the only use for body classes
no issue
- many routes were attaching classes to the `<body>` tag via the `StyleBody` mixin but those classes were never used and applied inconsistently throughout the app
no issue
`ember-light-table` is falling behind Ember.js and other addon development and is increasingly causing issues with Ember deprecations and addon incompatibility.
- swaps `ember-light-table` usage for a straightforward table using `vertical-collection` for occlusion
- uses the same loading mechanism as the members screen with a slight optimisation where the initial load will fetch subscribers in batches of 200 until they are all loaded
- removes now-unused pagination mixin
- fixes duplicate subscriber validation handling
no issue
- the new version of our Zapier App uses API Key auth so we need to expose the details on the Zapier integration screen
- extracted `copyTextToClipboard` into a util function
- added `integrationModelHook` method to `settings.integrations` controller to remove duplication in the `settings.integration` and `settings.integration.zapier` routes
- fixed missing "Zapier" title token
no issue
- return a basic "guid" from the site's `model` hook so that we have some data which changes on each refresh
- add an action to the wrapper element of the "view site" link which will cause the route to refresh when clicked if we're already on the route
- move the site iframe into a component so that it can watch an @uuid property and force a reset of the iframe's `src` when it detects a change
no refs.
- added "View site" as the first and default menu item in navigation bar to be able to browse the site without leaving the Admin
- rearranged left sidebar items according to new structure (moved Labs down to bottom)
- removed "View site" from publication main menu because it's become redundant
- added Night shift toggle in line with Labs menu to be able quickly access it
no issue
- ran [es5-getter-ember-codemod](
- [es5 getters RFC](
- updates the majority of `object.get('property')` with `` with exceptions:
- `.get('')` - it's not possible to determine if this is relying on "safe" path chaining for when `nested` doesn't exist
- `.get('config.x')` and `.get('settings.x')` - both our `config` and `settings` services are proxy objects which do not support es5 getters
- this PR is not exhaustive, there are still a number of places where `.get('')` and similar could be replaced but it gets us a long way there in a quick and automated fashion
no issue
- `/config/` can only be requested when authenticated
- updated `/config/` mock to look for an Authentication header and return a 403 if it's missing
- updated `ajax` service to add an `Authentication` header when authenticated in testing env (cookies are not present when testing)
- updated `config` service to add `fetchUnauthenticated()` and `fetchAuthenticated()` methods in addition to `.fetch()`
- updated `application` route to only fetch authenticated config when authenticated
- updated `signin` controller to correctly fetch config after sign-in
refs. [d6c22df](d6c22df6d7)
- added icons for members and pages
- improved view site link visibility
- added view site to logo dropdown
- updated all navigation and logo menu icons
- rename 'team' to 'staff'
- lots of design refinement and update (colors, shadows)
no issue
- added `page` model
- removed `page` param from Post model
- added pages screen with associated links
- added `:type` param to editor screens to work with the right models
- removed post<->page toggle and associated tour item
- place email field directly above password field
- enable email field and do not set an initial value requiring user to type-in/auto-fill the email for Chrome to recognise it
no issue
- don't nest details route as it's not nested UI
- implement styled list of members
- add `<MemberAvatar>` component that generates random background colour and initials based on member name
- fixed generation of fake member details in mirage
* added `updateDocumentTitle` action to base route and replace usage of `.send('collectTitleTokens, [])`
* added `.titleToken()` method to editor route to add post title to document title
* called `.send('updateDocumentTitle')` after saving post title in editor controller to keep document title in sync
* updated editor controller test for latest ember-mocha and ember-test-helpers
- removed infinite scroll from the team screen
- adjusted team screen behaviour to pull from the local cache and update in the background to speed up navigation to the screen
- use `{{vertical-collection}}` to render the users list for faster initial render with many users
no issue
- bump green (patch) deps
- bump ember-fetch
- bump ember-simple-auth
- bump broccoli-asset-rev
- bump ember-ajax
- bump yarn.lock sub-dependencies
Only a partial dependency upgrade but fixes production build error that was introduced in so merging as-is.
no issue
- upgrade to latest `ember-source` and related dependencies including `ember-cli`
- upgrade to latest `ember-mocha` and modern ember testing setup
- switch from using global acceptance test helpers and `native-dom-helpers` to using the new `ember-test-helpers` methods
- use [`chai-dom`]( assertions where in some places (still a lot of places in the tests that could use these)
- pin `ember-in-viewport` to 3.0.x to work around incompatibilities between different versions used in `ember-light-table`, `ember-infinity`, and `ember-sticky-element`
- incompatibilities manifested as "Invalid value used as weak map key" errors thrown when using `ember-light-table` (subscribers screen)
- pin `ember-power-datepicker` to unreleased version that contains a move from global acceptance test helpers to modern test helpers
- when closing the edit webhook modal we were rolling back the changed attributes of the webhook model but not clearing the errors object which meant a validation error was shown when re-opening the edit webhook modal
- add `reset()` method to the webhook edit controller and call that when leaving the edit route instead of only rolling back the changed attributes
- move custom integrations UI out from behind the developer experiments flag
- put Admin API key and web hook secret fields behind the developer experiments flag
- do not show "unsaved changes" modal when adding/editing a webhook
- fixed all webhooks showing for each custom integration
- added `settings.integration.webhooks.edit` route
- `/integrations/:integration_id/webhooks/:webhook_id`
- added error handling to the webhook form modal that copes with the actual errors we get back from the server
- added `event-name` helper to display humanised event names in the webhooks list
- added delete button to the webhooks list and associated confirmation modal
- `integration`, `api-key`, and `webhook` models and respective mirage mocks
- moves integration routes around to match ember's concept of nested routes (nested routes reflect nested UI not nested URLs)
- adds custom integrations list to integrations screen
- adds custom integration screen
- allow editing of integration details
- show list of webhooks
- webhook creation modal
NB: the `enableDeveloperExperiments` flag needs to be enabled in the `config.development.json` file for the custom integrations UI to be displayed until it's out of development.
refs #9865
- removed all `oauth2` and token-based ESA auth
- added new `cookie` authenticator which handles session creation
- updated the session store to extend from the `ephemeral` in-memory store and to restore by fetching the currently logged in user and using the success/failure state to indicate authentication state
- ESA automatically calls this `.restore()` method on app boot
- the `session` service caches the current-user query so there's no unnecessary requests being made for the "logged in" state
- removed the now-unnecessary token refresh and logout routines from the `application` route
- removed the now-unnecessary token refresh routines from the `ajax` service
- removed `access_token` query param from iframe file downloaders
- changed Ember Data adapters and `ghost-paths` to use the `/ghost/api/v2/admin/` namespace