no issue
The built-in slack notifications are not working as expected in terms of amount of notifications received, we switch to old manual notification script for the time being till this is sorted.
no issue
- coverage reports were not really being used and were frequently ignored when merging PRs because we knew there were reductions in test coverage
- coveralls also causes some problems with Renovate because there can be random micro changes in reported coverage that meant a PR "failed" when really it was fine
- currently, we only build renovate PRs
- that means we can't use automerge branch, as we wouldn't run any checks
- this swaps to running only renovate pushes, which means the branch always gets checked
no issue
- improves test run times by splitting the tests into multiple groups and running each in their own browser instance
- settled on 2 browser instances as that seems to best fit within Travis' memory and CPU constraints
- updated ember-cli-code-coverage config to work with parallel builds
no issue
- Travis runs all `script` tasks even if an earlier one fails so moved to using `&&` so ember tests aren't run if linting errors
- Added `ember-cli-eslint` to the addons blacklist when building in Travis so that we aren't running linting twice (also reduces build log output)
no issue
- switched to node 10 to match recommended developer version
- changed `greenkeeper` branch exclusion to `renovate`
- removed the custom cache directories
- the cache build/upload was timing out after 180s
- simplifying the config to try and narrow down the exact cause and measure impact
no issue
- Convert validator to an npm dependency
- clean up validator imports
- fix validator function imports
- remove unused validator extensions
- Convert devicejs to an npm dependency
- Convert remaining used bower deps to npm deps
- 🔥 Remove bower & unused bower dependencies
- remove globals imports in favor of direct module imports where possible
no issue
- developers should always be using our recommended Node.js version
- having Travis run on an older Node.js version was causing issues occasionally because dependencies would inadvertently drop 4.x support, this is mostly a non-issue for Ghost-Admin because the supported node version is only relevant to developers and build environments
no issue
- ember/ember-data/ember-cli@2.16
- bump all outdated dependencies that do not require additional work or more extensive tests
- bump sub-dependencies in yarn.lock
- use `broccoli-uglify-sourcemap` (same dep as already used in `ember-cli-uglify`) instead of a separate `broccoli-uglify-js` package for building production codemirror assets
- add `/concat-stats-for` to `.gitignore` so that filesize stats from `CONCAT_STATS=true ember build` don't end up in the repo
no issue
- align Travis config more closely to default ember-cli setup
- run Chrome in headless mode in CI (Travis + `ember test`, `ember test --server` is "dev" mode)
- install yarn via install script rather than npm
- remove broccoli cache from Travis cache (not sure it ever worked?)
- remove forced node-sass install (no longer needed)
- add `testem` as a top-level dep to force the latest version (ember-data is pinned at 1.15)
no issue
- bumped `ember`, `ember-cli`, `ember-data` and related dependencies
- bumped yarn.lock sub-dependencies
- use new public `router` service in place of the private `-routing` service
no issue
- we had [previously reverted](787646a4a2) the use of `yarn` on Travis as we suspected it as being a culprit in failing editor builds, that wasn't the real cause so this switches us back to using `yarn`
no issue
- persisting the broccoli cache should dramatically speed up the client builds on Travis as it will only need to rebuild changed files and those that depend on them
no issue
- drop `jshint`, `jscs`, and `ember-suave` dependencies
- remove `grunt` related linting dependencies and tasks
- remove linting build from Travis so that linting can be performed as part of the normal test suite (refs TryGhost/Ghost#7427)
- add `ember-cli-eslint` and `eslint-plugin-ember-suave` dependencies
- configure `eslint` to match our previous coding style
- update config to run eslint tests as part of the normal test run
- add `npm run lint` command to only run linter tests