closes: CORE-33
Two bugs:
- lodash isEmpty and handlebars util isEmpty are not the same
- I literally had the truthy and falsy cases the wrong way around 🙈
- I have, for now, copied the isEmpty util from handlebars. It's so small it doesn't seem worth trying to require the util right now, although in future it'd be nice if that was easier to do
- Adding the management for the conditional being a SafeString allows the match helper to be a subexpression of itself, I can see this pattern being useful later in combo with the any and all helpers
- wired up a matchHelper feature flag & used the labsEnabledHelper tool to gate the helper
- added a first version of the match helper, which is intended to replace the has helper
- this is an experimental helper and may or may not make it to GA
- match is a simple comparison helper, right now it does a very basic equals or not equals comparison
- much more functionality is needed to reach parity with has