no issue
- `ember-cli-pretender` is no longer required when using `ember-auto-import`
- updated `pretender` dependency from 2.1.2 to 3.2.0
- removed upload progress tests (one was already skipped due to random failures) because pretender is not outputting meaningful `event.loaded` and `` values
- removed reliance on `run.later` (`setTimeout`) in tests, instead favouring explicit ember-test-helper methods which wait for DOM changes
no issue
- upgrade to latest `ember-source` and related dependencies including `ember-cli`
- upgrade to latest `ember-mocha` and modern ember testing setup
- switch from using global acceptance test helpers and `native-dom-helpers` to using the new `ember-test-helpers` methods
- use [`chai-dom`]( assertions where in some places (still a lot of places in the tests that could use these)
- pin `ember-in-viewport` to 3.0.x to work around incompatibilities between different versions used in `ember-light-table`, `ember-infinity`, and `ember-sticky-element`
- incompatibilities manifested as "Invalid value used as weak map key" errors thrown when using `ember-light-table` (subscribers screen)
- pin `ember-power-datepicker` to unreleased version that contains a move from global acceptance test helpers to modern test helpers
refs #9865
- removed all `oauth2` and token-based ESA auth
- added new `cookie` authenticator which handles session creation
- updated the session store to extend from the `ephemeral` in-memory store and to restore by fetching the currently logged in user and using the success/failure state to indicate authentication state
- ESA automatically calls this `.restore()` method on app boot
- the `session` service caches the current-user query so there's no unnecessary requests being made for the "logged in" state
- removed the now-unnecessary token refresh and logout routines from the `application` route
- removed the now-unnecessary token refresh routines from the `ajax` service
- removed `access_token` query param from iframe file downloaders
- changed Ember Data adapters and `ghost-paths` to use the `/ghost/api/v2/admin/` namespace
no issue
- bump deps with no major breaking changes
- bump yarn.lock sub-dependencies
- resolve deprecation warnings for removal of Authorizers in ember-simple-auth
no issue
- bump `ember-cli-chai` and update tests
- add missing Post model properties to the post factory with `null` to better match API output
- replace uses of `.blank` which no longer exists, swapping for `.empty` or explicit checks for `null`
- manually parse strings to numbers before using `.above` and `.below`
- bump top-level deps with no breaking changes
- bump yarn.lock sub-dependencies
no issue
- add eslint-plugin-ember, configure no-old-shims rule
- run `eslint --fix` on `app`, `lib`, `mirage`, and `tests` to move imports to the new module imports
- further cleanup of Ember globals usage
- remove event-dispatcher initializer now that `canDispatchToEventManager` is deprecated
closes, requires
- adds Unsplash app to app settings
- enable/disable toggle
- validation and testing of Unsplash App ID
- Unsplash App ID field hidden if provided via Ghost config
- adds `fetchPrivate` method to `config` service to pull config that requires authentication and updates authentication routines to fetch private config
- adds Unsplash buttons to editor toolbar and `{{gh-image-uploader}}`
- only present when Unsplash app is enabled
- opens Unsplash image selector when clicked
- `{{gh-image-uploader}}` has a new `allowUnsplash` attribute to control display of the unsplash button on a per-uploader basis
- adds Unsplash image selector (`{{gh-unsplash}}`)
- uses new `unsplash` service to handle API requests and maintain state
- search
- infinite scroll
- zoom image
- insert image
- download image
- adds `{{gh-scroll-trigger}}` that will fire an event when the component is rendered into or enters the visible screen area via scrolling
- updates `ui` service
- adds `isFullscreen` property and updates `gh-editor` so that it gets set/unset when toggling editor fullscreen mode
- adds `hasSideNav` and `isSideNavHidden` properties
- updates `media-queries` service so that it fires an event each time a breakpoint is entered/exited
- removes the need for observers in certain circumstances
no issue
- adds `eslint-plugin-sort-imports-es6-autofix` dependency
- implements ESLint's base `sort-imports` rule but has a distinction in that `import {foo} from 'bar';` is considered `multiple` rather than `single`
- fixes ESLint's autofix behaviour so `eslint --fix` will actually fix the sort order
- updates all unordered import rules by using `eslint --fix`
With the increased number of `import` statements since Ember+ecosystem started moving towards es6 modules I've found it frustrating at times trying to search through randomly ordered import statements. Recently I've been sorting imports manually when I've added new code or touched old code so I thought I'd add an ESLint rule to codify it.
- `fileStorage: false` config is going away, it predates storage engines and will simplify future image optimisation work
- simplifies UI, it can be brought back in the future in a more robust fashion if required
no issue
- switch `jscs` and `jshint` inline config to `eslint` config
- fix eslint errors, predominantly in tests where the config now the main app config more closely
no issue
- upload components will now trigger a passed-in `fileSelected` action upon file selection - useful when users of the components want to utilise the file object without supplying a custom validation action
- allow the `accept` attr of `gh-file-uploader` and `gh-image-uploader` to be specified
- allows a `validate` action to be passed into `gh-image-uploader` and `gh-file-uploader` components that runs after a file is selected and before the upload starts
- adds a default `validate` action to `gh-image-uploader` and `gh-file-uploader` that triggers the normal `UnsupportedFileType` error when the selected file's mime-type does not match the `accept` attribute
- adds mime type validation to labs importer (basic implementation, should be replaced with uploader components once they have been refactored)
Handle version mismatch errors by:
- displaying an alert asking the user to copy any data and refresh
- disabling navigation so that unsaved data is not accidentally lost
Detailed changes:
- add `error` action to application route for global route-based error handling
- remove 404-handler mixin, move logic into app route error handler
- update `.catch` in validation-engine so that promises are rejected with the
original error objects
- add `VersionMismatchError` and `isVersionMismatchError` to ajax service
- add `upgrade-status` service
- has a method to trigger the alert and toggle the "upgrade required" mode
- is injected into all routes by default so that it can be checked before
- add `Route` override
- updates the `willTransition` hook to check the `upgrade-status` service
and abort the transition if we're in "upgrade required" mode
- update notifications `showAPIError` method to handle version mismatch errors
- update any areas where we were catching ajax errors manually so that the
version mismatch error handling is obeyed
- fix redirect tests in editor acceptance test
- fix mirage's handling of 404s for unknown posts in get post requests
- adjust alert z-index to to appear above modal backgrounds
no issue
- override `x-file-input` in `gh-file-input` to look for a custom property on the change event if we are in testing mode (this is necessary because Ember 2.5+ use native rather than jQuery events so `target.files` is readonly, see
- migrate unit tests for the uploader components to the integration tests
- add skipped acceptance tests for the subscribers CSV import now that it's possible to simulate file uploads
no issue
- adds `gh-image-uploader` that handles image uploads in a fully ember fashion and with no dependency on `uploader.js`
- adds `gh-image-uploader-with-preview` that can fully replace the old `gh-uploader`
- replace uses of `gh-uploader` in PSM & TSM with `gh-image-uploader-with-preview`
- updates the editor preview image handling to use the new `gh-image-uploader-with-preview` component
- updates the image upload modal to use `gh-image-uploader` (utilises the `saveButton=false` flag which means the preview has to be handled externally to avoid auto-replacement when typing a URL)
- removes all old `uploader.js` related code
- adds custom `RequestEntityTooLargeError` and `UnsupportedMediaTypeError` errors to our `ajax` service